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I have to ask the obvious question. “Why would GOD not want you to think like He thinks?” Maybe
the better question should be “Why would YOU not want to think like God thinks?” What good
reason could you give me as to why you would not want to think like God thinks?
The truth is that what and how you think will always control how you live. Your life is always a byproduct
of what and how you think. The principle is simple - what you put into your mind is what
will come out of your life. If you think like the world, you will become worldly. If you think like God,
you will become godly.
You have to remember that your mind is the greatest asset that God has given to you, so it is very critical
that you be careful what you put into it.
Every Saturday I take all of our trash down to the County dump site. I am generally having a good
day until I drive up to the dumpster, get out of my truck, and smell the roses. I wish! Some days it
smells so bad, almost nauseating.
Now think about this for a moment with me. You would never think about putting rotten, smelly, putrid
garbage into your mouth to eat it, so why would you want to put garbage into your mind to think about
it. Being careless with what you put into your mind is as dangerous as driving on the wrong side of the
road, jumping off of a tall building, or drinking poison. So, do NOT drive on the wrong side of the road
or jump off of a tall building or drink poison. Why? It is because if you do any one of those things, you
will be killed. Now, let me clarify that this is not what someone might call “positive thinking” – not at
all. This is right thinking. I want to call thinking like this as “life thinking”, or thinking in a way that
greatly benefits your life.
You must figure out that when you finally decide to put into your mind what God wants you to put
into your mind, then good things will begin to happen in your life. Once again, understanding your
mind is really very simple – what you put into it is what you get out of it. It is up to you as to what you
allow yourself to think about. Somewhere along the way you have to ask yourself the very simple
question, “Is this the way that God wants me to think?” If you are not willing to constantly be asking
yourself that question, then I doubt very seriously that you will make any progress in changing how you
currently think. Your default way to think will be the way you have always thought – which may not be
the way that God thinks. Let me say it in a different way – if you will let God win you over in your
mind, then you will win in your life. You cannot have a negative mind and enjoy a positive life at the
same time. They simply do not go together. An ungodly mind never creates a godly life. Your thoughts
today become your future tomorrow, so be very careful what you think today. If you want to get your
life moving in the right direction, then you have to get your mind moving in the right direction.
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Have you ever been going somewhere and it just does not feel like you are headed in the right
direction? One night several years ago, we had visited a church with my daughter to watch a VBS
program where her kids were going at the time. This was the first time that I had ever been to this
church and it was way out in the country, and apparently I had not paid much attention to all of the
turns that we were having to make to get there.. When we started to go home, I missed the second
turn and we were now headed in the wrong direction. Nothing looked familiar to any of us who were
in the car, so we literally had to turn around and head back from where we had just come. It took a
while to get headed back in the right direction on the right road.
Normally, when things in your life are not going very well, the problem is that you are headed in the
wrong direction with your thinking. What you have to do is to correct your thinking to get your life back
on track. I want you to think of the Scriptures as your roadmap, as a compass, and as your GPS. The
Scriptures are what get you headed back in the right direction. Why? It is because they help you to
think the way that God thinks. Your thinking always needs to be headed in God’s direction.
Let us just assume that your life does not seem to be headed in the right direction at the moment. Well,
your best decision to get things headed in the right direction is to go directly to the Word of God to find
the right direction. The principle is simple - if you leave God and His Word out of your thinking
process, then you will always be headed in the wrong direction.
Honestly, it is a good thing to know that you are not headed in the wrong direction, and especially
spiritually. So, what would be a major clue as to why your life is NOT headed in the right direction.
From God’s perspective, it is simple. If what you are doing is not bringing glory to God, then clearly
you are not headed in the right direction.
If you get angry all of the time, then you are not bringing glory to God.
If you are always frustrated and irritated with people, then you are not bringing glory to God.
If you complain about everything, then you are not bringing glory to God.
If you are a bitter person, then you are not bringing glory to God.
If you are a lazy person, then you are not bringing glory to God.
Your life must always be headed toward God, headed toward God’s glory, headed toward God’s will.
Staying headed in God’s direction is a convictional issue. If you are going to think like God thinks, then
you must have and you must develop a deep conviction that everything that you do in your life is to
glorify God. It includes how and what you think, your attitudes, your speech, your beliefs, and your
actions. This must become a foundational conviction that grips you and holds you in its grasp. How
you perceive God and how your perceive God’s power to get you headed in the right direction will
impact everything that you do.
