Ephesians 2:11-22 / Prep

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Lord, get through to them. Change them. Give us a taste of your word. Let the sweetness increase our desire for more of you.
Just Meditate
Questions for the passage / first illumination
They had a nickname that revealed their lack. / 11
There were true benefits in being Jewish
Imagine being without God in the world / 13
“he himself is our peace” - your peace is a person, not just a feeling
saved by the same blood
Same Father
New temple
We are a dwelling place for God
Mood/Emotion of the Passage
Hopeful, unifying
None for now
Cross References / Passages that illustrate
None for now
Context / Overview
“Race and culture separate people in the natural world. In Christ the walls of separation (v. 14) are torn down.” W. C. Fields, “Ephesians,” in The Teacher’s Bible Commentary, ed. H. Franklin Paschall and Herschel H. Hobbs (Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1972), 746.
“To be called “uncircumcised was a Jewish term of derision.”” - esv study
“Many people suggest different ways to come near to God. Some think you can come by keeping the law or by belonging to a group (such as Israel or even the church). But the only way to be brought near to God is by the blood of Christ. What Jesus did on the cross, suffering as a guilty sinner in the place of guilty sinners, brings us near to God.” - guzik
“This refers to the state of harmonious friendship with God and with one another in the church.” - esv study
“There was an inscription on the wall of the outer courtyard of the Jerusalem temple warning Gentiles that they would only have themselves to blame for their death if they passed beyond it into the inner courts.” - esv study
“Strangers were complete foreigners with no rights and privileges.” - esv study
“cornerstone Refers to the first and most important stone laid in a new building. Proper placement of a cornerstone ensured a straight and level foundation.” John D. Barry et al., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Eph 2:20.
“In ancient structures it was placed at a right angle joining two walls, with the royal name inscribed on it to signify the ruler who took credit for the building’s erection.” David S. Dockery, “Ephesians,” in CSB Study Bible: Notes, ed. Edwin A. Blum and Trevin Wax (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 1874.
“Believers do not have to worship in Jerusalem today because they themselves have become the new temple of God.” - esv study
Relational application (love your neighbor)
Thinking application (mind)
Feeling application (heart, soul)
Action application (strength)
Verbal Illustrations
Billy Graham removing the separation between white people and black people
How Jews and Romans were united in their hatred for Christ. Jesus later used that moment to unite them in love.
The sign above Jesus’ cross
The sign that prevented greeks from entering the temple
Visual Illustrations
Questions/arguments they may have for the text
Pre outline
Main Ideas of the text
So what?
What would this look like lived out?
Title ideas
Bigger than yourself!
Solving Racism
A new Community
Potential Outlines
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