Where is your walk leading you and others?

Living Unashamed For Christ  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Good morning. I want to take a minute and welcome you all here to CCC.
What a wonderful morning to celebrate a changed life in Jesus. Kizzi we love you. We thank you for listening to the call of the Holy Spirit in your life leading you to Jesus
We thank you for being a doer of the Word and allowing Jesus to change you and your household
We welcome you and your family here to CCC where we will underpin you, support you, do life together with you and your family
Welcome to the family sister!!!!!!!!!
Let’s Pray
Listen I want everyone to understand something.....those watching online please listen…those here visiting please listen.....those who will hear this online later please listen
I don’t care where you come from
I don’t care where you have been
I don’t care what you have done
Jesus loves you
Jesus died to pay for your sins and He is waiting patiently for you to turn to Him
Maybe you are here this morning and have backslidden.....running from God......hiding....God is waiting for you to turn to Him so He can run to you and wrap you in His arms again
No one is here by accident....everyone here this morning…watching online or will see this later is here by God ordained appointment. He brought you here this morning
I pray that you are ready to receive the message God has for you!
This morning we will continue on with our Living Unashamed For Christ sermon series with the message
Where is your walk leading you and others?
This was not the original title or even the original theme for today’s message when God gave me the outline of this sermon series
It is for sure in the same realm but different
The original message was Seek and Save the Lost, based on Luke 19:10 where Jesus states that is why He came to earth to seek and save the lost.
i truly feel like God addressed that last week when we talked about being an ambassador for Christ, how God was making His appeal to the lost through you and me
We also talked last week about how we should never regard the physical but only regard the spiritual…seek and save the lost.
if you missed last week go check it out on the website cccnevadamo.org under media
Living Unashamed For Christ sermon series
and the message Ministry of Reconciliation
Again I began to look at the original scriptures and God said no. He said go the way I showed you in the secret place Monday morning
That is exactly where we are headed this morning

Luke 6:43–45


For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
As always there is a lot going on here.
There are some things we must unpack as we go to get a true understanding of what God is wanting us to get this morning
First some lingo
Good comes from Greek adjective agathos which means good, in any sense, benefit, well
evil KJV used corrupt comes from Greek adjective sapros means rotten, worthless, literally or morally, bad corrupt...
When talking about men, KJV uses evil in verse 45 and it is a Greek adjective poneros means evil in effect or influence, calamitous, diseased, derelict
The good man Good is same agathos
Now we must understand where good comes from because it is not you or me that are good men or good women

Luke 18:19


“And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.”
No good fruit without God
No good man or woman without God
No good without God
This is why walk is so important
This is why witness is so important
This is why what you say is so important because it reveals if you have God or not
Look....again at

Luke 6:44


“for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush.”
you are known…
seen by your fruits
If your boss asks you if your friend is a good worker because they are thinking of hiring them…how do you answer the question
You look to their fruits
i get used as a job reference all the time
I never lie
I never try to paint a negative picture unless I can’t paint a positive picture without lying
Many times they ask does so and so have a good work ethic
I can’t just answer yes if I don’t know so if I don’t know I usually say something like this
I have never seen them work but I can speak to their character.
I don’t know the fruits of their work ethic so I can’t answer that but I do know the fruits of their character
You are known by your fruits
Remember only good comes from God so to have good fruits you have to have God
The only way to God is Jesus
end of story
There is no other way to the Father except through Jesus
You can join all the churches you want
give all the money you want
even serve in ministries faithfully
you can wear a cross necklace and Christian t-shirts
you can put Christian bumper stickers on your vehicle
you can talk the talk but without repentance and truly making Jesus your personal Lord and Savior you are just as lost as an atheist who is actively rejecting Jesus!
You must know Him and He must know you
Before we move on I want you to understand good and evil are the only two options we have as humans
Good is from God and God alone
evil is from satan…sin…the world…self…
you can produce no good on your own
No one is good except God alone
I pray that cuts to your heart this morning
I pray that situations
I pray that circumstances
I pray that people
I pray that hobbies, activities etc
are all coming to mind that are evil....things you are hanging on to and refusing to let go of.....things you love more that Jesus
I pray God is actively bringing to mind things that must go so He can increase!!!!!!
Then I pray you are a doer here this morning and truly give those things to God and go home and take whatever steps God lays on your heart to take to remove those things!!!!
Back to Luke

Luke 6:45


“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Good person out of the good treasure in his heart produces good and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
Words show heart condition
Words show your true treasure
You can claim Christ all day long but what do your words say?
treasure is from a Greek noun thay-saw-ros it means a deposit or wealth
Good and evil deposits
Oh boy I can hear some of you now…Here he goes again going to call us to leave society and culture behind
Why because GOD did

