Greater Than Solomon

Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  37:52
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Show Us A Sign

V 16
Jesus has just finished casting out a demon and the mute man can now speak
the rulers are accusing him of casting it out with the power of satan
because they could not give Jesus credit of doing this in the power of God
they could not call Him the Messiah
they hated Jesus because He would not bow to their man made religion
And Jesus would always rain on their religious parade
other people are demanding a sign of Christ
some kind of Heavenly phenomena
these people are almost as bad as the Pharisees
Jesus has given sign after sign to prove that He is the Messiah
every miracle in John is a sign in fact John calls them signs
but no sign is good enough
Jesus goes on to say you are either with me or against me
V 23
these people here think that they are in the light
they were in fact called to bring the light to the nations
represent the kingdom of God to the nations
to the gentiles, the people that they despise
the people are pretending that they are interested in Jesus
But like the Pharisees they hate Jesus Because they don’t want to hear convicting messages
John 15:23 LSB
“He who hates Me hates My Father also.
that is why they demand a sign
John 4:48 LSB
So Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe.”
no sign will be good enough for them
the rich man and Lazarus
the rich man wants Lazarus to come back from the dead to go speak with his brothers
Abraham answers and tells him that they have Moses and the prophets to learn from
and if they don’t believe them- then someone coming back from the dead wont be of any help for them to believe
the excuse for not believing is -Jesus just has not proved Himself
Jesus is going on to say in V 28
Blessed are the ones who repent and believe
Jesus is making a separation between those who put their trust in and all other religions
John 14:6 LSB
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.
Jesus is going to give warnings to the gathering crowd around them
Read v 29-36

The Sign Of Jonah

Jonah who was thrown into the sea where he fell to the bottom before a fish provided by God swallowed him
and there he stayed for 3 days
before he was vomited up on land
what was the sign for the Ninevites?
V 29-30
Jonah preached the word of God to the Ninevites
he preached a message of God’s wrath against their sin
the sign that the Israelites knew was- he was dead and became alive
the miracle- an attesting sign from God
God will perform a greater miracle when He shows his approval of the sacrifice by Jesus in giving His life for His people
and that miracle is raising Jesus from the grave
V 32 these gentile will be with Jesus at the judgement to judge this evil generation
who think that they are the blessed of God
V 31 the Queen of Sheba will also be in the judgement
she came to hear the wisdom of Solomon
she came to see the judgements that Solomon Handed out
She envied the servants that ministered daily in the courts of Solomon
the mighty empire that he reigned over
but a greater than Solomon is here
Who gave the wisdom to Solomon
who’s Judments will be Just
who’s empire will extend around the world
the the Kingdom of peace
the Kingdom of prosperity
where the kings of the nations will come to Jerusalem to pay homage to the king of kings
a greater than Solomon is here
The king of Kings that Solomon will bow down to
Wont you come and bow to the king
wont you call on the name of the Lord and be saved
Every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord
whether in this life or next
Christ died to save sinners
wont you repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved ?
all of our sin will be judged by the King of the world
for all of the unbelievers their the judge will sit on his throne and the books will be opened
and then will be thrown into the lake of fire
the ones who put their trust in Jesus to save them
their sin was judged on the cross
The Father poured out His Just-full wrath upon Jesus
because He was carrying the our sin upon himself
these people Jesus was talking to had an issue with seeing who Jesus is
V 33
a light is made to be seen -to illuminate the room
the lamps in this time period were very primitive
very hard to light so you use it very efficiently
Jesus is the light of the world
He came to bring light into a dark world
John 3:19–21 LSB
“And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light lest his deeds be exposed. “But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been done by God.”
the problem that some people have is they dont want to see Jesus as the light
their eyes are blinded
V 34-35
the light people see is the false illumination of a false religion
they think that what they have is the light
just as Jesus was speaking with this evil generation who rejects Jesus for a false light
satan discuses himself as a angel of light
so watch out the light you have is not darkness in disguise
watch out that the light you are following is the true light
V 36
King Jesus illuminates your life when He is King in your life
wont you put your faith in Him
Don’t wait for a sign
The Father resurrected Jesus from the grave as the greatest sign
the next great event is the resurrection of the church
to go home to be with our King forever
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