His Divine Timeline

The Gospel of John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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His Divine Timeline


Please turn to John 7.
We will be in verse 1-13 this morning
The title of this morning’s sermon is
Divine Timing
And this morning begins the end of Jesus’ ministry
We are now roughly 6 months from Jesus’ Passion Week
And if everything goes as scheduled we should finish our
verse by verse walk through of John around Easter
So please open your bibles to John 7:1-13
John 7:1–13 (CSB)
After this, Jesus traveled in Galilee, since he did not want to travel in Judea because the Jews were trying to kill him. The Jewish Festival of Shelters was near. So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea so that your disciples can see your works that you are doing. For no one does anything in secret while he’s seeking public recognition. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.” (For not even his brothers believed in him.)
Jesus told them, “My time has not yet arrived, but your time is always at hand. The world cannot hate you, but it does hate me because I testify about it—that its works are evil. Go up to the festival yourselves. I’m not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.” After he had said these things, he stayed in Galilee.
After his brothers had gone up to the festival, then he also went up, not openly but secretly. The Jews were looking for him at the festival and saying, “Where is he?” And there was a lot of murmuring about him among the crowds. Some were saying, “He’s a good man.” Others were saying, “No, on the contrary, he’s deceiving the people.” Still, nobody was talking publicly about him for fear of the Jews.
Let us Pray


Have you ever wondered how you arrived here today?
I’m not referring to your car or your alarm clock.
I mean the series of events that have shaped your life and brought you to this very moment, sitting in these pews.
I’ve been privileged to hear some of your life stories, at least what you’ve shared with me.
And I know my own journey.
But when we take a moment to reflect, we can see how one event led to another, creating a chain of experiences.
How one decision brought about a particular outcome, which then influenced another decision.
Looking back at my own life, I see pivotal moments where different choices could have led to an entirely different path.
Isn’t it remarkable how our lives unfold?
How the good times intertwine with the bad,
how our trials transform into joys upon reflection.
Eventually, we find ourselves contemplating how we ended up here.
And when we look even deeper, we can see God’s hand guiding it all.
We are all part of God’s Divine Timeline and His Divine Plan.
And with God, there are no accidents.
One of the greatest examples of this is the timing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Jesus’s coming was precisely timed according to God’s redemptive plan, as emphasized in Galatians 4:4. That we read this morning
He was born during the Pax Romana, a period of peace that facilitated the spread of His message through safe travel and communication.
The extensive network of Roman roads and the widespread use of Greek allowed for the rapid spread of the Gospel.
There was a heightened sense of messianic expectations among Jews,
and Jesus's life and ministry fulfilled that
along with numerous Old Testament prophecies.
The moral and spiritual climate of the time also created a hunger for
hope and redemption, which Jesus perfectly addressed.
See by coming at this specific time
Jesus’s message and ministry were able to gain traction and spread rapidly across the known world.
This convergence of historical, cultural, religious, and technological factors created an environment where the Gospel could be effectively shared and the early church could grow.
And all of this occurred due to God’s perfect timing
As we will see this morning, Jesus operated under God’s Divine Timeline
and so do we, and isn’t that assuring
that we are all a part of Gods great timeline
that the creator of the universe whom holds the chaos and order of time in his hands
perfectly orchestrates our lives based on his will
despite our poor choices at times
And this morning we are going to learn of just how Jesus obeyed God’s divine timeline
and how we, should work on God’s timeline as well
we will learn that though
Being aware of God’s timeline
Trusting in God’s timeline
and Aligning with God’s timeline
Which just so happen to be our 3 points this morning

