Don't pray to impress others || Matthew 6:5-8 || Jose Brevil

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Prager is probably one of the most neglected spiritual discipline of a me deliver last time when we study then this section here in chapter 6 is about our religious righteousness. So in chapter 5 looked at our moral righteousness and hear Jesus as we continue on The Sermon on the Mount Jesus here is talking about our worship and Jesus be three areas to focus when our worship last week. We looked at giving and this week here. We looking at praying it is always interesting to me that when Jesus is going to tell us about worship that he better start talkin about singing songs by Cheese's spic. I'll pray you're giving and fasting. As a Wonder Bible a preacher puts that you do all of us. We need to have a Converse the conversion of our mine the conversion of our hearts and also a conversion of our wallet or coronavirus or conversion of our purse, but he says that the wallet or the person is usually the last to be converted Jesus giving while a lot of us struggle with giving because the Bible says where your treasure is there your heart will your where your treasure is there? Your heart will be also and a lot of us we are very tight on money. We like it coming in, but we don't like it going out but Jesus here is talking a when it comes to our worship. Jesus is saying One way that you worship me is flu. You're giving because Jesus is saying here hate worship is more about our lifestyle our attitude about our action did it is about singing songs, which typically in the culture when we looking at worship. We think about singing songs, but Jesus you when Jesus was speaking three examples about what our true worship should be people giving if it's prayer and he fix fasting a prayer is one of probably the most neglected spiritual discipline. Some of us fasting is not even in our radar has he will get to it in a few weeks when we get there with all of us struggle with prayer the moment you decide to pray you get a phone call you get a text the moment you decide to pray. There's another distraction that comes in the moment you decide to break apart come to mind as one thing that I forgot to do. And then you will not go. Let me just do this quickly. Let me just do that quickly. Let me reply to that message. Let me go ahead and just do this do this do this and then It's the end of the day. It's time to sleep. I'm so tired. You just get on the bed in.

Is he I'm sure that most of you is not all of you can identify with this is that prayer does not come easily for most of us cuz most of us we will do everything but pray. And a lot of us, we do more like recall parachute prayers 55% of Americans say that they do pray but usually they are parachute. Get me out of trouble prayer. Edna

if when you start to pray is only when you're in trouble that means you are already in trouble. God wants our praying to be a regular thing. God doesn't want us to neglect prayer as we do. This is a spiritual discipline that God requires from every believer. And it is interesting to me that the disciples did not ask Jesus how to preach or how to evangelize how to perform Miracles but the disciples the question they asked Jesus was how can we pray?

So that means that they saw something different about Jesus life than they have seen in any other people that they've been around as you read for the gospel often. You see Jesus they say that Jesus went away to pray he reveal himself to pray. He went to the mountain to pray where Jesus removed himself from the crowd to pray. So they must have seen a pattern with Jesus here that they've never seen before all their Jesus performed a lot of Miracles. Although I Jesus was the greatest preacher who ever lived. But what they asked Jesus for teach us to pray and we know Deborah disciple struggled with prayer if you remember when Jesus was in The Garden of Gethsemane YouTube Peter John and Jim's I believe with him to pray in Jesus went away separate from them to pray. But every time Jesus went back what but what happened do you remember?

Fell asleep. Kind of reminds me when I was a kid growing up at home. My brother is closest to me in age. My mom was always tell us to kneel before the bed and pray make a spray but usually You know, how we doing?

