Epaphroditus Teaches Us Who To Praise (Philippians 2:25)
Epaphroditus Teaches Us Who To Praise
Epaphroditus Teaches Us Who To Praise
Philippians 2:25-26
GBCCR 6/19/24
Catch- Everyone praises people
Catch- Everyone praises people
I was just speaking to one of the men yesterday at men’s breakfast about people goes silent when a good-looking celebrity walks into the room
I was just speaking to one of the men yesterday at men’s breakfast about people goes silent when a good-looking celebrity walks into the room
CJ Mahaney wrote about how this happens in sports.
CJ Mahaney wrote about how this happens in sports.
If you watch any game this weekend and listen to the announcer’s commentary, then like a mantra you’ll probably hear the word great repeated throughout—great, great, great. Yet it may well be that nowhere in our culture is the absence of true greatness more evident than in professional sports.Without minimizing the skill as a gift from God, I want to direct my son’s attention to character
Without minimizing the skill as a gift from God, I want to direct my son’s attention to character …. I will draw his attention to any evidence of humility or unselfishness I observe, as well as any expression of arrogance or selfishness. I will celebrate the former and ridicule the latter.
Think about that…what we praise and call great sets a value of what is most important.
We live in a Culture of celebrities … people praised for doing nothing and being famous
This is the air we breath
Even in the church, I remember parents telling me how exciting it was that the Duggars were people on TV the kids could look up to rather than people in front
But what examples does God give for our praise?
Paul has just stated why he is not sending Timothy to the beloved Philippians right away
last time: we talked about a true friend does the most important thing and sometimes that isn’t us.
So Timothy had to stay and help Paul a while longer while he waited for the outcome of the Cesar’s decision.
But there is a second man who can be a great example for them.
There may be some who say this whole humility thing is impossible
He is giving us some examples of what to do and what not to do
So let’s see
5 SMALL traits you should praise in others
5 SMALL traits you should praise in others
Those who are Siblings in Christ
Those who are Siblings in Christ
Epaphroditus is a great example of a man who is living a life worthy of the gospel, following the example of Christ
It is interesting that his name is derived from the greek goddess Aphrodite, which shows he is probably a gentile convert…maybe even from Philippi itself.
It is interesting that his name is derived from the greek goddess Aphrodite, which shows he is probably a gentile convert…maybe even from Philippi itself.
He is also probably the bearer of the letter as v29-30 tells them to welcome him.
He is also probably the bearer of the letter as v29-30 tells them to welcome him.
& he brought Paul the gift
& he brought Paul the gift
But what’s also interesting is that he is mentioned only here in the bible, 2x. Yet he is praised and is a great example.
But what’s also interesting is that he is mentioned only here in the bible, 2x. Yet he is praised and is a great example.
Just think of all the stories we will hear one day as we learn how God used the little guys of the world, the basically unknown and the less than unknown. Hopefully how he even used you…
Just think of all the stories we will hear one day as we learn how God used the little guys of the world, the basically unknown and the less than unknown. Hopefully how he even used you…
It means those who share a same origin, like parents or a family tree… thus the brotherhood of Israel came from being connected back to father Abraham
It means those who share a same origin, like parents or a family tree… thus the brotherhood of Israel came from being connected back to father Abraham
But Jesus said
But Jesus said
John 3:6–7- “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. “Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’
So Christians have a new family connection to go along with that new birth
not just those who go to church, but those who are part of the family of God.
Jesus explained it this way.
“But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”” (Matthew 12:48–50, ESV)
Paul saw a close family relationship with Epaphroditus
Though he had a great love for his fellow Jews..
He still called the Isrealites, “my kinsmen according to the flesh” in Romans 9:3
he knew he had more in common with Gentile Epaphroditus, he respected him more than his family
A Christian brother or sister is someone who like a real brother or sister often gets on your nerves and even sins against you
But you must love them and continue to see This is a brotherhood that makes all equal
But you must love them and continue to see This is a brotherhood that makes all equal
The traits you should Praise are found in your siblings in Christ
We may forget this idea of brotherhood has not always been the case because of our American heritage
On the nation’s 150th Independence Day celebration, President Calvin Coolidge said that the principles of the Declaration of Independence were
“found in the text, the sermons and the writings of the early colonial clergy who were earnestly undertaking to instruct their congregations in the great mystery of how to live. They preached equality because they believed in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. They justified freedom by the text that we are all created in the divine image, all partakers of the divine spirit.
