EL ascenso de Samuel
El que tiene para oir oiga
El que tiene para oir oiga
Eli - viejo, gordo y ciego
Cuando Moises entró en el tabernáculo había una nube de gloria sobre el arca de Dios. La voz de Dios emitió sobre el arca de Dios.
sechkina de Dios se manifesto a Samuel.
Dios le revela su promesa y maldicion a Samuel contra Eli
Samuel era un levita, se ocupaba de las luces del templo
Samuel se ocupaba de audiovisual
La bendición de la palabra escrita
La bendición de la palabra escrita
La palabras escaseaban
Nosotros tenemos la palabra de DIos en nuestro idioma y lista para que nosotros la examinemos
nunca sufriremos una escaces de la palabra de Dios
memorizare la palabra de Dios
La primacía de la palabra predicada
La primacía de la palabra predicada
La predicación fiel de la palabra de Dios es la palabra de Dios
predicar fielmente, aplicar correctamente
la palabra de Dios es central entre los sacramentos, es en la palabra de Dios que encontramos warrant para seguir estos .
La necesidad del Espíritu the power
La necesidad del Espíritu the power
Samuel dice, habla porque tu siervo oye>?
Es sufiente con el oír la palabra de Dios?
Que es lo que hace que la palabra oída sea eficaz en nuestra vida? Es la bendicion del Espriitu Santo sobre la palabra de Dios.
Nosotros debemos acercarnos a la palabra con deseo de recibir
oh santo espíritu bedice la predicación
What manner of men should ministers be? They should thunder in preaching, and lighten in conversation. They should be flaming in prayer, shining in life and burning in spirit.
Charles Spurgeon
La maldición para los sordos y los con comezón de oir
La maldición para los sordos y los con comezón de oir
A curse for the deaf and those with itchy ears
What is the chief end of preaching? I like to think it is this: it is to give men and women a sense of God and his presence.
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
El problema mayor no es no quereír oír
es el querer oír lo que me gusta , solamente,
1 es el carro
1 el internet
Esto facilita lo que agrade a nuestros oídos, y Dios enviara un hambre si lo que buscamos es solo mis preferencias.
V21 no dice que Dios estaba presente en silo por su palabra.
If any preacher of the gospel, myself included, gives an impression of cleverness, it is bad preaching.
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
True preaching does deal with personal problems, so much so that true preaching saves a great deal of time for the pastor. I am speaking out of forty years of experience. What do I mean? Let me explain. The Puritans are justly famous for their pastoral preaching. They would take up what they called ‘cases of conscience’ and deal with them in their sermons; and as they dealt with these problems they were solving the personal individual problems of those who were listening to them. That has constantly been my experience. The preaching of the gospel from the pulpit, applied by the Holy Spirit to the individuals who are listening, has been the means of dealing with personal problems of which I as the preacher knew nothing until people came to me and at the end of the service saying, ‘I want to thank you for that sermon because if you had known I was there and the exact nature of my problem, you could not have answered my various questions more perfectly. I have often thought of bringing them to you but you have now answered them without my doing so’. The preaching had already dealt with their personal problems. Do not misunderstand me, I am not saying that the preacher should never do any personal work; far from it. But I do contend that preaching must always come first, and that it must not be replaced by anything else.
Preaching and Preachers, 37
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
Preaching is designed to do something to people.
Preaching and Preachers, 85
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
Palabras que hieren y curan
Palabras que hieren y curan
words hat wound and healh
Cosmic reconciliation and unity in Christ are the central message of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.
Peter T. O’Brien
Let me say it once more: if the preaching of the gospel does not make you think, and think as you have never thought in your life before, it is very bad preaching.
Authentic Christianity (3), 74
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
Fair words never hurt the tongue.2
Act iv. Sc. 1.
George Chapman
If we are to have boldness, we must be clean from wrath, that none may impute our words to that. No matter how just your words may be, when you speak with anger, you ruin all.
