He Streched Out His Hand Luke 5: 12-16

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Love is the steady intention of the will toward another's highest good. Jesus 's attitude of gracious love is demonstrated to the needy who come to Him.

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Bibles with you, would you please open them to Luke chapter 5

Luke chapter 5 verses 12 through 16

You know, it's amazing the lengths that some people will go out to prove their love for others. I don't know if you've paid much attention to music for the last. Take your picture. Of time thousands and thousands and thousands of Songs written about love and there are movies about love and plays and Productions in art and so much of what we as humans create is about love and some of the lengths that people will go. In order to demonstrate love are just insane. Sometimes a little crazy. I tried finding a picture of a really really long road move you when you were dating or engaged or even after being married or with children that are far away. You will drive hundreds. Sometimes thousands or fly thousands of miles to go and visit loved ones won't you? The lengths that we go to in order to demonstrate our love for others. You wouldn't normally walk down this road or drive down this road unless there were a person on the other side that you really wanted to see. And sometimes maybe in a little bit of a distorted way. We think that you can buy love. And sometimes you might acquire a piece of jewelry and something of monetary value and say hey, I love you. And here's a little token of what that might look like. But sometimes people can really get that out of whack. And conclude that the amount of things that are purchased for another person is the sum total or the quantity or the verification that I really do. Love you despite how a person acts or thinks or believes it because I bought you the thing. Don't you love me? I love you. See I bought you the thing. sometimes the way that we demonstrate love for one another by spending time. Spending time with one another love you. This is this is such a precious thing. I read a quote just just a short little statement that said time as the ultimate luxury. Hey, well, that's an interesting little thing. I'm going to incorporate that into my vocabulary somewhere but spending time with one another what a precious gift. That is. and yet sometimes we don't spend time with the people that we love the most. We spend time doing the things that really don't amount to a hill of beans.

There's a great confusion of love in the world today. The world is desperately mistaken and desperately void of a real understanding of what love is. I found a unique definition of love in in one of my textbooks and I wrote it in there. And so I'm trying to figure out where I got this from it's a maybe if you if you know how to find this quote. I have no clue how it ended up there except by my hand. Listen to this Inn in talking about the biblical form of love agape. Love love is the steady intention of the will Toward another's highest good.

I thought that was interesting. Apparently. I thought it was interesting enough to write it down love is the steady intention of the will toward another's highest good. You can hear in their this facet of a decision and action of the will and not a bubbling up emotion of the heart.

I think for believers we would all agree that the single greatest definition in the single greatest example of Love is the Cross of Christ wouldn't you agree?

We want to look this morning at Jesus love for people and we will connect it to the Cross. But I want to show you from Luke 5 some of Jesus love for people and how he demonstrated that and how Jesus in his Supreme Mastery as the teacher as the shepherd as the Savior the way that he saw people and the way that he looked for ways to love him navigated skillfully and carefully with a heart of love and compassion for them. So as we're going through this passage, I want you to keep this thought in mind Jesus attitude of gracious love is demonstrated to the needy who come to him. Jesus attitude of gracious love Is demonstrated to those needy people who came to him? And he didn't push them off. He didn't run from them. He didn't shy away from loving them. But instead he sought out ways that he would show his love for them. Miss the principal there that we want to take into our own lives as well of how we might look for ways to love people. We're going to look at the three ways from this passage that Jesus demonstrated his love and then with some application and principles we want to talk about how we might also look for ways that we can love others.

So if you have your text with you in front of you, would you please stand if you're able for the reading of God's word and then we'll go to him in prayer. Luke chapter 5 verse 12 through 16.

