Ordinary Follower Extraordinary Influence

Ordinary Followers Extraordinary Influence  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Known as the brother of Simon- Peter.
Was a fisherman and lived in Capernaum. From the small village of Bethsaida up the coast of the Sea of Galilee.
Andrew is first introduced in scripture as a disciple of John the Baptist.
Andrew was a student of his religion. An astute learner but still middle of the pack. However, to stay with John the Baptist meant that Andrew likely had a toughness and discipline to live in the wild for periods of time and eat the diet of the Baptizer (Locusts and wild honey)
Andrew left to follow Jesus (Jn 1) when the Baptizer pointed out the Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Andrew along with John the beloved stays with Jesus for the rest of the day and believes that Jesus is the Messiah.
It is because of the power of this belief he brings Simon- his brother to Jesus.
History in Scripture and Tradition
Writing of the 3rd century apocryphal text titled Acts of St. Andrew tells us that church tradition teaches that Andrew goes into evangelistic mission in Greece and Turkey, (Modern day Ukraine and southern Georgia). Eusebious writes of that Andrew went as far as Sycthia.
He is the Patron Saint of Ukraine, Russia, and Scotland. Scotland’s flag is shaped like the cross that Andrew was crucified on. Nero was emperor of Rome and Andrew is slated to have been martyred in 60. A.D. It was in the province of Achaia in the area of southern Greece. One account states that he lead the governor's wife to conversion and the governor put him to crucifixion.
Had Andrew tied to the cross instead of nailed to prolong suffering. The cross was shaped like an X (Saltire) at the request that Andrew like his brother Peter was unworthy to die in the same manner of Jesus. As a result Andrew hung for two days before death. During that time he preached the Good News of Jesus from the cross.

The Ultimate Influence

First follower of Jesus.
One of the inner circle.
A faithful man in background.
Andrew valued people
Once Andrew realized and believed that Jesus was the Messiah he immediately gets Simon=Peter, his brother and shares the message. He goes to the person he loves the most and brings him to Jesus.
Andrew brought the small child with the 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus.
He brought the gentiles to Jesus early in his ministry when others were uncomfortable.
Andrew knew people needed to meet Jesus and that Jesus desired to meet the people who responded to His words.
Andrew was an evangelist! He brought individuals not crowds. It wasn’t the power of his speech but the concern for others in his heart. Peter preached to thousands and Andrew walk beside individuals.
Conversion takes place more often than not through the influence of relationships. C.S. Lewis witnessed the death of his mother and the ferocity of war and became an atheist. But he would later become one the most influential voices in history because of the faithful fellowship of his friends J.R.R. Tolkien, G. K. Chesterton, and MacDonald.

All The Small Things

Andrew didn’t take lightly that the small and insignificant things when given to the power of Jesus were made powerful and miraculous.
Jesus is preaching and it is growing late in the day and the disciples become concerned about the people’s well-being. Jesus commands the followers to “give them something to eat” Philip states that it is impossible to buy enough food with what they have to give each person a little.
An impossible task indeed. but Jesus doesn’t command us to do what unwilling to bring to fruition. Jesus knew what was going to happen. He wanted to see of those that followed him were willing to see the possibility rather than the impossibility. Andrew comes forward with a young boy and his lunch. 2 fish and 5 barely loaves. Andrew doesn’t know what Jesus is going to do, he only is being obedient by bringing what little he has found. Jesus teaches the rest of his followers from Andrew’s activity. Don’t worry about what you can’t do. Trust in what I will do through you. You bring your little and I will make it much.
The Inconspicuous
Andrew never authored a work, preached to the multitudes, or started a church that history is aware of. In fact after the Pentecost Andrew is silent in the pages of scripture.
“Too many Christians think that because they can’t speak in front of large crowds or don’t have leadership gifts that they are not responsible to evangelize.”- John MacArthur
We serve because we love. We serve because we are humble. We do the faithful work because we trust in the one who gives the direction.
The Feast Day of St. Andrew is November 30. It is the day we remember the extraordinary influence of an ordinary fisherman who loved people to Jesus, who trust in the small things to be powerful, and walked in humility.
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