Well, we are in front of the bed to pray. The praetor is one of the spiritual disciplines that is that doesn't come easy for us to understand them. A lot of us really just do not fully understand how it all works safe to very famous a preacher's went in and pray that the same Crusade together one of them with the Calvinists. That means that they believe once saved always saved and thinking that you know, I hate everything just depends on God, it's not really what we do that makes a difference. The other one was on the harmonies Shamanism wish to believe that ate a lot of it depends on our action. The preacher was a calvinist went on and prayed. He just laid there were staying in the same hotel room. You just went and pray God we commit olders all that we've done in your in your hands today all the words that have been spoken and we pray father that you will work in the people's heart that you will save them in Jesus name. Amen. He got on his bed and just ready to sleep the other creature. I looked at him I miss her so and so is that what your Calvinism has done to you? He said I just leave it in God's hand. I just pray then the other preacher was on Auburn isn't weirded least I can in the lot of that woman that has to do their part. He went on and knelt down before his bed and just started praying and praying hard to God, you know, make your word. You know, let's do our part of the people change and he's going crazy on his prayer and then 2 hours later. The preacher the Calvinism was already sleeping by then and then woke up and when he woke up into the night when you look over to his friends bad, I guess he heard him. He was sleeping also, but the only difference is that he was sleeping on his knees. A little time would we like to pick on each other about our praying but really what God calls us to do is to pray see one of them was criticizing the other your prayer was too short and then the other one we tried to play a long prayer ended up in the same place just sleeping except in different positions to do is that all of us need to pray we do not pray for a show God calls us that when we're praying we pray to him sincerely because remember prayers an act of worship and in the Book of John in the Bible says Those Who worship me must worship me in spirit and in truth. So if you're playing to impress others It's just not going to work. Can I do something about where sometimes we don't even know what to pray for Romans? 8:26 is likewise the spirit helps in our weakness, but we do not know what to Or as we give you praise and get me out of it Deliverance Prayer, but actually what you need is to be going through what you're going through so that your character can change so that God can do the work that he needs to do in you. But it says the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. I think there are some problems that you faced. You don't even know how to pray, right? And God is saying that's why our worship must be in spirit and in truth, which means that our praying must be in spirit and in truth our praying needs to be sincere. You see again? As I already said don't use pray you're as a parachutes in the Book of Judges 10:40, and it says go cry out to the gods whom you have chosen let them save you in the time of your distress. See here in the Book of Judges people did whatever they wanted to do in the Book of Judges people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes in the Book of Judges people. Just did them like today. We I'm only going to do me I'm going to do what I want to do. And God is saying okay go ahead and do whatever you want to do live. However you want to do but then when you get into your problems go cry to the gods what you have chosen as your god, what is your money where your job whatever you give the priority in your life because the Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness then everything will come after so here guys saying a lot of all praying. I'm not going anywhere because God is not the priority.

The guy says that you want me to hear your prayer make sure that I am the priority in your life. And God is saying if I am them that the priority that it's all about you you do whatever you want to do go to whatever is more important to you and let them answer your prayer. This is an indictment to all of us here where we tend to make everything else more important than God will make everything more important than praying. We eat without even thinking about it will go to work will hang out with people will text Will phone calls will do everything else but praying. And God is say go and cry out to the gods when you have chosen. Whatever is your priority is your god. Not what you say is your priority let them save you in the time of your distress. As we already see that most Americans pray 55% pray that they just parachute prayers get me out of trouble prayer, but while God was never your priority in the first place.

So we can tell just a little prayers are not going anywhere.

And God is calling us to pray sincerely. Don't come to him just when we are in trouble. But God is saying hey. Come to me when things are going right. As it is said if you only pray when you in trouble you are in trouble. It doesn't mean that God will not hear your prayer. If you sincerely repair to the first player needs to be a prayer of repentance God forgive me that I have not made you a priority. I have not pray. I have not been sincere about my prayer. Everything else was more important to me. God. Please forgive me change my heart as I come to you right now to pray. I want to make you a priority and forgive me for just coming to you to get Richard Pryor just like our giving as it is being taught in most places today. We give to guess. That should never be the motivation of our hard when we give we give out of a gratitude to God for what God has already done for us if we're giving to get there's no reward in it. Will you get the yes the Bible says but if your motivation is to give to get your ready wrong, you give because of what God has already done just the same thing. God says you come to me and I just come to get but you come to me out of the Gratitude of your heart for all that I have already done for you.

If all of you can breathe today we have reason to pray. Because our breath can stop at any moment. And we have no control over it whatsoever. You can have the best doctor in the house next to you. And if it's your time, it is your time. There is nothing that we can do about it today or for God calls us to pray in the town with a Jewish writing. It said before misfortunes come and participate and play. This is good wisdom, right? Because it's either way coming out of a storm or we are in a storm. Are we heading toward a storm? Because we are always we always with you know, we're coming from a problem or we are in a problem right now or we just weigh. Cuz we heading toward a problem. So the Tomlin said before the problem comes anticipated the problems and start praying for your situation is always available to you. Woo here prayer to you. Shall All Flesh come. God is the one who hears prayers and that's why we need to come to God to remember Jeremiah when Jeremiah Was Jeremiah the prophet Elijah Elijah was faced with the prophets of Baal and it when the prophets of Baal they were crying out to their God. Remember Elijah Woods mocking them to keep calling to your God. They're going to come and deliver you where are they? Are they sleeping or just marking them in a little people are praying to statues.