They may not have lived up to that standard, but the very idea of foreign to the ancient world
They did not have this equality in romans days as society was highly divided between
But believers should not have these division as we are all equally sinners and all equally saved only by Christ’s blood.
Christian writer John White says this:
“you were cleansed by the same blood, regenerated by the same Spirit. You are a citizen of the same city, a slave of the same master, a reader of the same Scriptures, a worshipper of the same God. The same presence dwells silently in you as in them. Therefore you are committed to them and they to you. They are your brothers, sisters, your fathers, mothers and children.
We celebrate the brotherhood not just of mankind, but of the christ
So think about those whose opinion or advice you value? Or those who you might think are really good?
There are good non christian businessmen out there
And there are Mormons who have well behaved kids?
Dr Phil or Oprah may have some good advice
But when you others hear who you praise most of time are they believers?And are they believers you actually know?
And are they believers you actually know?
Isn’t it great to speak about the good you see in the lives of people near you?
& Can you praise them for what they do?
I’ve spoken with those who are against praising others becuas they were raised to not give people big heads
But why does Paul bring up this brother? As an example!
We will praise someone… so go out of your way to praise a godly brother
It does not steal God’s glory to praise someone else because It comes from God
To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 1:11–12).
Ultimately God gets glory through the goodness and faithfulness he grants his people.
Trans: Paul started widely praising his brotherhood but then went deeper
Trans: Paul started widely praising his brotherhood but then went deeper
Those who make easier the work of ministry
Those who make easier the work of ministry
Those who are fellow workers
Those who are fellow workers
He is not speaking of all Christians here, but Epaphroditus was one who worked alongside him in his mission to preach the gospel.
Again, it is amazing that Epaphroditus shows up only here in the bible is mentioned as an equal with Paul.
In service of Christ there are no greater men and women or lesser, we are all equal servants.
Yes, some of different giftings or experience, but Paul saw Epaphroditus no different from himself even though he was an Apostle, called by Christ.
We can be all equal because we know that it is really God working through us.
Turn to 1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians 3:6–9 -“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.”
God has made His church different, with different gifts, and different authorities… but each is part of the work of glorifying God and serving God
Paul praised the co workers in ministry
We tend not to praise the coworkers as much as we do the leaders
I was talking to a friend recently who was trying to publish a book and couldn’t because he wasn’t famous enough
So he started writings things on twitter, got enough following and thus got a book deal just by asking people what their favorite icecream was
Will you see the worthiness of a nobody, or is it only the famous people you’re willing to listen to
Paul praised his co-workers are equal with him
You too can be equal with any Christian if you serve God alongside them…so please, Serve.
This character trait reminds us that the Christian life is one of work…working for God, working for what is impossible and seeing God come through.
And do you notice the work in others?
So easy to only look to ourselves, but do you see what people are doing around you?
Yes, the music team plays up front, but what about the people who set up in the sound table, or the kitchen, or those who serve with the kids
Paul did not take Epaphroditus’ work for granted, and neither should we.
Trans: The praise continues with the imagery of military world.
Those whose Attitude is engaged in spiritual battleThose who are fellow soldiers
Those whose Attitude is engaged in spiritual battleThose who are fellow soldiers
Those who are fellow soldiers
Those who are fellow soldiers
The phrase soldier would have been very meaningful to the Philippians.
