Christ never came to be the minister of sin. He came to save us, not in our sins, but from our sins.
The Water And The Blood, Volume 58, Sermon #3311 - John 19:34
Charles Spurgeon
No marvel that our sorrows are multiplied when our sins are.
Matthew Henry (Nonconformist Biblical Exegete)
The devil seduces us at first by all the allurements of sin in order thereafter to plunge us into despair. He pampers up the flesh that he may by and by prostrate the spirit.
Martin Luther (Founder of the German Reformation)
Sin is a thief. It will rob your soul of its life. It will rob God of his glory. Sin is a murderer. It stabbed our father Adam. It slew our purity. Sin is a traitor. It rebels against the king of heaven and earth.