NBBC Summer Family Week: Ephesians 4:4-7
Introduction: On Sunday, I shared with you about how the Spirit gives us unity and we are to peacefully pursue it because God has made us His children. Today, I want for us to consider why is it that we should want to be together so much.
Ephesians 4:4-7 “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling;” 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,” 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”
Friends, look at all that God has given to us because we belong to Him.
We’re part of God’s people, the Church!
This includes our church.
This also includes anyone who has believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friends, God has given us a family that we’re apart of!
Also, friends, God has given us His Holy Spirit!
Remember, friends, the Holy Spirit is what makes our times together good and why we want to get together.
Also, the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of God’s presence with us always!
Friends, God has given us the hope that one day we will live with Him forevermore.
It’s good right now when we’re together.
Imagine how much greater it will be when we’re all together, all of God’s people, with Jesus!
Friends, we have one Lord Jesus Christ.
We are confident in Him to save us.
We know He can save us because of His perfect life.
We know He can save us because of His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins.
We know He can save us because of He is alive to give us new life through the Holy Spirit!
Friends, we have one faith, or one confidence in what we believe to be true from God’s Word!
Friends, we turn nowhere else to believe what we do other than to God’s Word.
Illustration: If you want to learn about math, where do you turn? - a mathematics textbook, right!
Similarly, if we want to know more about God and how He wants us to relate to Him, we turn to His Word and believe what it says.
We also have one baptism that pictures the new life that Jesus has given to us through the Holy Spirit, identifying us as distinctly Jesus’ disciple Who live according to the Bible.
Friends, we, finally have on God the Father Who is in control and working out His plan without interruption.
In other words, friends, we have such a great God Who does what He purposes.
That purpose is to bring us together as His people to live with Him forever someday.
And we get to experience that to a certain extent now whenever we get together.
That’s why this week is so important and anytime that we get together!
Friends, what is it about God’s people that makes them stand apart and want to get together even more than anyone else?
Believers have so much more in common!
Illustration: when you find out someone at school likes to play the same game as you, what do you do?
You seek them out to play together.
Because you both like the spending time doing the same thing.
It’s something you have in common.
Therefore, friends, as we seek the Spirit to help us protect our unity, let’s do so remembering all that we have in common.
Friends, this is only possible is the Lord Jesus is your Savior.
Jesus died for your sins and lives to give you new life with Him through the Holy Spirit.
Please talk with your parents, Pastor Chad, or myself if you have not made this decision yet.
It is our hope that you will see how great it is to be with God’s people and that you would want for God to do this in your heart.