How to be a Great Christian
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Read Mark 10:39–40 “They said to Him, “We are able.” So Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized; but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared.””
GOAT (goat pic)
Who knows
what that means?
According to CBS sports
does anyone know the GOAT of basketball?
Michael Jordan! (mj pic)
Greatest sprinter of all time?
Usain Bolt! (bolt)
Tom Brady!
And according to statistics
the greatest soccer player of all time?
Ronaldo! (ronaldo)
When we think of greatness
we think of victory
loud cheering
and applause.
But to God
is more
than trophies.
In fact it is quite different
than what the world
and what you think.
One of the biggest causes
of depression
and mental health problems
for teens
is constant comparison.
Comparing grades
comparing physical attributes
and appearance.
I want to tell you
those things
don’t make you great.
I want you to be free
from the unfair
and unhelpful
and expectations
the world gives you.
That’s why
the title today is
How to be a Great Christian.
So that you can please God
rather than man.
1. Be humble (v.35-39a)
1. Be humble (v.35-39a)
As Christians we are to be humble.
James and John however were not being humble.
Look at v.35, Mark 10:35 “Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Him, saying, “Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask.””
First we see James and John. They were part of the 12 apostles. However within that 12 apostles,
there were 3 apostles who were even closer to Jesus:
Peter, James, and John.
So for a variety of reasons,
that the two brothers
were the closest to Jesus,
felt that they could ask Jesus for anything.
They wanted to use their personal connection,
and leverage that
for their own glory.
They asked Jesus
to receive
the highest honors in heaven.
Look at vv.36-37, Mark 10:36–37 “And He said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” They said to Him, “Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory.””
Jesus asks
what they want him
to do for them.
And they asked
to be seated on his right
and left in his glory.
What they were really doing
was seeking
their own glory
and honor.
the problem with James and John
was that they were
And that was because
they lacked humility.
When you are not humble
you seek
what’s best for you
but not others.
And that was James and John.
They were seeking
to benefit themselves
rather than others.
They wanted to attain glory
and honor
for themselves,
because they believed that,
that was their reward for following Jesus.
Many of the Jews in Jesus’ day
especially Pharisees,
expected the Messiah
to defeat all their enemies,
including the Romans,
and expected to dominate the world,
have people serve them
as they sit in positions of high status,
and prosperity forever.
In other words
they see the Messiah
as a comic book super hero
who would take them to their wildest dreams.
Where the world would bow down
and serve them.
You see
Jesus’ second coming
will be one of power and of judgement
as we see in Revelation.
But the problem
is Jesus’ first coming
was to be of pain,
and sacrifice.
And this was taught clearly
in the Old Testament
look at Isaiah 53:4
4 Surely our griefs He Himself bore,
And our sorrows He carried;
Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isaiah taught that the Messiah
is someone
that people would hate
and not esteem
or honor him.
That he would bear grief
and sorrow
and that the Jews
would assume
that he was cursed by God.
This was prophesied
about the Messiah
hundreds of years
before Jesus even came.
But these were the things
that James and John
were unconcerned about.
They were so focused on the fantasy
of the Messiah
who would bring them
glory and honor,
and servants at their beck and call
that they became so self-absorbed.
This is what happens
when you are not humble.
It even twists
you see things.
How you read
the Bible.
Even when it clearly teaches
that the Messiah
would suffer
you can’t see it.
Because you twist it
to make it all about you.
When you are not humble
you distort
around you
into your own fantasy.
The sun revolves around you.
It’s about ‘me, me, me’.
Instead of how
can I serve God
and others
it’s what can I get today
at church
and when you don’t like it
or you feel bored
you leave.
People like James and John
who twist
into something that’s all about Jesus
into something all about you.
So Jesus challenged them
on their prideful attitude.
Look at v.38 Mark 10:38 “But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?””
First Jesus says
‘you do not know what you are asking.’
There is a little irony with this statement.
Because in the previous verses
Jesus tells them
that He is going to die
and rise again.
Mark 10:33–34 (NKJV)
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and deliver Him to the Gentiles; and they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit on Him, and kill Him. And the third day He will rise again.”
The very leader that they follow
is going to die
a very painful death.
And the very next thing they ask is,
‘give us the best honors, and the best rewards’.
When Jesus is about to die
whats on their mind is
Because they were not humble.
of humility
made them not care
about others.
And not even themselves!
They were so blinded
by their hopes and dreams of glory
that they completely
missed the fact
that following Jesus
means that they
would also have to suffer and die.
The cup and baptism Jesus refers to
is the suffering
and death
he is about to experience.
Jesus is saying
are you ready
to suffer
and die
just like me?