Little people are praying to God. They can carry verses praying to God who can carry a smooth as everything. We all those false idol. See people are praying to feed that. They're taken care of.

No, you got to play to what is greater. But a lot of us are praying to lesser beings. We're worshipping at the altar of money allowed jobs, whatever it is or even our children can survive God into our life when we put them too high like on a pedestal like before God the God here saying old you with your Prager to you. Shall All Flesh. Come to our prayer needs to be directed to God. So here's the message in one sentence. When you pray. You must always try to communicate with God not trying to perform for men when we pray. We must always strive to communicate with God and not trying to impress men not trying to perform for men. Let's read the text when you pray in Matthew 6:5 we're going to rebuild verse 15, but I was This will be the worst 1528 When you pray you must not be like the Hypocrites for they love to stand and pray in the synagogue and at the street corners that they may be seen by others truly. I say to you they have received their reward, but when you prayed go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret and your father will season secret will reward you and when you pray do not Heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do four days think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him. But rather Jesus says pray like this Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil for if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, Neither will your father forgive your trespasses father? May you teach our hearts this morning? Maybe he'd to your ward this morning. And may we do everything that you have asked us to do this morning in Jesus name we pray amen. All right for instructions for instructions on prayer this morning for instructions on prayer. The first one is that player is not a performance or a show prayer is not a performance or a show here as we saw in the text. It says when you pray do not be like the Hypocrites Hypocrites are like actors in the in the time of the Greco-Roman culture the 3doodler do skaters. They love to ask, you know, when an actor would come on. Stage that would have different mass that would wear different math. It's going to say this is my happy face though. This is my sad face. They would be acting but it's not the actual person and it says when you pray do not be like the Hypocrites who is saying a when you praying going to be like an actor. They don't ask don't perform for people's When you pray you are praying to God God is the audience when you are praying says when you pray you must not be like the Hypocrites for day love to spend and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners that they may be seen by others for they love to stead and pray. There's nothing wrong with the posture of Prayer. In the Bible who sing people stand and pray people kneel down and pray we're seeing people prostrate on their face and pray the departure of player is not the problem. The reason there it says so that you may be seen by others the way that you pray. What did you stand? You kneel you you're you're you're you said. It's not the problem. Is that what is the motive of your heart? Why are you playing are you trying to impress others? It says that the Pharisees the scribes, they love to stand and pray in the synagogue and at the street corners, you see the Jewish people. They had specific times to pray of the day. Don't wear the same street corners. He's kind of a tiff is the time of player you just saying that those those people were so serious, even if they did make it to the temple at that time. They were really in that street corner. It's kind of like, you know the Muslims today when you see them just wanted to say that no time to play there will play wherever there are they'll pull down mats and just get down and pray these people they had scheduled times of player that really Jesus saying that they love to spend in the synagogue and pray on the street corners to can I get I got to miss an Hour of Prayer. Do they base be seen by others safe wherever they were the problem was that they were not talking to God they were only praying to do outside with me to be seen by others. That's what the problem is if you only bring so that people can see you Seabrook and see how eloquent that you can be that some people only pray like in King James version the Bible God toilet as a show and don't pray so that people can see. Oh he's playing he's so spiritual. But it says truly I say to you they have received their rewards. The Bible says a few play Doom, press people you already get your reward. You just wanted to see you you've been seeing the God is saying there's no reward in heaven for that and our successes. But when you pray go into your room shut the door and pray to your father is in secrets. So here's how we not doing a performance here privately go go to pray to be seen by men. Now does that mean that we should never pray publicly? Remember chapter 5 that they may see your good works and give glory to God in heaven. See it's okay to pray publicly. But if you pray to be seen by a man, that's where we have the problem. But here he's saying go cray word. Nobody's paying attention. Just go pray in secret. Nobody needs to see you praying. You have nobody to impress but when you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father isn't secret have an audience of one. When you pray Mary the prayer be to God, I'd not two men. I remember there was a guy they made pray at church and that he was praying in church. And then he said God, you know things are really bad at home right now. We could really use some food and you know also the father like a I need a car, but we just don't have it right now, but I know that you're the guy who provide What's up, I really like in Tagalog. You just praying that somebody in the assembly here would know that that you have a need to see you're making your needs known to people. But he says you're a you pray in secret and your father was season secret will reward you God is the one that will answer. Our prayers are our players need to be to God and it says when you pray do not Heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do think some people just like to pray long and long and long prayers. But really they just not saying anything you just empty phrases and it's as the Gentiles and get some religion people just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over so that God will get tired of them and finally answer their prayers when you play do that. He bought empty phrases of the Gentiles do for they think that they will be heard for their many words long prayers are not necessarily more effective than short prayers. That's what Jesus tried to teach us here. It says do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask. We don't need to say a million words to let may God hear what we have to say what we need. We need are hard to be in the right place to having the right motive. And as we pray God will answer our prayer look at a couple stories. You're in Luke 18 verse 9 through 14. Jesus told a parable. This is a terrible twosome with trusted in themselves that they were righteous and treated others. We can tap. Some of us are very self-righteous and hear Jesus is giving us a story here looking worse than two men went up into the temple to pray one a Pharisee and the other attacks selected a Pharisee spending by himself prayed to God. I think you that I am not like other men extortioners unjust adulterers or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.

