Caleb and Summer Wedding

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Who gives this woman to this man in marriage?
Please Be Seated!
As we start, let’s ask God’s blessing on this special couple on this special day
Welcome friends and family to this very special day as we gather to celebrate 2 awesome people coming together before the Lord to unite in marriage. Many of you have known at least one of these two for years and years possibly since the time that they were kids running around your house at family functions or possibly as friends that you’d hang out with after school or people who were there to have your back whenever you needed someone to support you. This is a day of celebration as we honor the commitment that Caleb and Summer are making before their family, and their friends, but most of all, before their Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ.
It’s been an honor to get to know these two more over the last few months as we’ve done pre-marital counseling. I’ve had the honor of knowing Caleb since he was in elementary school and between church trips to Oklahoma and Texas and coaching 3rd-4th graders in basketball. I’ve seen a lot of sides of him but the last few months it’s been such a privilege to get to see yet another side of this awesome couple in pre-marital counseling. These meetings are a joy! You get to hear “the story” of how Caleb finally came to his senses and realized that Summer was the one. You get to hear the story of how mutual friends, loving family members, and the Lord brought them together. You also get to hear about how they have transitioned and matured into successful young adults with careers and how they are ready to enter into this next stage of their relationship as they begin this covenant of marriage.
1 Corinthians 13:4–8 CSB
4 Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, 5 is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs. 6 Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end.
This passage is one of the most popular ones during these ceremonies, and for good reason! Our world talks an awful lot about love. In fact, you can hear the word love used in multiple ways in a single sentence as someone will say that they love a certain color, a favorite food, and then conclude by saying that they love their spouse! Self-seeking, keeping a record of wrongs, boasting in self, these are things that are easy because they come naturally to us as humans because of our sin… With all of these definitions and uses, it’s helpful to see what true, Biblical love looks like. It looks like kindness, selflessness, rejoicing in truth, being humble, forgiving one another. Caleb and Summer, in the days to come you’re going to have a lot of good days as you enter this new chapter of your life. You’re going to make new memories in new places as your 2 individual lives become 1. You’ll laugh. You’ll have a new level of joy that you haven’t experienced yet. It’ll be incredible! But there will be difficult days too, and don’t listen to anyone who says anything different. You’ll have days where you’ll have to fight your sinful desire to prove your “rightness.” Days where you’ll be tempted to focus on yourself instead of seeking to serve your spouse.
What is the solution to these problems? Paul tells us that we are to put on love. There’s not a one size fit all solution to sin, but we do know that the love of Jesus changes everything. What is this love, though? To many love is an emotion, a feeling, a look, a thing. But all of those things change. Looks fade. Emotions evaporate. Feelings change. But we know that Jesus doesn’t! The Gospel tells us that it was God’s love that sent His Son into this world to live a sinless life and to die for sinners like each of us on the cross. That love that Jesus has towards His children changes everything. It provides us with peace. It gives us hope. That love lasts. That is the love that will carry you through your marriage.
Marriage isn’t anything new - it’s as old as humanity as we read in Genesis that it was not good for man to be alone, so God created Eve for Adam. As you continue forward in this new chapter today, tomorrow, and the years to come, remember that this day isn’t just a big day because you’re making this commitment before your friends. You’re entering into a covenant before God. A covenant isn’t like a contract where you can walk away the minute that the other party doesn’t do their job. The reason why many marriages don’t work is because people do treat them like contracts and they opt out of the contract whenever a better contract offer shows up. A covenant is whenever you promise to fulfill your responsibilities even if… no, even when the other person stumbles, which you both will as you’re both sinners living under the same roof - that’s a recipe for disaster! The only hope in this process is God’s love. We see in the Bible that God enters into a covenant with His people. He doesn’t leave us whenever we sin or go left for the 25th time when we know we’re supposed to go right. No. He promises to remain faithful. This is the Gospel truth. It is this covenantal love of God that makes the covenant of marriage so special and so significant.
At this time, Caleb and Summer are going to have their parents come and stand by them as they pray for God’s blessing on them as they enter into this covenant and complete a unity candle as a couple.
The wedding ring symbolizes many things. The circular shape knows no beginning or end just as God’s love for His children knows no beginning or end. The wedding ring is made from precious metals and this illustrates the cost associated with God’s love for each of us in sending Jesus to die in our place on the cross. The wedding ring demonstrates a public commitment for you two and for others that you pledge yourself wholly to your spouse. Family and friends, this couple has asked you to be here on this special day as they enter into this covenant between themselves and the Lord - you are not only here as witnesses, but you are here as supporters, friends, family members, and loved ones to encourage them and pour into them in the days to come. I’d like to ask you all, as witnesses, to commit to several things and to encourage this special couple.
We commit to pray for Caleb and Summer
We commit to encourage Caleb and Summer
We commit to support Caleb and Summer
Caleb and Summer, I pray that these rings remind you of your vows to one another and the promise that you have made before your family and before your God.
Caleb, repeat after me: With this ring, I give you my heart… From this day forward, you will not walk alone. I promise to love you as Jesus loves His church and lead you to be more like Him. From this day, until our last day. (Place your ring on her finger)
Summer, repeat after me: With this ring, I give you my heart… From this day forward, you will not walk alone. I promise to love you and to follow you. From this day, until our last day. (Place your ring on his finger)
Today we have gathered to celebrate what God has done in bringing Caleb and Summer together. We have witnessed their marriage vows before ourselves and our God.
By the authority invested in me as a pastor of Jesus Christ, in the presence of God and these family members and friends in attendance, it is my honor to pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man separate!
Caleb - you may now kiss your bride!
Its my privilege to introduce for the first time Mr. And Mrs. Caleb Sappington!
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