Drafting Sermon (Prophet Sermon)

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Scripture Reading

John 6:63-69.


Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and the only way to be forgiven of our sins and have eternal life is through faith in Him.

I. Jesus is the Only Way to Know God and His Salvation

44 = Prophet
Why we need a Prophet - Sin and Ignorance. Darkness. We are blind and ignorant of God wallowing in the shadow of death (Matt 4:15-17). All light God gives in natural creation is quenched by our sinful and corrupt human natures (1 Cor 2:14). Owen note in Blue note leading to this by the way is the reason for evil in the world today. We need Christ as Prophet. The w orld needs to hear what Christ says believe and submit to it. Gospel is the only hope for the wickedness of the world. That might seem impossible today but in God even sending Christ as prophet shows that God is gracious not just to the world, but to Christians in particular.
God’s grace - flavel quote in blue note with Isaiah 49:6

Reveals God

Blue note connected to Word of God: Christ as Prophet as the Incarnate Word of God who is the perfect self expression of God the Father (Hebrews 1:3, Col 1:15) made flesh (John 1:14) so that we could know God and relate to Him - better commune and have fellowship with Him! - on our level as He has revealed Himself in His Word. As Prophet He is God Himself revealing who God is. At the same time He is fully human revealing God and communicating Him to us in human flesh that is on our level that we might know, relate, and have fellowship/communion with Him.
More than that He is God (Examples). This has Been John’s Message from the beginning (John 1:1) with note on 45 on how John shows Jesus alone has personal intimate knowledge of God and can alone reveal who God is..

Reveals God’s Will for Our Salvation

Baptist Catechism Q27: How doth Christ execute the office of a prophet? A: Christ executeth the office of a prophet in revealing to us by His Word and Spirit, the will of God for our salvation.
As prophet Jesus came preaching the gospel with verses on his preaching ministry.
Blue Note we would know something of God’s glory and goodness but never salvation.
What is darkness that Christ leads us out of.
Not just reveal but illuminates/gives us eyes to see the truth and believe it. Taste and see that the Lord is Good. by His word and Spirit (regeneration is an aspect of Christ’s Prophetic Ministry possibly use illuminate flavel note) (Also Blue note Watson: How Christ’s prophetic office ties with Irresistible Grace)
A sure word of one who descended from Heaven (John 3). Bank your life on it.
He is the fountain of all light that guides us out of darkness into salvation.


Jesus as Prophet = A. Jesus as the final and definitive Word/Only way to the Father Whoever believes in Him believes the Father. Whoever sees Him sees the Father. Whoever hears Him hears the Father’s own words. Jesus is the only way to the Father (V. 50 note) and B. God’s grace as Prophet to open our yes to salvation when in our natural state we cannot see or understand God as the natural man and C. Deuteronomy 18:18-19 . Application A-answer for all ignorance and darkness in the world. Application B. the necessity to listen to Him on the penalty of dire consequences defined in Acts 3:22-23 (I myself will require it of Him). What is His message is summarized in the rest of the passage.
Because as God’s Prophet… As God’s last… and final… and ultimate… and definitive Word now recorded for us in His written word… the Scripture… there is no one else who can reveal God and His salvation
No where else we can go to know God and draw near to the Father.

II. Jesus as Prophet Pronounced Judgment on All Who Reject Him

I do not judge = Jesus came to die for sin
Jesus does not judge because we are condemned already
Judgment will come on the last day (John 5)
By what will we be judged? Thoughts words, actions, deeds, secrets - nothing will be hidden perfect perpetual obedience.
Only answer is Christ His perfect obedience so that we are clothed in His righteousness and made acceptable to God (Revealing the sin and wickedness of our own hearts is another work of Christ’s prophetic office pronouncing judgment that we might flee to Christ).
Use transition on Note in verse 48 and say that not only true of judgment but eternal life

III. Jesus as Prophet Promised Eternal Life to All Who Believe in Him

What to say and what to speak - you must be born again and other examples
God’s grace in the commandment being eternal life

Eternal Life

Living Water

Resurrection From the Dead

Manifested in Signs (the very works the Father gave Him to do John 5:36)

Application on verse 49. Faith and obedience. Believe/Receive Christ’s word (John 12:48 receive Christ words; John 6:63 His words are life) John 1:12 = the result)and keep His Word (John 8:31, John 15). Prophet means we hold fast to Him as the only and all-authoritative source of All truth. He is our guide, our light, and our life. We live all our lives according to His Word.


John 5:23-24.

Let’s Pray

John 12:44-50 closes out the first half of the Gospel and gives us a summary of the first half of the book and Jesus’ ministry as a whole.
You see the Book of John theologically is usually thought of in terms of two books.
The first half is the Book of Signs which focus on Christ and His ministry.
Who is Jesus?
What did He say and what did He do?
The second half is the Book of Glory or the book of the Passion which focuses on Jesus’ private ministry with His disciples and His ultimate death, burial, and resurrection from the cross.
And with these words… the last recorded words of Jesus’ public ministry… John gives another call to faith.
John puts this here as a summary of all of Jesus’ teaching to say, “What are you going to do with Jesus?”
“What are you going to do with what He says?”
And with Christ’s own words, John closes out the first half of the book with who Christ is and what are the eternal consequences of belief and unbelief.
And the major emphasis of this passage falls on Jesus’ words Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in Him who sent me.
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