The God of Truth

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  36:52
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The world that we live in, is upside down. Men trying to become women and women men. Doctors are even self diluted with the teaching that this is possible.
Ever since covid 19, I don’t think anybody trusts the media.
The question that many people are asking, is what is truth?
There are many who are telling an idiocentric lie that truth is relative.
Truth changes based upon your experiences.
Matthew 7:24-27
Jesus says this, directly after the sermon on the mount.
The sermon on the mount was a sermon on practical living.
What do you do in this circumstance, in that circumstance.
Jesus makes a bold statement in this passage.
“If you hear, and do, you will be solid.
Truth is not relative.
What was true then, is still true today.
What is a handhold we can cling to in times of uncertainty?
John 18:38 “Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”
How do you know what is good, right, beautiful?
John 18:37
John 18:37 (ESV)
For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”
Jesus stated that he came to bear witness to the truth...
Jesus came to reveal what truth is.

Truth Comes From God

Jesus is the:


John 17:15-17
We will be remaining as exiles here in this world.
But we are to be different, set apart from those in this world.
To be kept from the evil one, is to be transformed by the word of God.
Sanctify them in your truth.
To sanctify is to set apart, to be made holy.
It is expected that as we come into contact with the truth of God. We will be changed.
What we know in our minds, must be worked out by our hands.
Notice what the truth is that will be changing us, “your word.”
What is the source of truth? God, He is the one from which truth proceeds.
Romans 12:2
To be shaped by our thinking.
What we know in our minds, will be worked out with our hands.
If you believe the lies this culture is telling you.
You will live a hopeless, and in the end a meaningless life, like they do.
Some things in this world seem downright stupid and rebellious, because they are.
They are rebelling against the way they were created.
That’s why it appears foolish to everyone looking on, it is foolish, because it is against the truth.
That’s why God calls us to be transformed.
This happens by our lives being renewed.
We are sanctified by the truth, and that changes everything about you.
Understanding who God is took Moses, who was hiding in the mountains tending sheep. To a who stood against the most powerful man in the world at that time. And led a nation from slavery, to freedom.
Understanding the truth took Gideon, from being a coward, grinding wheat in the wine press. To being warrior leading the armies of Israel against their oppressors.
Knowing the truth led Amy Carmichael. To go to India, and rescue children from temple slavery.
As our minds are transformed by the truth of scripture, it should lead us to action.
To know what action to take, we need to discern.
As we are transformed, we can put the different things in this world to the test against the word of God?
If you aren’t spending time in the word, in prayer. You are un-descerning concerning the will of God.
As we spend time with God in His word and in prayer, our minds will be renewed. That is when we will truly know what God considers good. What is acceptable in the eyes of God, and what is perfect.


He was the walking embodiment of truth.
John 1:10-14
The word of God is truth.
The word became flesh.
Jesus, the walking word dwelt among us.
Full of Grace.
Full of Truth.
We have have been so blessed, as to have had the embodiment of truth walking the face of earth.
How He lived, is recorded for us within sacred scripture.
Do you take advantage of the blessing of the word of God that you have been given?
The very life and words of Jesus. The embodiment of truth. Is laid out before you, have you studied Him?
Talking to one man who thought Jesus was harsh.
He was full of grace.
What He said, needed to be said.


Saint Augustine said “All truth is God’s truth.”
What this means is that all the truth that we find and discover, it all ties back to God.
What is 2 + 2?
Why will it always be 4?
God is unchangeable.
The laws and rules He has written in this world will never change.
The truths that we discover in this world…If they are true!
There are some things such as evolution being the origin of life that they try to pass off as truth, but is in fact a great deception, driven by an agenda by the religion of secularism.
If we discover truths, facts in this world. They reveal to us things about God, for all truth proceeds from God.
John 15:26-27
The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth.
He is the one who truth proceeds from.
When He comes, he will reveal to us how all things add up to Jesus being God, and how all truth is contained, and proceeds from Him.
Let us diligently seek the truth that is found in God, that we might not be tossed to and fro by the ever changing lies in this world.
Let us stand upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ, recognizing that all truth is from Him alone.
Let’s also spend time with Him in the word and in prayer. That our minds might be transformed by the word of God.
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