Idols of the Heart
Idols in the Heart
Exodus 20:4-6
• God thunders His ten words/commands from Sinai
with sights and sounds that terrify the people of
• The First Command:
1. Asserts God’s right to exclusive rule
2. Excludes atheism and pluralism
3. Establishes God’s right to dictate worship
• The Second Command – God begins to form the how
and why of worship.
God’s Rule
1. God prohibits all carved images for worship:
God excludes any image used to represent Him (see
Exodus 32; 1 Kings 12:25ff)
God excludes any image that represents anything else
of ultimate authority – anything in the heavens, on the
earth, or under the earth.
2. God prohibits His people from honoring any idol:
“Bow down” can mean to worship or simply to show
“Service” implies worship and sacrifice.
God’s Reasons
1. God is a jealous:
He is zealous for the truth (John 4:24; Hebrews 6:18)
He is jealous for His covenant people (Zechariah 8:2)
2. God demands counter-cultural worship:
Even if this worship defies all the surrounding culture
Even if this worship defies family practices/norms
3. God is merciful beyond measure – note the
numerical disparity
4. God is a personal God – idolatry = hate; true worship
= love.
God’s Applications
1. Idolatry begins in the heart (see Colossians 3:5)
2. Idolatry goes hand-in-glove with sensuality (see
Exodus 32; 1 Peter 4:3)
3. Idolatry in the heart hinders our prayers (see Ezekiel
14:4-7; James 4:4)
Personal Applications
How do I know when something has become an idol?
1. Am I unreasonably angry/afraid when the thing is
2. Am I willing to make financial sacrifices for it that I’d
hesitate to make for the Lord?
3. Does it cause me to neglect basic aspects of
Christian discipleship?