Scriptural Pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament
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Scriptural Pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament
| 1. Seed of the woman; Shiloh | Gen. 3:15; 49:10 |
2. Passover Lamb | Exod. 12:3 |
3. Anointed high priest | Lev. 8:7–9 |
4. Star of Jacob; brazen serpent | Num. 21:8; 24:17 |
5. Prophet like Moses; the great rock | Deut. 18:15; 32:4 |
6. Captain of the Lord’s hosts | Josh. 5:14 |
7. Messenger of the Lord | Judg. 2:1 |
8. Kinsman-redeemer | Ruth 2:1 |
9. Great judge | 1 Sam. 2:10 |
10. Seed of David | 2 Sam. 7:13 |
11. Lord God of Israel | 1 Kings 8:15, 26 |
12. God of the cherubim | 2 Kings 19:15 |
13. God of our salvation | 1 Chron. 16:35 |
14. God of our fathers | 2 Chron. 20:6 |
15. Lord of heaven and earth | Ezra 1:2 |
16. Covenant-keeping God | Neh. 1:5 |
17. Risen and returning redeemer | Job 19:25 |
18. The anointed Son; the Holy One; the good shepherd; the king of glory | Ps. 2:7, 12; 16:10; 23:1; 24:7–10 |
19. The wisdom of God | Prov. 8 |
20. Chief among ten thousand; altogether lovely | Song of Sol. 5:10, 16 |
21. Virgin-born Immanuel; wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace; the man of sorrows | Isa. 7:14; 9:6; 52:13; 53:3 |
22. The Lord our righteousness | Jer. 23:6; 33:16 |
23. The faithful and compassionate God | Lam. 3:22–23, 31–33 |
24. Stone, Son of God, Son of Man | Dan. 2:34; 3:25; 7:13 |
25. King of the resurrection | Hos. 13:9, 14 |
26. God of the battle and giver of the Spirit | Joel 2:11, 28–32; 3:2, 9–17 |
27. God of hosts and the plumbline | Amos 4:13; 7:9 |
28. Destroyer of the proud | Obad. 8, 15 |
29. The risen prophet; God of second choice; the long suffering one | Jon. 2:10; 3:1; 4:9–11 |
30. God of Jacob; the Bethlehem-born; the pardoning God | Mic. 4:1–5; 5:2; 7:18–19 |
31. The avenging God; the bringer of good tidings | Nah. 1:2, 15 |
32. The everlasting, pure, glorious, and anointed one | Hab. 1:12–13; 2:14; 3:13 |
33. The king of Israel | Zeph. 3:15 |
34. Desire of all nations | Hag. 2:7 |
35. Branch; builder of temple; king of triumphal entry; pierced one; king of the earth | Zech. 3:8; 6:12–13; 9:9; 12:10; 14:9 |
36. The sun of righteousness | Mal. 4:2 |