John 3:16-The Greatest Rescue Mission (June 30, 2024-Family sunday-20 minutesish)
Intro: Dunkirk?
The wrath of God is a difficult notion to hold together with the love of God, also affirmed in this chapter (16). The place from which to view these divine perfections in their mutual relationship is the cross, to which John will bring us before long. At this point, however, we should note that the Bible in general, and Jesus in particular, take the wrath of God with an awesome seriousness. For Jesus, God’s wrath is not the outworking of some impersonal principle of retribution. It is a personal reality. God personally resists those who resist him. Further, God’s wrath, unlike our fitful and often uncontrolled emotion, is without sin or error in its exercise
Regeneration also makes clear the radical difference between Christians and non-Christians. We are either one or the other, born again, or dead in sins; we have come to the light, or are still in darkness; we are saved from condemnation, or under condemnation. There is no middle ground. We may not necessarily recall the details of our regeneration. That is not the primary issue, which is that we are now living in constant dependence on Jesus Christ as our living Lord and Saviour and growing in our spiritual life, which is God’s ever-renewed gift