While he was in one of the city's behold there was a man covered with Leprosy and when he saw Jesus he fell in his face and implored him saying Lord. If you are willing you can make me clean and he stretched out his hand and touched him saying I am willing be cleansed and immediately the leprosy left him and he ordered him to tell no one. But don't show yourself to the priest and make an offering for your cleansing just as Moses commanded as a testimony to them, but the news about him was spreading even farther and large crowds were gathering to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus himself would often slip away to the Wilderness and pray. You may be seated father as we turn to you and this hour we need you to be our teacher you have breathed out these words and you've given them to us both now in this moment and forever. Your word will endure forever because it came from your Eternal mouth and your Eternal mind and your good gracious. Love toward us. We thank you. God Almighty that you have spoken and you bring light Into Darkness. We need you to be our teacher in this hour. We thank you for the example of Christ and and Luke's faithfulness to write this down. Lord would you remind us through this morning and this afternoon how we might put this into practice and how we might look for ways to love others. In the same way that you left us. We thank you for all of this in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

The scene opens in one of the many cities that Jesus has been traveling through Jesus has been preaching and teaching in Galilee. You know what? I forgot. I put this out of order. That's what happens. When you do your own slides. There's that statement that I made for you earlier is that attitude of gracious love is demonstrated. To the needy who come to him. So if you like taking pictures of writing things down there just one of the many city of the Jesus has been traveling through.

Anderson man here He was simply known as a leper. He's covered with Leprosy some of your other translations will say that his body is filled with leprosy. Or a severe case of leprosy leprosy was a skin disease. Are there some indications that ancient leprosy is a little bit different than our modern understanding of leprosy Hansen's Disease is what it's called whether it's exactly the same or whether there's a little bit of variation of the point stands still that this is a severely infectious disease and this is a major health concern particularly for the community of Israel. Leprosy shows up early in the Bible and all through Israel's history. It shows up early with Moses and it's given to him as a sign. Turn Exodus for the Lord furthermore said to Moses put your hand into your bosom. So put his hand into his bosom when he took it out the hold his hand was leprous like snow and put your hand in your bosom. Again, we took it out. It was restored like the rest of us flash. So Moses is given this sign in order to persuade and convince pharaoh to let my people go.

But leprosy is often most often seen as a curse or form of judgment and particularly when Miriam grumbled against Moses and complained against him. She was covered with leprosy. And the Lord descended into Moses and Aaron and Miriam 10th, and he was Furious. His anger was hot and because Miriam had murmured and grumbled against Moses. She's been covered in this leprous skin disease.

This infectious disease was potentially harmful to the entire Congregation of Israel. And there were severe restrictions placed on the leprous person for the safety and well-being of the entire nation.

When I was reading and studying for this.

In Leviticus 13. I want you to hear something that sounds really really painful and and this is really sad in some ways. But you have to think of the well-being of the nation of Israel the entire congregation and their health is in view here to Leviticus 13 45 and 46 Leviticus, 13 45 and 46 hours for the leper who has the infection his clothes shall be torn and the hair of his head shall be uncovered and he shall cover his mouth and cry unclean unclean. He shall remain on clean all the days during which he has the infection. He is unclean he shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp. Superman biology perspective from a public health perspective don't think covid but there's a little bit of analogy. This person has leprosy and it is a potential danger to the rest of the community. And so there's a prescription in the law that this person be isolated. and also not just isolated but that they also cry out unclean unclean

that word does not simply mean I'm Ill or I'm sick cleanness in the law has more of a vertical component a really spiritual relationship with God and a person who was unclean was cut off from participation in the ceremonial rites and participation within the Tabernacle in the temple. And so there is not just a social isolation. But in one sense also a spiritual isolation, not that God ever left this person, but they were cut off from the very elements that they would have participated in and religious worship. They were not able to bring sacrifices. So they were cut off in that sense.

This man this leper hears about Jesus. Remember Jesus reputation is spreading the news about him is going all through Galilee in Jesus's going into synagogue after synagogue and preaching and teaching with authority and he's cast out a demon in Nazareth and he's healed Peter's mother-in-law. She had a fever and there's this great catch of fish. And so the reputation in the name of Jesus is spreading rapidly and this man who was isolated and cut off and separated both from God and the community. He hears about Jesus.

And this leper believed that Jesus was able to heal him.

This is fascinating. This man has has heard information about Jesus and has assimilated into an action and he in faith. Falls down at Jesus feed the falls down on his face and he makes a simple request. Some of your translations will use the word implored or begged or request. The idea is is truly like begging quite literally he begged he asked sincerely and fervently if you are willing you can make me clean.