But the tax collector standing far off would not even lift up his eyes. Do they have any but beat his chest? God be merciful. To me a sinner. I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled. But the one will humble themselves will be exalted. How long was this guy's prayer. Very short in comparison to the other prayer, right? God be merciful to me a sinner. He was humble. He would not even look up to God because he felt So Unworthy to God there. What does Jesus say? God heard that prayer. But the Pharisee who was praying telling God how good he was. He would let a tax collector East break got a thank you. I'm not like other men extortioners unjust adultery or little Tax Collectors. Now, he's telling Jesus about his religious activities at fast rice a week. That's pretty good Christian. You would say right some of us that's not even it out radar. I give tithe I give money off everything that I guess. You think God says I desire a contrite heart you do not sacrifice all those things we do because of what God has already done for us because God has already changed us, but those things do not get us a seat before God we do it because God has already done so much for us. But our heart when we go to God In Prayer needs to be like this man God be merciful on me because you know all my thoughts, you know my actions, you know, all my secrets scenes, you know everything about me. I mean, I know other people other people may not know but if there's anybody who knows God knows but this man went to God a God be merciful on me. I am a sinner and Jesus said this man was justified, but the other was not and Jesus says we need to come before him with a spirit of humility and Luke 20 verse 45 to 47. It says and in the hearing of all the people he said to his disciples to Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in Long robes and greetings in the marketplace and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts with the vow of widows houses in for pretense make what Long prayers there is nothing wrong with long prayers Solomon had a very long prayers in the book of 1st Kings when he was dedicating. The temple was a very long prayer. But why would those people making long prayers to impress others? Gay if you're praying that it warrants that it's a long prayer you pray like it matters. Like there's no tomorrow you keep praying until that you do but not to impress others those Pharisees describes to be glum prayers in Jesus says, they will receive the greater condemnation because Jesus Will judge apocracy. Is it some of us are all praying we think that was a spiritual activity been then? It's a good thing. But I love the way that John MacArthur puts it as his trainer is not so secret that the devil does not try to invade it. Because it's Prairie praying to God is a very sacred thing that we doing the devil is here. I can hear our prayer and try to invade. That's why our heart needs to be in the right place even preachers are guilty of this might be finishing with the sermon here and that I just give you another sermon in the prayer. Cuz I'm glad I just really want you to get the plants die. What am I praying to God or I will just give me another sermon in the prayer. You say hello there my car to put the trailer is not so secret that the devil does not try to invade it. So that's why we need to check the motive of our heart. When we praying the audience is God. Not men not any one of us. Our audience must always be God and enforce Kings than Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence of the Assembly of Israel and spread out his hands toward heaven and he prayed you see It's not that weekend that pray publicly. But the motive of our heart needs to be right because that's what it tells us. It was 20 of chapter 5 of Matthew says I tell you unless your righteousness does what exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. See that's the basis for everything that we a lining in the Beatitudes year in The Sermon on the Mount is that God is calling us to a higher standard than just religious activity. God is calling us to a higher standard to not only prayer is not a Performance Horse Show trailer is not optional. And should take place regularly for the believer prayer is not optional and the way that most of us treat player's Retreat player like an option, especially when we have problems when we Face trials. That's when we pulled that option. Look for the believer prayer is not an option. It must be a regular thing that takes place in the believer's Life. What does it say in verse 5 look at the first few with what does it say? And when you prayed if you break it says when you pray look at her six, what does it say is there but when you pray look at my 7 what does it say? It's not here it look at myself. What does it say when you pray? Is that clear next 1C Jesus says player is not optional. We have to pray a prayer your is not optional. It's something that is regular Jesus assume that the believer would pray you see a Christian with does not praise like cheese burger without cheese. You gotta if there's no cheese in there. It's not a cheeseburger.

