Summer Series: Being An Authentic Church
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Built on Christ (1 Peter 2:1-12)
Built on Christ (1 Peter 2:1-12)
Today begins a 6 sermon look at what the Bible teaches about, “Being an Authentic Church.”
When God establishes the local church—His desire is for the church (local body of believers) not be stagnant, lukewarm, or ineffective—rather the church be “authentic,” both in it’s identity and activity; this authenticity must always start from the inside, in order the church might possess “reflective authenticity” to the community God’s placed the church (Matthew 5:14 ““You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”)
We also learn through Scripture (Acts 2:38-44) how God’s church began, following 3000 some people repenting and confessing Christ:
Continuing steadfast in sound doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers
Living in unity—having all things in common
Giving sacrificially for the good of those who had need, and
Existing with “simplicity of heart.”
These traits certainly help solidify a church’s authenticity and by themselves, could be used to teach on a church’s authenticity. Yet, the perspective I want each of us to have, is to view these traits as the “central nervous system,” of the church..Here’s the connection:
There are three main functions of the central nervous system
The CNS receive sensory information—being receptive to changes, known as stimuli
The CNS then process the information, integrating and preparing itself for the third step,
The CNS responding with motor output; in other words it responds with acting upon information
The CNS receives it’s information from the brain—the brain (using thought, learning, and feelings)
Sends the necessary information to the CNS and the CNS responds with acting upon that information
This has a direct Biblical application to the beginning of this series:
Colossians 1:15–18 “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.”
In order to continue in sound doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers—in order to live in unity, having all things in common—giving sacrificially, living in simplicity of heart, we MUST be built on Christ—b/c He is the head—the “brain” so to speak of the local church. It is Christ who gives direction, calls to action, gives growth, and reaps the harvest—the church responds to this “stimuli,” if you will by those traits we just mentioned.
And this is where we begin—-In order to grow and develop as an authentic church—we must be built on Christ and NOTHING else. Over the next several weeks, through the lens of God’s Word, together we will learn how God views and desires His church to be authentic. God has given us a tremendous responsibility and privilege—to make disciples, helping reduce the lostness within the local community. In order that the local church (we) accomplish this, it’s vitally important that we grow more in authenticity.
Be reminded: The Bible identifies the church as a body of believers—those born again and surrendered, baptized by the Holy Spirit, who have given the lives to Jesus Christ. So, in order for the “church” to be and grow in authenticity—believers must diligently pursue lives of authentic living
I. (v.1)—Living authentic lives—will always begin with divestment; what must be laid aside/rid ourselves of/repent of:
1 Peter 2:1 “Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking,”
(First) All throughout Scripture—authentically living in Christ starts with repentance (“laying aside”/
To “lay aside” (NKJV) or “rid ourselves” (NIV) pictures
Stripping away one’s clothing and cleansing oneself of those things which bring defilement
Stripping away “…every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us…” (Heb 12:1)
Casting off those things which might hinder our spiritual walk/spiritual race—hinder our maturity in Christ (Mark 10:50—Bartimaues)
Note what Peter says we must lay aside/rid ourselves of:
Malice-the Greek word is telling: it is (1) badness in quality; (2) possessing an evil mindset—a calculated mindset of doing harm; (3) it is wickedness and depravity that is not afraid to break laws;
The broad/basic meaning of this word also leaves no wiggle room, for it refers to ALL kinds and forms of evil; it strikes at the heart of a person’s vices (what holds them and has them), thus removing any excuse we may make to justify ourselves—no matter how minute or small the sin is in comparison
The narrow sense/meaning it means those deep-seated feeling against a person; hatred which lasts and lasts; longstanding bitterness against another person; going so far as to wish that something bad would happen to them
Deceit the Greek here means to (1) deceive and/or mislead people; (2) set bait as to catch them; (3) it is to be two-faced—all in order achieve what one wants
Primarily the deceit Peter is talking about revolves around our words, words used when a person looks to another’s weaknesses and exploits it
Flattery or false promises
Suggestive talk or off-colored suggestions
Enticing words
Outright lying
To be the play-actor
To wear a mask, or be two-faced
To say we love and live for God, but our lives reflect worldly living
Envy—this is to covet what another has, to the degree a person would go to any length to obtain it; whether it be
Money or position
Looks or popularity
Possessions or social status
Recognition or authority
Envy reveals a person
With no peace or happiness
Who is dissatisfied with what they have or who they are—desiring to be as someone else or what they have
Speaking Evil of Others: this covers our words, which range from criticisms and condemnation to tearing down others rather than edifying them—mainly behind their backs:
Why are people prone to criticize & condemn others with their speech? Some do so
To boost their own image—to make themselves feel good about themselves
Because they simply enjoy it—they take pleasure in hearing about someone else’s failures
To justify our own bad decisions and things we have done in our own lives
As an outlet for one’s own anger/bitterness/resentment
Criticism and condemning speech
Slanders one of God’s children—we are speaking evil to a son or daughter of God
Shows a heart of pride, which chooses not to love another
Is evil (malice): If we are forbidden from dragging and kicking another believer—who has sinned and knows it—how much more are we to refrain from talking about someone we dislike or disagree with?
What Scripture teaches us about evil speaking (criticism/condemning speech):
James 4:11 “Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.”
Psalm 101:5 “Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, Him I will destroy; The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart, Him I will not endure.”
How do we lay aside and get rid of these things?
First we must recognize and repent
Secondly, we must lean into the work of the Holy Spirit
Romans 8:13 “For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”
Romans 13:14 “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”
II. (v.2-3) Living authentic Christian lives reflects a desire for God’s Word, resulting in spiritual maturity, which comes as we taste and see the goodness of God
1 Peter 2:2–3 “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”
“Desiring the pure milk of the Word…” (The tone of this verse is an imperative—a command)
There is to be a craving and yearning within us, even a longing for—a thirsting for the purity of God’s Word (the picture of the absolute essential in hungering and thirsting after God’s Word)
Psalm 12:6 “The words of the Lord are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times.”
Psalm 19:7–8 “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;”
Proverbs 30:5 “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.”
We should crave & yearn the pure spiritual milk of the Word b/c of what the Word does for us
Provides nourishment—as a mother’s milk for their baby
1 Timothy 4:6 “If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed.”
Provides immunity—as a mother’s milk does for their baby to their baby—the Word of God protect and provide for the believer
Ephesians 6:11-17 (The Whole Armor of God)
Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
The purpose is desiring “pure milk”—spiritual growth
The “why” we should remain steadfast in craving God’s Word—we’ve tasted and seen the goodness of God
III (v.4-5) Living authentic Christian lives—built on Christ—recognizes Who we are attached to, who we are, and the work God desires to accomplish in us
IV (v.6-8) Living authentic Christian lives—built on Christ—recognizes
V (v.9-10) Living authentic Christian lives—built on Christ—
For so many people—even in our own community—Sturgis is defined by what happens in early August of every year. But I believe that Sturgis is more than August—I believe St What if a town of 7000 some odd people, a town where people who raise families, work hardBut what if, we as a body of believers, believed and began to live more
7000 people who
Live and raise families here
Work in and around this town