James and John respond in v.39, Mark 10:39 “They said to Him, “We are able.”
‘we are able’.
You know
when your friend
is given an impossible challenge
and say,
‘Nah I’d win’.
‘I’m him’.
And you
just stand there
in awe
of how foolish
they sound.
what’s going on here.
James and John
are basically saying
is ‘I’m the guy!’
‘I’m him!’
Do you remember
that Jesus
gave these two brothers
a nickname?
Anyone remember?
Sons of Thunder.
Because they were so eager
and passionate.
And here they were
too eager
Not humble.
What’s funny
is that we know
what happened
when Jesus was crucified.
Instead of standing alongside with Him
dying with Him
they ran away
and abandoned Him.
When a time
for them came
to show God’s greatness
they failed miserably.
Did you know
that 50 percent
of men
that on a plane
If the pilots
became incapacitated
that they would be able
to land a plane?
Plane landing
by the way
is done manually
by the pilots.
How foolish is that?
Just as foolish
are when people
A retired NBA player
This is Brain Scalabrine (brian scal pic)
The NBA usually has around 500 players
in a given season.
This man is always ranked at the bottom 50.
He is arguably
The worst player
in the NBA.
And not looking
physically impressive.
Who thinks
they can beat him
in a 1v1?
People challenge him all the time
to 1v1s.
Because he doesn’t seem very good.
It was so ridiculous
he would even get a TV Show
called the Scallenge.
Where people from rec league players
to D1 college players
would challenge him
and you know what happens?
he would smoke them all.
Not too long ago
a high schooler (tiktok brian)
who was in shape
and above average
in basketball
an out of shape Brian
and got destroyed
be humble.
Look at what Paul wrote,
Philippians 2:4–5 (ESV)
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,
Philippians 2:8 (ESV)
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Don’t think
you are better
than what you think you are.
Because not only
do you make a fool
of yourself
it hurts
If you want to be great
be humble.
2. Expect challenges (v.39b-40)
2. Expect challenges (v.39b-40)
So how does Jesus respond?
Does he say,
don’t worry
there is no suffering or pain here,
only health and wealth come and join!’
Jesus responds,
Mark 10:39 So Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized;”
Mark 10:40 “but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared.””
Jesus is saying
Christians will also
like Him.
And that you must trust
in God
to faithfully
reward believers.
In other words
and challenges
are to be expected.
And yet
so many people
come to Christianity
with the wrong expectations.
That following Jesus
means a life full
of good health
and smooth sailing.
A happy family
no sadness
and a community
of good friends.
And you know what?
God does
promise those things
in the future
when He restores the world
in a new creation
when Christ returns.
But now
there will be hardship
and challenges.
The problem
is that so many people
following Jesus
means they will receive
this perfect
pain-free life
So then
what do you do
you believe in Jesus
the perfect life right now
your family
is not getting along?
The youth group
at church
is not
how you like it?
The people are not
exactly your type?
are not opening
and teachers
are treating you
And now
when people
make fun of them
for believing in Jesus
and they get mistreated
for their faith
they get mad at God
or question
His existence.
Some even
their church.
So what
is the solution?
Ask yourself
what are my expectations
from God
from church?
Do I expect God
to answer me
at my beck and call
and serve me
whatever I ask
on a platter?
Do I expect church
to provide
the perfect
program for me?
If you have the wrong expectations
about God
about church
selfish expectations
then you need to readjust them
to the biblical expectations
that you must expect challenges.
That life is not about you
but about
following God
even when
it’s not easy.
A man
Planet Fitness
a gym. (planet fitness pic)
Have you heard of Planet Fitness?
Only $10 a month.
He said
that he joined
Planet Fitness advertised
‘a judgement-free zone’.
So he went in to the gym
and began
to remove his clothes
and do yoga
naked in the gym.
he was arrested
for this sus behavior.
And it was because
he had the wrong idea
of ‘judgement-free zone’.
He thought
it meant
encouraging body positivity.
But what that actually means
is a judgement-free zone
where no one makes fun of you
if you are overweight
or can’t do
certain exercises.
In other words this man
had the wrong expectations
about Planet Fitness.
And he looked like a fool
for doing so.
don’t be like that guy.
Have the right expectations
about following Jesus.
Because if you don’t
the consequences
are far worse
than looking like a fool.
On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
People on judgement day
with the wrong expectations
about following Jesus
will be sent to eternal punishment.
And they
are going to look
a lot more foolish
than that planet fitness man
But I also want to encourage you.
That even though
Jesus tells us to expect
a challenging life
He promises this:
John 16:33 (NIV)
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Students if you want to be a great Christian
expect challenges
but have joy
have hope
because Jesus is with you.