Jesus made this remarkable statement in John 10:10. This is what He said,
Jn 10:10 (NKJV) The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come
that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
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This is how God thinks, so by default this is how He wants you to think. He says that His Son came so
that you could live an abundant life. I am convinced that most Christians simply do not believe that truth
at all. Everything in life seems to be a problem for them. They generally get bent out of shape and lose
sight of God’s direction for their life when they experience some kind of trial in their life. However, if
you really want to have God’s blessing and joy in your life, then your mind must become focused on
God. He gave you physical life, spiritual life, and He wants to give you abundant life. You must
understand the source of life. The source of life is God, and the source of abundant life is God. Romans
8:6 says,
Ro 8:6 (NKJV) For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
How do you read this verse? Well, here is how you should read it. When you are “spiritually minded”,
when you think like God thinks, it produces God’s life and peace in you. This is a very simple principle
– become “spiritually minded” about everything in your life. Work on seeing life from God’s
perspective and not your own. Become “spiritually minded” about good things and bad things alike.
When you do, you will experience God’s “life and peace”. That is God’s guarantee and God’s promise
for your life.
Let us assume again that life is not going well for you. What you lack is God’s wisdom. Listen to what
James 1:5-8 says,
Jas 1:5 (NKJV) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without
reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who
doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose
that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his
Wisdom is knowing how God would handle a difficult and trying situation. The enemy will give you
ideas on how to solve your problems, but God will give you His wisdom. If you have God’s wisdom,
then you will understand life the way that God designed it to work. Wisdom is knowing how God thinks,
and the only place to find that out is in the Word of God. Now, having said all of that, I want to give
you one very, very simple, but a critical insight, so listen carefully. Here it is. THE WISDOM OF
GOD IS NEVER COMPLICATED. We think it will be, but it never is. Why would God want to
make like complicated for you? Well, He does not want life to be complicated. The problem is that
when He provides you His wisdom that it rarely seems like the thing to do. It is too simple. So, what
invariably happens is that you reject God’s wisdom and try to figure out how to fix everything, and your
life starts to become very, very complicated. Here is the principle - the more that you think like God
thinks, the less complicated life becomes because the wisdom of God is never complicated.
I know people whose lives are so complicated that they may never recover. They have been thinking
the wrong way for so long that thinking wrong is simply their way of life. Getting them to think the way
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that God thinks is so difficult for them. They leave God out of everything, and then complain when life
is not going as they hoped it would. Well, what would you expect under those circumstances?
This is what needs to happen. You have to educate your mind, you have to train your mind, and you
have to discipline your mind to think a certain way. It actually is a lot of work if you are trying to
reverse how you think. I hope this series will convince you that you need to in some areas. Everyone
has mental paradigms and patterns of thinking that need to be changed, that need to be broken. This is
true for anyone who wants to be genuine follower of Christ and to glorify Him in their life. I can assure
you that Jesus did not think like we think. Being compelled to think like God thinks will benefit your
life in the greatest way possible. Here is what will happen. When you learn to think like God thinks, it
will soon become instinctive and intuitive to think that way. So, when struggles and trials come into
your life, you will intuitively know how to face them and how to overcome them because you know how
to think like God thinks. One thing that I learned when playing soccer at Clemson for three years was
that the way we practiced was the way we actually played. Bad practice meant bad games and good
practice meant good games. The same is true in your mind. Wrong thoughts always lead to wrong
results. Godly thoughts always lead to godly results.
It is important to understand that thinking involves two critical areas: (1) what you think, and (2) how
you think. It is inevitable that if you think the wrong way, you will get the wrong results. So, what
you think about is critical to how you are going to live. If you think godly, you will live godly. If you
think ungodly, you will live ungodly. If you think money, you will chase money. If you think lazy, you
will be lazy. If you think faithfulness, you will be faithful. If you think you cannot, you will not. If you
think you can, you will. Your mind controls your life and what you will do with it, so this is a very
critical issue for every Christian – what you are putting into your mind. What you put into your mind
is what you will think about.
Secondly, how you think is also critical. You can think from a worldly mindset or you can think from
a biblical mindset. You can think from a selfish perspective, or you can think from a selfless perspective.
You can be superficial in your thinking or you can be profound in your thinking. You can have a mindset
that does not trust God, or you can have a mindset that does trust God. You can love to be challenged
or you can hate to be challenged. You can think that it is okay to get angry when someone says something
negative to you, or you can think that getting angry is not necessary. Everyone thinks a certain way.
Everyone has built in mindsets and prejudices that will always govern how they think, and no one is
Do you like rocking chairs? We have a really nice rocking chair in one of our bedrooms and we have
two nice rocking chairs on our front porch. I just love to go to any of them and just rock. In fact,
rocking has a way of just helping me to be calm and relaxed.
In a similar way, this idea of thinking like God thinks will help you to just relax and stay calm when life
becomes a little stressful for you. Just as an example, Jesus was talking to His disciples in John 14:1
and He said these very simple words to them,
Jn 14:1 (NKJV) "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
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Now, I wonder how you perceive what He actually said to His disciples in the first part of this verse.