It says when you pray When you pray see something 27 verse 8 says you have said seek my face. My heart says to you your face Lord. Do I seek? We need to seek God's face. We need to pray and do not only pray emergency prayers, but let us pray all the time let that be a lifestyle for us because the Bible says pray without ceasing. Pray without ceasing really the scribes in the Pharisees. They did that actually did talk to the Believers that the Jewish people to pray without ceasing. They had a prayer for everything. You everything that you put all that's a Praying for that prayer for that prayer for strangers God do not answer the prayers of the strangers cuz usually when people coming in and traveling the one good whether they want everything, but the farmers might need rain. Good Sister. Pray that God do not answer the prayer of the day did everything but what was the problem? The heart was not in the gas has 8 I want your heart. I don't want you to do a bunch of Mines of things mindlessly and then your heart is not in it gotta say I want your heart be in everything that you do. I want your heart to be in your praying. So here's my advice for you. If you're not playing regularly right now schedule. You got a schedule for work, don't you? You do right. You cannot show up whenever you want to. right if you have a meeting you schedule it. So the same thing for prayer schedule it schedule it until it becomes a lifestyle for you. See, I'm not asking you to be a Pharisee your schedule. Nobody needs to know about your schedule when you're going to pray but you go ahead and schedule it until it becomes a lifestyle for you that you don't even need to schedule it anymore that you just pray regularly to God and then when you're playing have an agenda don't just go play mindlessly find us a loan for years just saying a bunch of words that do not mean anything. I love to tell people pray with the Bible open. These are the best prayers as you reading your Bible. You are praying praying scripture praying what you have learned. That's why I say you're a gem. Nice to have a promise. That means the word of God goes Bible is a book of promises to as you reading the scripture pray for promise praise scripture then Parson play with somebody else. As we will see next week. What? How does the prayer start? Our Father did it say my father Give us this day our daily bread. There's no personal pronoun in the player. It's about community and seeing God has all of our father so we cannot be selfish children only praying for ourselves. So we need to pray for others and then pray for a problem. There's nothing wrong with playing for problem. The problem we have is that we only go to God we're problems.

How would you feel if somebody only comes to you? They call themselves your friend, but they only come to just come to you just for your props for their problems.

Will you call that person a friend?

They may not be friends for long. If all they come to you is for problems while they call themselves a friend. Jake's it's a relationship that you building. It's a relationship. So pray regularly and schedule it. So not only that we pray or is not a performance prayer is not optional we can play both privately and publicly but the key is not to impress others as we have already seen talked about Solomon playing publicly for the temple dedication in verse six it says but when you pray go into your room shut the door and pray to your father is in secret. That means not everybody just needs to know what you're playing you you you keep that a private and it's a focus they want you to be focused and your father was season secret will reward you too. Then when he played in that Heap up empty phrases as a gentle, but they think that they will be heard for Many words see your player. You want a lot of of your prayers to be privately where you really interceding before God. Were you really focus on God, but it would we also pray together in the service. Okay Hannah. How would we know about Hannah's Prayer if it was not public? Gahanna winning frayed Dupree steal, I heard the prayers we need to do both. But again the key is that whether we playing publicly or privately we should not do it to impress others. I know of a somebody all that they did, you know when they went at home. She was just playing playing. But you came from school. There was no food on the table. Husband come home. No food. That's the husband that went and cook for the kids. But but she's praying all day.