Remember, they were founded as a roman colony by soldiers
We don’t see it very much in these days as our history isn’t out in the open
But in places like Europe there are huge statues all over the place reminding those who walk by of important people and events from their history*they knew clearly the blood that was spilt by the men who won them their city even generations before
*they knew clearly the blood that was spilt by the men who won them their city even generations before
We keep ours behind walls in museums
Sometimes we do that with our Christianity, we forget that we are all soldiers and this life is war. Yes, we have memories of past battles fought, but we only bring them out once a year
But Eph 6 calls us the armor of God for a reason… we are at war, every single day
2 Corinthians 10:4–5
“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
Christians do not fight with weapons, but with words
We do not hurt people, but we destroy their arguments with our words
But this is not just impressive academic arguments
Those can convince someone only until another impressive story tickles their ears
But Paul made clear the weapon he used in this fight against ideas was the Sword of the spiritthe very word of God
the very word of God
1 Corinthians 2:4–5- and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
Illustration point-
IF you know the history of the Holcomb hotel down town, it was the top luxury
Spurgeon said- We ought to regard the church not as a luxurious [hotel] where Christian gentlemen may each one dwell at ease in his own inn, but as a barracks in which soldiers are gathered together to be drilled and trained for war. We should regard the church not as an association for mutual admiration and comfort, but as an army with banners, marching to the fray, to achieve victories for Christ, to storm the strongholds of the foe, and to add province after province to the redeemer’s kingdom
Transition to audience= how we connect to illustration
Restate the point
So, fellow soldiers, do you praise those who are training here each week and then engaging in battle out there?
Those who are sharing the gospel with coworkers each week with a good work ethic to backup their statements?
Or a stay at home mom faithfully evangelizing her children over the years?
Or an interceding saint praying for each of your requests calling down artillery from heaven?
But may I make a quick exhortation to any here who think they are not in the war
The reality is that all of us are either servants of God or servants of sin.
So if you are not battling for Christ, if you are seeking you own way, then you are seeking the way of Satan
Religious people can be just great instruments in Satan’s hands as Atheists
Paul says 2 Corinthians 13:5- Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves
Is your life defined by the fruit of the spirit or the fruit of the flesh?are you living for what makes sense to you or seeking to obey God’s word?
are you living for what makes sense to you or seeking to obey God’s word?
Run back to the gospel of Jesus Christ, that He forgives even self-decieved sinners who have fought against him, and He can put you to work in His good service.
Trans: And part of being a good solider for Christ is taking his message out.
Those who Loyally pass on the message
Those who Loyally pass on the message
The Greek word here is apostolon, apostle, which means messenger
Good to remember that technical terms in English are not always the same thing in Greek.
There were many lowercase apostles in the early church. Barnabas, Silas, Timothy.
But they all lacked the phrase “of Jesus Christ.”=the title Paul always used (See Col 1:1)
=the title Paul always used (See Col 1:1)
Colossians 1:1- Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God…
These are the people Paul says foundationally set the teaching of the church
Ephesians 2:20- having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,
INSTEAD, Ephroditus is like the ones mentioned in 2 Cor 8
And as for our brothers, they are messengers [Apostles] of the churches, the glory of Christ. (2 cor 8:23)
There is the whole debate of whether Junia in Romans 16 is a female apostle, but that doesn’t really matter because it is just one who faithfully represents the church, not the authoritative foundation of the church
There is the whole debate of whether Junia in Romans 16 is a female apostle, but that doesn’t really matter because it is just one who faithfully represents the church, not the authoritative foundation of the church
Your messenger = a messenger from the church in Philippi.
They sent him to Rome where Paul was to provide their support and gift mentioned in ch 4.
Illustration point- Epaphroditus is praised because he was a loyal apostle messenger, bringing their hope to Paul
Envoys are not needed in our day of instant communication… just send a text off or facetime with your grandkids like my parents do
But the early church needed people to carry letters by foot.
They had runners who could take your letter for you (like the pony express which would go from station to station).
Even today we understand the benefits of dialogue of an envoy vs monologue of a leter
envoy was more personal, he could represent you and answer any question as if he was the sender.
We are to praise people who loyal messengers of Christ
In some ways we are called to be messengers, telling Christ’s message.
Every time you drive off this property you are a messenger of GBC,
Reverberation (also known as reverb), in acoustics, is a persistence of sound after it is produced.
Reverberation (also known as reverb), in acoustics, is a persistence of sound after it is produced.
That echo that you hear after a first sound is made
It goes longer when the sound waves hit something and are reflected back by it rather than absorbed
(that could be why the echo in this room gets too bad)
If you have the right surfaces, then it even can get louder
The church congregation is supposed to be the reverb to the word of God
The church congregation is supposed to be the reverb to the word of God
We take the truth given to us by the preaching of the word and then we go share it with others and do it
Trans: We praise Siblings in Christ, The fellow workers in ministry, those with the attitude of battle, the loyal messengers, and lastly
Those who are Lowly Servants.