Be Aware of God’s Divine Timeline

John 7:1After this, Jesus traveled in Galilee, since he did not want to travel in Judea because the Jews were trying to kill him.”
By now I hope we have learned to pick up on these time markers John puts out for us
After this… tells us that there is a gap in time between what we just finished in John 6 and where we are now
We know there is a gap in time because John 7:2The Jewish Festival of Shelters was near.
So there was about 6 months
we know that because John chapter 6 revolved around the Passover, remember that is why the crowds were so big
that is why they were ready for the king messiah
So if John 6 occurred during the Passover and we have the Festival of Shelters now we know that there is roughly a 6 month gap
which gets us here this morning
Now, Because Jesus was so Aware of Gods timing
he did not want to travel there because he knew the Jews (or the religious leaders)
were trying to kill him
and as we enter chapter 7 the desire to have him murdered is stronger than ever
if we remember back in Chapter 5 they tried to kill him
remember, the whole sabbath thing
and Jesus will address that again here in 7
So I am sure the “Jews” have heard all that Jesus has been up
I am sure they had spies up there, giving them Jesus’ play by play
So he stayed in Galilee
It was not yet his time so he worked where he was
waiting for the timing of the Lord
and during his time in Galilee between the passover (Chapter 6) and where we are right now
He didn’t just sit around waiting for God
no, He got to work
he found work in the waiting
and some pretty awesome things happened
While John does not display any information this
the other gospels do
During this time he
he healed a deaf and mute man (Mark 7:31-37)
he fed another 4000
Peter confessed that he was the he was the messiah in Cessarea Philipi
and from there they went up on the mountain and Jesus was transfigured
where they were joined by Moses and Elijah
Jesus predicted his death and resurrection
he taught with many parables
we can find a lot of these accounts in the Mark 8-9 text
as well as Matthew in the 16-17 or 18
and Luke 9 and surrounding areas
So again, Jesus has been busy.
All the while his family and everyone he knew was watching all of this
Especially his brothers
Now, John didn’t mention the fact that this was the feast of shelters just for our timeline
I believe he had another specific reason
So what is so special about the feast of the tabernacles?
It just so happens to be where Jesus will again chose to reveal himself
The Festival of Shelters, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot,
Is Jewish festival celebrating the fall harvest
and it is a commemoration of Israel's wilderness journey during the exodus
celebrating all that God provided
But get this…
Due to God’s divine timeline this was a perfect place for Jesus to reveal more about himself
because Jesus is actually the fulfillment of all that they were celebrating
Jesus fulfills the Feast of Shelters (or Feast of Tabernacles) by
embodying God's presence among His people. Just as the Israelites lived in temporary shelters to commemorate God's provision during their wilderness journey,
Jesus, as "Immanuel" which literally means(God with us),
signifies God's ultimate dwelling among humanity (John 1:14).
During the festival, a key ritual involved drawing water, symbolizing divine provision; Jesus declared Himself the source of "living water," offering eternal life to those who believe in Him (John 7:37-38).
Additionally, the festival's emphasis on light finds fulfillment in Jesus, who proclaimed Himself the "light of the world" (John 8:12), guiding humanity out of spiritual darkness.
Isn’t that amazing!
Now, with the upcoming feast coming up
And with the knowledge of knowing that all Jewish men were required to attend
His brother advise him to
John 7:3–4 “So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea so that your disciples can see your works that you are doing. For no one does anything in secret while he’s seeking public recognition. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.””
There seems to be a mocking, sarcastic, undertone to their statement
Lets look at this… Jesus had 4 half brother
James, Joses, Simon, and Judas
he also had some half sisters as well
But non the less, they had seen everything Jesus had done
They heard his miracles, they may have even eaten the fish and bread
yet their attitude is something to be desired they
they were probably even part of the group that left at the end of chapter 6
maybe they were embarrassed by the fact that their brother was claiming to be God
maybe they though he was crazy
I mean, have any of you grown up with a perfect brother
we know from Mark 3:31-32 that at one point they had to set out and find him because they thought he was mad
This embarrassment or whatever this is had to be a heavy load
they we probably self conscious of him
But they compensated for the embarrassment with mockery
It is almost as if they are challenging Jesus to reveal himself on a bigger scale
if he wanted a public ministry then he should go to the most public of places
Surely they didn’t want him murdered,
this was teasing, through sarcasm
but this only shows their obvious misunderstanding of his mission
and their own human motivations
which were based on their unbelief
as we see in
The next verse John 7:5 “(For not even his brothers believed in him.)”
Perhaps this was their lipness test
if he performed on the grand stage of Jerusalem
then he would either entertain them with more miracles
or prove that he really was the king messiah everyone wanted
or maybe he would stop these crazy antics and go back to building things so that they can be a normal family again
But the real issue here is that nothing Jesus had done had caused them to believe
Not the miracles, not the teachings, none of it
You know what finally made them believe?
it would end up being him being hung on a cross
and rising from the dead
then visiting them and 500 others
And there is no doubt that this is part of God Timeline as well
Because it would take this initial unbelief
and the reflection upon it
To cause James to write his letter that is now in the bible
as well as lead the church in Jerusalem
Just as it lead Judas, also known as Jude to write his letter as well
See Jesus was aware of Gods timing
which impacted his choice to stay in Galilee rather than go to Judea because He was aware that the Jewish leaders in Judea were seeking to kill Him.
This decision reflected His understanding that it was not yet the appointed time for His ultimate confrontation with them, which would lead to His crucifixion.
See even when faced with pressure from his family he did not give in
Jesus’s brothers urged Him to go to Judea and perform His miracles publicly to gain recognition
But they misunderstood His mission and timing
He was aware that their advice was based on human reasoning
and their lack of belief further solidified His understanding that following their advice would not align with God’s plan.
And we must be aware of Gods timing as well
We must be aware of the circumstances and situations in our life.
And we should take heed and understand that God's timing involves
both the awareness of
and obstacles.
see when we hit the brick wall of life
we can either sit there idle
or we can get to work where we are
and feel confidant that God’s timing is better than ours
Like Jesus, who was aware of the dangers he faced,
we must be vigilant and discerning about the seasons and timing in our lives.
And within this we can recognize the significant events and divine appointments as well
because these can prove to be indicators of God timing.
Illustration: Just as the festival was an important event to Jesus and God’s timeline
we can recognize the spiritual markers in our life that indicate God’s timing.
But we must also seek caution in this
We must seek prayer and scripture to help us discern God’s timing
and we must also be aware that even those close to you might not understand God’s timing for your life.
Which is why we must seek God's guidance rather than human validation.
illustration: Like Jesus’ brothers, people may pressure you to act according to their understanding, but stay aware of God's specific timeline for you.
Because it is one that you can trust
Which leads us to our second point of the morning