Something is wrong with that picture. We have responsibilities as mothers. Just take care of our family. But if you praying and it just becomes pretending. A lot of us, we're praying for sure whether it's private or public we can still do it to impress others and God wants us our prey should not be to impress others. We don't want to play mindlessly We want to make sure that our heart is in it. That's the problem with reciting prayers. You know, the Lord's Prayer is a great prayer to pray but we cannot just always just repeating the Lord's Prayer. It's a template on how we need to pray not in your the disciples asked you do teach us to pray not give us a prayer to pray. We can use that prayer sometimes to play but the brand is to come from the heart. We used it as a template to pray to know how to pray and that's where he's a little people just have a bunch of recited prayers and they just praying and then saying the same things over and over it's just It's mindless repetition. Those really are coming from Eastern religions. You know that our net is serving a god like this. For example, like in the Catholic Church, you have the Rosemary, you know the beads that they've the praying praying bunch of recited prayers this come from Buddhism. That's where they got that from the prayer. Like there's a problem with those prayers. It's my last day. I'm just repeating a prayer none under that's not what God calls us to see from our hearts and now it is all of us to the same thing also too because we might be using our words remind me saying the same thing over and over and over but doesn't mean that we should not pray for assistant lie, because remember Paul prayed three times one illness that he had. See the difference between praying persistently as opposed to pray mindlessly where our heart is not in it when we saying things to God make sure that we mean what we say that we understand what we are saying to God God wants our heart. It's prayers about a relationship with him. And lastly we need to pray expectantly and considerably so that only we pray we do not pray for a performance or show appraiser is not optional. We can pray both privately and publicly but never to impress others and lastly we need to pray expectantly and confidently when we pray look at verse 8 says do not be like them for your father knows what you need. before you even ask Somebody once asked Albert Einstein what would be a good topic for the cetacean? And Einstein replied prayer. Pray, it will be a good topic because a lot of us struggle with prayer even Einstein a very intelligent men did not understand prayer. It says God already know. So why should we pray? That's why we'll just pray to God. God already knows our needs we pray because God asks us to pray to communicate with him because God wants us to be in a relationship with him prayer is about deepening our relationship with God. It is not about God and get our laundry list answered. The prayer is about a relationship with God people are calling into prayer line praying gray money to help people pay for them. God wants you to pray with other people praying for you, but you don't need to spend money for give me what God requires is for you to have a relationship with him and then you pray. You need to go to the grocery store any seeds. God give you in the house and God gives you an opportunity to have a relationship with him read the Bible have a relationship with God and you pray you go before him. God is looking for contrite heart. God wants us to take player seriously says do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you God already knows. He just wants you to come to him to realize your need for him because it goes back to the big attitude blessed are the poor in spirit. For they shall see God God's wants you to realize your need for him. And that's why you pee. Because you realize you need him. You cannot live life without him. He is your Source used the very breath that you please. That's why you pray. That's why you go to the gym. I love the way way you can glue them puts it it says prayer is not made so that God can find out what we need. But God wants us to pray because praying your expresses our trust in God and is a means whereby our trust in him can increase the really the message in the nacho is simply this prayer is not a performance, but rather regular shows our dependence on God. So let us pray as such father help us to pray better help us Lord God to not come to you with a laundry list of things for you to answer for us, but rather father help us to come to you to just lay at your feet. Could you just increase our face do really Lord God come before you and show our dependence on you? To give it all to you to tell you exactly what's in our hearts. The father please teach us to pray teach us to pray teachers. Look God to realize our need for you. We cannot. Living this life without you. or even your word says without you we can do napping so father help us this morning to pray. It's in your name we pray. Amen. Amen. What aren't you meditate on this song right now as we sing Our Father As we sing Our Father this morning. So let's meditate on this song.

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