In Defense Of The Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity allows us to understand the Persons of God in their unity and in their distinctness.
Why This Topic?
Can We Understand the Trinity?
Why Is The Trinity Important?
Why is there confusion?
Augustine once wrote, “The New [Testament] is in the Old [Testament] concealed; the Old is in the New revealed.”
Where Do We Find Answers?
Support For The Trinity
Summary of this truth
The Bible also clearly teaches that the Father, Son, and Spirit are not identical with one another or merely different masks God wears according to particular times or functions. The Father, Son, and Spirit are “persons” who interact with one another and with us in distinct ways. Because each person of the Trinity is fully God, they share the same purpose and activity, but the ways they think and act are distinctive to each.
The Oneness of God
What are we trying to say here? ‘God is one in His essential being or constitutional nature,’ writes Louis Berkhof. But what does that mean? It means that God cannot be divided or split up. You cannot have a collection of pieces which are less than God, put them together, and have God! He is not like a jigsaw. Nor is he like a human body, made up of many organs. You cannot add eternity and unchangeability and all-power and holiness together, and make up God. He is not made up of parts. He is indivisible. He is one. All of him is eternal. All of him is unchangeable. All of him is all-powerful. All of him is holy.
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit being of ‘the same substance’. We shall not mean that they are composed of the same ‘stuff’. We shall mean that although they are distinct, they are the same one God. All that God is is the Father. All that God is is the Son. All that God is is the Holy Spirit. Each one is all that God is.
The Three Distinct Persons of God
The Father Is God
Jesus, the Son, Is God
Of all the men and women who have walked this earth, only of Jesus Christ can it be said that his life did not begin when he was born. He existed before that time. He was in the beginning, and all things were made by him
The Holy Spirit Is God
Not All Are The Same
Generation is an act of the Father alone. Only the Son can be said to be begotten. Procession can be ascribed only to the Holy Spirit.