Those who are Lowly Servants.
Those who are ministers.
Those who are ministers.
Paul calls Epaphroditus a servant. But not the same a slave
But not the same a slave mentioned last week.
To minister= the work done by priests in the tabernacle
Romans 15:16- uses the same word“
“to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.”
A priest would stand between God and man and serve both. Bringing the required teaching from god, offering the sacrifice, and telling of the promised forgiveness.
But under the new Covenant we are all called to be priests (1 peter 1:5)*No longer a time where only certain priests have access to God, we all do.
*No longer a time where only certain priests have access to God, we all do.
Flip to all Christians are called to do the work of ministry together
Ephesians 4:11–12- And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
We don’t’ know what Epaphroditus’ work was, or even if it was something the church asked him to do
We know that he ministered to Paul as a priest, caring for his soul as well as his physical needs.
Remember, the state did not care for prisoners, so he gave Paul a huge gift by coming and providing the funds necessary.
But most importantly, he gave himself. A sacrificial servant. And that service cost him something.he became greatly sick, near death. As we shall see
he became greatly sick, near death. As we shall see
We are to praise those who are lowly servants
I don’t think there are man boasting farmers
They work hard but their work is so dependent on other factors
“Priest like ministry” is that hard work of working in a field. Hard soil needs to be broken up. Seeds need to be planted, watered, pruned.
Ministry is not easy, but there is nothing so sweet as slicing up some homegrown tomatoes for your burger or salad.
You know the difference and praise others for the great food. Not to get something out of them, just because the food is sooo delicious.
Praise those who are lowly servants around you
We should praise people who are a blessing to others. Those who care for their needs, but also care for their souls.
Idea of mercy ministries…being kind to care for others should lead to acting as a priest and speaking to their souls.
Again, praise those you see doing this.I received a card once when I was in
I received a card once when I was in highschool, still no idea who it came from. Encouraging me in what I did for others, still have it today.
Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
Little known Ephaphroditus gives us a standard for what to pray in others, even if they are small in the world’s eyes
So Look for those who are
Those who are Siblings in Christ
Those who Make easier the work of ministry
Those whose Attitude is engaged in spiritual battle
Those who Loyally pass on the message
Those who are Lowly Servants.
We know we must (Resolution)-
We know we must (Resolution)-
Most of us are not on TV like the superbowl, we don’t have stats on the internet, or sign autographs.
Definitely not million dollar commercials being played and ranked.
But we have announcers commenting on our lives and we comment on others.
What do you call great? Who do you tell others about?
Who do you praise?
Cj Mahaney speaks about one of the best ways out deal with spiritual pride is seek to point out the grace of god in others. So look for what God is doing and tell them. Praise God for what he is doing in their lives.
*Paul’s opening letters always with praise.
Can I encourage you to look for the right things to praise and then actually point them out.
Can I encourage you to look for the right things to praise and then actually point them out.
Closing prayer
Closing prayer
Lord, grant us a focus on what you praise.
So we pray along with the Valley of Vision, God
So we pray along with the Valley of Vision, God
May we answer the great end for which we were made
to glorify thee who hast given me being, and to do all the good I can for my fellow men;
Yet, Lord, how little is this the thought of mankind!
Most men scem to live for themselves,
without much or any regard for thy glory, or for the good of others;
They earnestly desire and eagerly pursue the riches, honours, pleasures of this life, as if they supposed that wealth, greatness, merriment, could make their immortal souls happy;
But, alas, what false delusive dreams are these!
And how miserable ere long will those be that sleep in them, for all our happiness consists in loving thee, and being holy as thou art holy.
Help me to know continually
that there can be no true happiness, no fulfilling of thy purpose for me,
apart from a life lived in and for the Son of thy love.
[1] https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf
[i]Practicing affirmation pg 24
1. Can you compare What qualities Paul praised inEpaphroditus vs what the world around you praises?
2. What do you normally find impressive and praiseworthy in other people? Are those bad things? How can you make sure you focus on the best things?
3. Which attribute of Epaphroditus’ character do you like seeing in others the most?
4. Which are your weakest in? Strongest?
(brothers, helpers, soldiers, messengers, ministers)