1 John 2:15


“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
We will get into this much deeper in the first week of the new sermon series Is Your Life Balanced? that begins in a few weeks but I felt led to touch on it this morning
Church your walk matters
You witness matters
your words matter
your thoughts matter
your beliefs matter
your attitudes matter
your actions matter
Let me ask you a question.....If we had a multi-million dollar race car would we put in gas station gas in that thing?
We could but it wouldn't run well at all and would probably end up destroying it
No we would put racing fuel in it…why because it was designed for racing fuel and racing fuel was designed for it
You are no different......you were designed by God
knit together in your mother’s womb by God’s own hands
created to do good works that were also created by God for you to do
You were designed for the spiritual and if you put physical in you where spiritual goes it will destroy you just like gas station gas will destroy a race car

Matthew 6:19–24


““Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
Your fruit
your words
your thoughts
your attitudes
your beliefs
your behaviors
your time
they all show what you treasure and what master you are serving
You can claim whatever you want but your fruit never lies
time audits never lie
You lie
your heart lies
your flesh lies
your fruit never lies
As I got to this point Monday night I had to go to the altar
God showed me that my eye was dark
I gave up porn for real 6 years ago and I have never returned to it but I am lustful in my mind and eye
I am so very prideful and because of that pride I look to me and my flesh first when I react
when i speak
when i interact with people
God said son give that to me right now
Give me your pride
give me your lust
give me your selfishness
give me your attitudes
give me your judgement
give me your anger
give me your frustration
give me your emotions
give it all to me........I did.....it is still a struggle because as always my flesh refuses to acknowledge that I let those things go and continues to bring them up but when it happens I remind my flesh it belongs to Jesus therefore I am free from it!
You see
God is pure
God is holy
God is righteous
I am not
You are not
You and I must have a repentance lifestyle
we see scriptures and respond
all while being full of joy and praising God for WHO HE IS
Don’t you see it....we repent of who we are because of WHO HE IS!!!!!!!!!!
How do you react in your mind?
When you receive a compliment do you truly praise God or praise you....
yeah I did that
yeah I am the best
yeah it is all about me
Someone says something to you or points out something negative do you go to God in prayer or fire up and want to defend yourself?
Your defense is pointless…God will defend you leave it to Him
Someone persecutes you…do you attack back or count it all joy and rejoice because you were found worthy to suffer in Christs name and for His sake
Church it matters
do your words uplift
do your words edify
do your words unify
do your words tear down
do your words destroy
do your words separate
When you are listening to music or watching tv or scrolling on the phone and see evil how do you respond?
Do you reject it....pray for their souls and look away
do you justify it....its only a song....its only a movie....it is only a post and allow it into your heart where it becomes your treasure
What do you treasure?
When people see you what fruit do they see?
How do they know you?
Something else that God revealed to me Monday night was this
worship team
church family
I have been the anchor here at CCC
not anchor in a good way and keeping us tethered to Jesus
but an anchor that was holding us back
I have been straddling the fence
Trying to live for Jesus and Josh
Trying to do and say and plan and go trying to claim it was Jesus but all the while it has really been me
I am prideful
I am self-centered
i have sinned
i have repented of that sin and prayed God turns me from an anchor dragging us down to a sail pushing us to Jesus
I must also ask your forgiveness as well
I have failed you
I have not been living what I preach
No more
God made it crystal clear to me it was His way and only His way from here on out
He took my independence and I am so grateful and thankful that He did because it has been in this injury that I have truly seen what God has been trying to show me for quite some time
He is truly God and King and I must bow not out of duty but
out of devotion
out of gratitude
out of pure agape love because that is how He loves me
I was playing church
I can tell you from now on there is no more playing church
there is no more playing Christian
There is Jesus and Jesus alone
I will fail
I will sin
It will be a battle but I refuse to go another second without being sold out and all in with Jesus and filling my heart with good treasure GOD Himself!!!!!
What about you
Is your treasure good or evil
what does your fruit say
how do people know you.....
Do people see you and your life and hear your words and see and hear Jesus or satan and the world and you and sin and death?
So many are playing church and because of that your fruit stinketh
You are leading people away from God not to God
You are walking in you not Jesus
Your treasure is evil not good
You think you look the part but are nothing more than a fraud
leave here authentic today
I left authentic Monday and you can leave authentic this morning!
Where are you
what is your treasure
Where is your walk leading people
heaven or hell
Jesus or satan
Ask God to show you and respond!
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