Three Questions Concerning Your Salvation!
Are you abiding in the promise?
Are you listening to the Holy Spirit?
The deceptive characteristics of the ones that John has previously called antichrists and liars again come clearly into view in this verse. They are not content to rush into error by themselves. Their goal is to bring as many as they can along with them.
Are you walking in righteousness?
He demands a continual, deepening relationship with Christ as a direct duty of their status as “dear children.”
This observation is vital to John’s arguments against those who want to deny the physical reality of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. John emphasizes that the Son of God will return physically and literally (just as he did the first time). The context also acknowledges the involvement of the Father in this grand event. God the Father again sends the Son, and his return will be a literal, physical second coming.
The word “confidence” (parrēsian) connotes the absence of fear when speaking.317 It carries the idea of boldness, openness, freedom, assurance, and courage. John uses the word four times in his epistle.
John takes a more reassuring approach. He challenges them to continue faithfully in their present course. Motivation and exhortation are brought together. Admonition comes in the form of encouragement.
to experience shame, be put to shame, be disgraced
“A person’s righteousness is thus the evidence of his new birth, not the cause or condition of it.”
it is a continual, life-characterizing righteousness that comes from having a personal, saving knowledge of him who is absolutely righteous
he speaks first of doing what is right, which is the direct result of spiritual birth. His point is simply this: if a person does what is right, this is a sure sign of a new birth. This particular order, therefore, offers assurance to the child of God. For the child of God, faith precedes behavior, but right behavior is the natural result of proper belief