Trust in God Divine Timeline

This is how Jesus responded to their advise we should say
and he turned their mockery
into a teaching moment
John 7:6 “6 Jesus told them, “My time has not yet arrived, but your time is always at hand.”
Jesus is saying here
my time is different than yours
and I will not allow the you or the world to dictate my actions
See it was not time for the world accept and acknowledge his claims… not yet
No, It was time for Christ to convict the world
it was time for Christ to
Point out the sin of the world
to point out the false religion of the world
to point out the depravity of the world
to point out the corruption of the world
to point out the needs of the world
and to finally point out the destiny of the world
should it not come to Him in belief
It was time for him to show the world
true love
true grace
true mercy
true compassion
true service
and true sacrifice
No, Christs time would come where he would garnish the acclaim
the time will come when all will
recognize his authority
The time will come when Philippians 2:10–11“10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow— in heaven and on earth and under the earth— 11 and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
The time will come as Romans 14:11 “11 For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will give praise to God.”
But our time, it is always at hand
our time is now to acknowledge
who Christ is
our time is now to repent and turn to Jesus
our time is now to seek him with all that we have
its our time find forgiveness
to find life
have our burdens lifted
and grace and mercy to be showered upon us
Now, while our times is always at hand to either come to Christ or to reject him
Now is also the worlds time
That is why Jesus says in John 7:7 “7 The world cannot hate you, but it does hate me because I testify about it—that its works are evil.”
See Christs brothers were part of the unbelieving world
and as unbelievers there is no concern with God’s divine timeline
and they could come and go as they wished
They can travel to Jerusalem without fear because they belong to the world and for that reason the world would not hate them
They fell right in line with everyone else that
mocked Jesus
that hated Jesus
that criticized Jesus
that rejected Jesus
But the world, it hates Jesus
because he testifies that all of its deeds are evil
and he convicts the world of the very things we already discussed
And within this context of worldly
hate and evil
he tells his brothers in V 8
John 7:8 “8 Go up to the festival yourselves. I’m not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.””
He knew that if he went up there with them, according to their timetable
in that large caravan of travelers
that that would be an even greater risk to his plan and his mission
they would have probably again tried to crown him king and messiah
or throw him off the mountain
both were not outside of the realm of possibility
perhaps it would have triggered a premature
triumphal entry
which would have started the confrontation too soon
thus resulting in Jesus’ death before the proper time
and we know that His time to lay down his life had not yet come
that would come some 6 months later
and the very moment God determined
So as John 7:9 says “9 After he had said these things, he stayed in Galilee.”
He stayed for the time being and Trusted God
He understood the opposition He faced because of His mission.
and He trusted in Gods timing
Se we must Trust that following God's timeline may bring opposition,
but it is part of His plan for your growth and testimony.
and Trusting in God’s plan means
sometimes waiting and
sometimes acting,
but always in accordance with His timing.
Trusting in God’s timing may not always be easy,
but it is necessary for fulfilling His purpose,
even if it brings challenges and opposition
And it amazing because once we are aware of God’s timeline and trust in it
then our time will align with his
which is our 3rd point of the morning