Only one means and one way of cure has been given us and that is the teaching of the Word. Without it nothing else will avail.
Un segundo Moises
Un segundo Moises
Samuel es una figura que representa a moises y Jesus
Que Dios hable a un prefeta como Moises.
Samuel es un antitypo de Moises pero no el anti type final .
Jesus nos habla a través de sus ministros y de sus sacramentos. Jesus es el profeta.
MAs a cualquira que no oye mis palabras que no oyere mi palabras que el hablare en mi nombre , YO LE PEDIRÉ CUENTA!
Reconciliation is amazing. But this is more wondrous and more amazing. Reconciliation is not the end. Beyond reconciliation, we have access to the Father.
God’s Way of Reconciliation, 316
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
Our love ought to follow the love of God in one point, namely, in always seeking to produce reconciliation. It was to this end that God sent his Son. Has anybody offended you? Seek reconciliation.
“Oh, but I am the offended party.”
So was God, and he went straight ahead and sought reconciliation.—29.119
Charles Spurgeon
Reconciliation sounds a large theological term, but it simply means coming to ourselves and arising and going to our Father.
John Wood Oman (Presbyterian Theologian)
The Greek terms for reconciliation derive from words for exchange, in which by extension enmity is exchanged for peaceful relations.
For true religion is that by which the soul is united to God so that it binds itself again by reconciliation to Him from Whom it had broken off, as it were, by sin.
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Faith is the linen which binds the plaster of Christ’s reconciliation to the sore of our sin.
Number 2000-Or, “Healing By The Stripes Of Jesus”, Volume 33, Sermon #2000
Charles Spurgeon
To reconcile man with man and not with God is to reconcile no one at all.
Thomas Merton (Trappist Monk and Writer)
In God alone can man meet man.
George Macdonald (Scottish Novelist and Poet)
15 If we come to God in ourselves, what are we but as criminals before a judge, stubble before fire?
Stephen Charnock
Discourse of God’s being the Author of Reconciliation (17th century)
Stephen Charnock (English Puritan Theologian)
Secondly, the story of Joseph is a story about the costly experience of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Pete Wilcox
Second, a Christian is someone who, by virtue of his reconciliation with God, has been reconciled to God’s people.
Mark Dever
55 Faith is the condition in the covenant of grace; death required on Christ’s part, faith required on man’s part.
Stephen Charnock
Discourse of God’s being the Author of Reconciliation (17th century)
Stephen Charnock (English Puritan Theologian)
Paul is as interested in the doctrine of reconciliation as in the concrete task of reconciliation. The church not only is to preserve sound doctrine but is called by God to be, as apostles were, a reconciling force. That means it must adopt the status of a servant and must be active in a ministry of helping and healing.
David E. Garland
The great gift that Christ gave to the church at his ascension was that of the ministry of peace and reconciliation. The gift of the ministry is the fruit of Christ’s ascension.
Matthew Henry (Nonconformist Biblical Exegete)
In one of his little books on the New Testament, A. M. Hunter describes the picture at Catterick Camp in Yorkshire, which shows a signaler lying dead in no-man’s land. He had been sent out to repair a cable which had been broken by shell fire. And there he lies, cold in death, but with his task accomplished, for in his stiffened hands he holds the broken ends together. Beneath the picture is the one word “Through.” So too, by his once-for-all death on Calvary, Christ has brought God and man together in reconciliation and fellowship. Moreover, by his living presence at God’s right hand, he lives to make that death a potent reality in every worshiper.
—John Wood
John Wood
Moses 2.0 , protoJesus
deut 18 - a new prophet like Moses -
Typology is like skipping stones - there multiple connected types that lead to the antitype
Consder Christ as prophets
samuel is part of the construction of the kingdom of God. Yo have the priest , the prohophet and soon you will have the king. All the components of the kindom.
Destroy this temple, Jesus was talking of his body. So he would call his body as the antitype of the temple where the presence would dwell.