What do you think He was really trying to say to them? In reality, what He said was really very contrary
to what and how His disciples were thinking. This is what He told them, so listen very carefully. He
said “Do not let your troubles trouble you.” How radical is that? How mentally extreme is that? Just
think about that for a moment. He was saying that “When you have troubles, I do not want them to
bother you or to disturb you or to unsettle you”, yet that is exactly what happens to most people when
something stressful and vexing comes into their life. They immediately begin to worry and fret about it.
It is like they have actually conditioned their mind to think that way. It is like in their mind they
unconsciously say to themselves “Hey, this is trouble and that cannot be good. I need to worry about
this.” They have come to believe that it should be normal to become stressed out when trouble arises. I
wonder if you think that Jesus was actually saying the very opposite. I wonder if you think that He
wanted them to look at trouble in the exact opposite way than they were. I think that was exactly what
He was saying – “I want you to think the exact opposite of how you are currently thinking!” He wanted
them to think like God thinks.
The real simple question is why could Jesus say that to His disciples? Well, it is because they said that
they believed in God – “you believe in God”! That is an enormous statement with extraordinary
implications to it – “I believe in God!” Well, do you? You could actually be what I call an “unbelieving
believer”. You have all of the correct Christian words down pat and know what some doctrines are.
You can even quote Scripture, but for some reason when stressful moments come into your life, those
Scriptures you quoted and maybe even memorized do not seem to help you at all. They are nice when
you quote them, but they do not seem to be too helpful when you need them. This is the great Christian
divide - the spiritual disparity between how people live and what they actually claim to believe.
I know people who say they believe in God, but they become incredibly stressed out in their life about
almost anything negative that happens to them. Anything upsets them. It is like simple daily life upsets
them and stresses them out. They can find anything to worry about. When I was growing up, people
called them “worry warts”. You might hear them say things like this:
“I’m really concerned about this”, or
“You will not believe how hard life is for me”, or
“Life could not be any more difficult than it already is”, or
“I don’t think I can take anymore”, or
“Where is God when you really need Him?”
All of that may sound very personal, but they are all just substitute words for “worry”. Worry is like
that rocking chair I mentioned to you. It gives you something to do, but it never gets you anywhere.
Worry actually paralyzes you mentally. When Jesus said “Let not your heart be troubled”, He was
saying that when you do worry that it reveals your lack of trust in God. Faith means not worrying
because worry never changes one thing. I have heard it said that “Worry is like riding on the hood of
your car – what’s the point?”
In a similar verse, listen to what Paul said in Philippians 4:6,
Php 4:6 (NKJV) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
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How would you explain “Be anxious for nothing” to someone? Do you think that you could work them
through that verse and convince them that that was exactly what God wanted them to do? I imagine that
they would think that you were crazy, a little delusional, and possibly mentally challenged. Then on top
of that, I wonder if other people see you being anxious all of the time. Listen carefully. This verse is
exactly how God thinks! This is how God wants you to think when something arises in your life that
makes you anxious. If you will just pray as God has asked you to do in v6, then in Philippians 4:7 He
gives you this amazing promise which says.
Php 4:7 (NKJV) and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus.
Do you want a supernatural peace in your life? I hope you do, and if you do, then you are going to have
to learn how to pray. So, what if you never really learn to pray and how to pray? Well, you will never
have the supernatural “peace of God which surpasses all understanding”. It really is very simple. So,
why would you not have that peace? Well, it is simply because you are not willing to think like God
thinks. What will happen if you ignore these two verses is that problems will come along and they will
stress you out. You will feel frazzled, drained, and fatigued. You will have no wisdom as to how to
handle them. You will continue to be anxious and concerned and frightened. None of that is close to
supernatural peace – and it all started because you were not willing to think like God thinks.
So what have we addressed today? What were the key points of this study today?
1. KEY PRINCIPLE 1: What you put into your mind is what will come out of your life.
2. When you finally decide to put into your mind what God wants you to put into your mind,
then good things will begin to happen in your life.
3. If you will let God win you over in your mind, then you will win in your life.
4. If you want to get your life moving in the right direction, then you have to get your mind
moving in the right direction.
5. KEY PRINCIPLE 2: If you leave God and His Word out of your thinking process, then
you will always be headed in the wrong direction.
6. If what you are doing is not bringing glory to God, then clearly you are not headed in the
right direction.
7. KEY PRINCIPLE 3: The more that you think like God thinks, the less complicated life
becomes because the wisdom of God is never complicated.
8. Jesus did not think like we think.
9. When you learn to think like God thinks, it will soon become instinctive and intuitive to
think that way.
10. Do not let your troubles trouble you.
Groeschel, Craig. The Christian Atheist. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2010.
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