Aligning with God’s Divine Timeline

John 7:10 “10 After his brothers had gone up to the festival, then he also went up, not openly but secretly.”
This is interesting, this seems like a contradiction by Jesus
he said he wouldn’t go
then he goes, in secret
what up with that?
Well, if we look a little deeper we see that Jesus was not saying he would not go
he just would not go in the manner his brothers expected
because his time for public confrontation had not yet come
Instead, based upon his awareness and trust in God’s timeing
Jesus waited a few days
V 14 will later tell us he arrived halfway through the festival
Which means Jesus simply waited until the roads were clear
until the large caravan or workers had cleared
to make his departure
and even then
according to Luke 9:51-56 he most likely went through Samaria
which we know the Jews definitely would not have done
And this is why John said he went in secret
he did not need nor want unnecessary fanfare or publicity
and if he would have had this fanfare and publicity
he never would have been able to teach publically
think about a famous person
give example
and John 7:11 confirms this “11 The Jews were looking for him at the festival and saying, “Where is he?””
The Jews were there, ready and willing to see what this Jesus would do next
and remeber theses jews were the leaders that were looking to kill him
but there were others there looking for Jesus
that is why in V12 and 13 it says
John 7:12–1312 And there was a lot of murmuring about him among the crowds. Some were saying, “He’s a good man.” Others were saying, “No, on the contrary, he’s deceiving the people.” 13 Still, nobody was talking publicly about him for fear of the Jews.”
The response of the crowds included whispering and buzzing
they were excited about Jesus
whether that was a good excitement or a bad is mixed
as some said good things
and some said bad things
the good things centered around those that said he was a good man
things like
loving and caring
giving and unselfish
true and honest
just and moral
but noticed these things still revolved around him only being a good man
not the God man
The bad things they said were probably things like
he is misleading
he is leading people away from God
he is only seeking attention
he is a deceiver
Now all of these things the crowds were says were saying
we must note were done so at a whisper
and out of earshot of the Jews
because even the crowds were scared of the Jews
those in charge
those that would eventually convince them to yell
crucify, crucify
See there was confusion and mixed opinions about Jesus among the people.
And there still is today
And often times aligning with God’s will
will involve navigating through confusion and opposition.
navigating between differing opinions of what you should do and not do
But we must stay committed
to God’s direction despite external pressures.
we must align with God’s will and His Divine Timing
Just like Jesus stayed aligned with God’s will and timing,
even when faced with misunderstanding and opposition from those around him
we can and must do the same


See Jesus
Exercised divine wisdom in God’s Divine timeline
in choosing the right timing to reveal Himself at the Feast of Tabernacles,
despite pressure from His brothers to show His works publicly.
And this highlights that God's
and timing
are superior to our own understanding and expectations.
Just as Jesus waited for the appropriate moment to act,
we too can find encouragement in knowing that God's timing is perfect and purposeful,
even when it seems delayed or contrary to our desires.
Trusting in His timing,
we are assured that
His plans are to prosper us
and fulfill His greater purposes
in ways beyond our imagination,
reinforcing the truth
that His ways are always higher
and better than our own.
Because I can assure you the time will come when all will bow and confess Jesus is Lord
what truly matters is who’s timeline and who’s plan are you are on
The worlds, or God’s
Because In God's divine timeline and plan,
Jesus Christ came at the perfect time
to die for our sins and rise again,
offering eternal life to all who believe.
And today, God calls you to trust in Jesus as your Savior,
aligning your life with His plan
and receiving the gift of salvation He has perfectly orchestrated for you.
And for those of us that believe may we find relief in God’s Divine Timeline
knowing that His plans are perfect
and unfold precisely according to His sovereign will
And this allows us to trust in God's timing for every aspect of our lives,
confident that He works all things
for their ultimate good and His glory.
And for our Church
God is on the move here
Things are happening
and God is preparing us
He still has a plan for us
so let us stay diligent and wait on Gods timing
because I am excited for what he has in store for us
let us Pray
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