Bro Jim Erickson Memorial Service
Funeral • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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As I pondered and prayed about today’s service, these verses came to mind:
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Bro Jim was a good man. I did not get the chance to know him before the dementia set in, but I have heard several stories from the family concerning his life and his passions.
Though he struggled greatly the last couple of years, there were still moments when his natural self would shine through.
He Loved Music
He Loved Music
Bro Jim used to sing in a music group. If I understood correctly, they even won a few awards along the way doing so. He also led music at a few churches throughout the years.
But he loved the old gospel hymns. He loved to sing them. The two songs we are playing here today were two of his favorites.
He loved music so much that during those last few months of his life, it was one of the few things that brought peace to him. The family would gather and sing to him and it just seemed to calm the storm. It settled his spirit.
While many other things were hard for him to remember, he could still sing the words to some of his favorite songs. How beautiful that is. He loved to sing praises to His heavenly Father, and I think its fitting that we do that here today. Not only to praise God but to honor Bro Jim’s love for it.
He Loved His Family
He Loved His Family
Mrs. Ann shared with me how over the years, Bro Jim made several sacrifices so that she and the kids could have what they needed. She shared with me also how he supported them so well over the years. Sometimes that meant working three jobs so that they could financially get by. Other times it meant skipping a meal or two so the rest could eat. Whatever the case, he put his family first.
The last time I visited with him at the house, we were talking in the living room. He got up out of his chair and kept showing me the same picture over and over. He pointed at it several times, wanting me to see it.
It was a picture of his family. He could not remember Thomas’s name and he kept calling Danielle Ann, but he was proud of them. He wanted me to know that those two were his children. He loved you all so much.
He loved you so much that he gave you the one thing that can never be taken away....Jesus. He lived and modeled Christ before you to the best of his ability.
He Loved God
He Loved God
One thing we know about Bro Jim is that he loved the Lord. The Bible says that the man is to be the head of his home. He is to set the tempo for his family when it comes to serving the Lord. One thing this family does is praise God, in and out of the church.
They have daily family devotions. This is a rare thing today. It is something that is missing from most homes, even Christian homes. But this family maintained a daily routine of praising God through family devotions together.
They also prayed together. They keep prayer journals so that they can remember who it is they need to be praying for. Bro Jim also kept a prayer journal. Even when his sickness got so bad to where he couldn’t write the names in his own prayer journal, Mrs. Ann would write them in there for him and he would still pray over them in his private prayers.
The last time I was able to visit with him, he was in the hospital. When I got to the room, he was sleeping. I spoke to the nurse for a moment and then I woke him up to pray with him. I asked him if he knew who I was and he said, “No, I don’t”. I told him i was the pastor of ABC and that I was there to pray with him. He said, “Oh that’s great. I will always take prayer.”
If I understood correctly, one of the first times that Bro Jim and Mrs Ann spent time together was at an instance when they gathered around a small child and prayed over him. Something clicked in that moment and they were just in sync with one another. God moved in that situation and used that to bring them together. That was the kind of man he was. He was a man of prayer.
It was also amazing to hear how at moments he would quote Scripture to them. At times, he could not differentiate between certain kinds of clothing, or even the names of his children, but he would quote Scripture.
Its amazing how one can lose touch with so much of worldly things, and still be in touch with God! The family was able to witness this first hand with Bro Jim. He truly loved the Lord, and the way he led and supported his family is living proof of that. They are his testimony. May he always be remembered by his love for the Lord and his family.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Like Apostle Paul, Bro Jim fought the good fight. He finished the race well. He kept the faith until the very end.
Bro Jim is now in heaven with Jesus and he is enjoying the fruit of his labor. He is forever made whole.
Some days are going to be harder than others, but let that promise provide the hope you need to sustain you. One day, we will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone on before us in the name of Jesus. One day, all will be made well.
Let’s pray.