2 Peter 3:14-15. Why The Delay?...
2 Peter 3: 14-15, Why The Delay?..
The key word in this paragraph is look. It means “to await eagerly, to be expectant
It describes an attitude of excitement and expectation as we wait for the Lord’s return. Because we realize that the world and its works will be dissolved, and that even the very elements will be disintegrated, we fix our hope, not on anything in this world, but only on the Lord Jesus Christ
Peace” (eirēnē) describes the state of being right with God and entering into his presence with joy
Spotless and blameless” should be understood together
These terms do not suggest that the follower of Christ will live a perfect life, as did Christ; rather, they mean that what drives the Christian in our behavioral choices is a desire to be like Christ.
God had every reason long ago to judge the world and burn up its works, but in His mercy, He is long-suffering with us, “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance
The idea of counting God’s patience as salvation could mean a couple of things. First, it could be a call for believers to engage in aggressive evangelism so as to reach as many people for Christ as possible before it’s too late.
A second possible meaning of the exhortation to “regard the patience of our Lord as salvation” is for professing Christians to be sure of their own salvation.
Why has Jesus not returned to establish His kingdom?
Peter returns to the idea that the apparent delay gives the opportunity for salvation.