The leper did not wonder about Jesus's ability to cleanse him. noticed that

He said if you are willing. This man has understood enough about Jesus and his identity and his power and his authority that he believes that this man can do it. But the request is if you are willing you can make me clean.

The leper humbly request cleansing from Jesus and Jesus attitude of gracious love is now on full display in Jesus has compassion and mercy on this man. I want you to see that Jesus loved for the leper results and him reaching out to heal. Jesus loves this man and reaches out to heal. He stretched out his hand and touched him. Jesus action here is radical. It is unheard of this man. This leper perhaps had been untouched for years. And even if it were only a period of months or even weeks this man has been isolated separated not able to come to the temple not able to come to the synagogue and to offer any of the of the sacrifice or to do anything of the religious nature that he's so long for and he's cut off and everywhere. He goes he has to say unclean unclean. Stay away. I have a disease. And Jesus look at this, this man is isolated and he's away and Jesus stretches out his hand and walks toward him and touches him. The very thing that no one in the community was allowed to do because of this disease.

We saw this a few versus a go earlier in chapter 5 or perhaps it was for where Jesus is touching the people he's healing their diseases and there's physical contact as he's putting his arm around people and he's touching their hand and touching their head and their face and perhaps Embrace even hugging people and hear Jesus touches. Someone who ought not be touched someone who is unclean someone who is dangerously infected a No-No. Could they possibly infect Jesus, but no,

what did Jesus answer?

I am willing. Be cleansed.

I want you to notice something really carefully in in both the man's request and in Jesus answer. The leper here did not ask for healing. He didn't say Lord Heal me what word is used. Cleanse me make me clean. And what does Jesus say be cleansed? This is so much more than just his skin being cleared up of whatever rash and disease. This is this is a full cleansing in the ceremonial send that now this man not only no longer has this disease but he's no longer cut off. He's no longer untouched because Jesus just got done touching them. They no longer has this rash and disease all over his body. He's been healed but he's been cleansed.

Jesus cleanses the man and the leprosy immediately leaves him. Even diseases obey Jesus immediately theme running through all of scripture that every single facet of God's creation obeys his voice and his command immediately. Except a little bit of a little bit of a condemnation us every other piece of God's creation obeys him immediately even leprosy.

Again, proving that Jesus has authority over diseases in Jesus has authority to cleanse and to declare someone clean. I find the so fascinating the way that Jesus reached out stretched out his hand and touch someone who was Untouchable what a fascinating thing. Jesus is looking for ways to love people as people are coming to him and he's expressing that love. I wonder if we could maybe take a couple applications and principles from that and for us in Kansas City for us in our lives, I would challenge us to look for ways to reach out in love to others look for ways to reach out in love. Jesus of course reached out and was able to heal this man. That's what Jesus was able to do you and I can't do that. But what can we do? What can we do to reach out to those who may be in a similar way or isolated cut-off separated ostracized social outcast alone reach out to those who are perhaps Untouchable or unseen or less than visible or less noticed.

What are you able to do to show the love of Christ to others?

As well as I showed you earlier with the roads and the jewelry and the clock all of you have time.

None of you have more time than anybody else. I've heard from a number of my retired friends that I in one sense. Yeah, every day is Saturday, but man, sometimes they're busier than they've ever been. And whether you're working or not, whether you're 10 or 100 you have the same amount of time as everybody else. So what are you doing with your time to reach out to others and to show the love of Christ? What about with your talents and your abilities? So if you can build things that are just only in my imagination some of you can write and compose things that I dream of. Some of you have phenomenal Talent. What are you doing with those talents to show the love of Christ to others? some of you have treasure material things wealth and all the wealth Belongs to the Lord and He entrusts some of that to us and we have the privilege and the responsibility of serving others with our treasure with our well, but how are you serving others with what God has entrusted to you. And then maybe a final question. How will you be a blessing to others?

Be open and willing to bless others. And surely Jesus knew that this man was coming because Jesus knows everything but we don't get to know everything right and so will we get to do is we get to walk around in an attitude and pattern of dependence. We'll get to that in just a moment. We get to walk around with dependence on the Lord with an open hand anticipating what he is going to do and we can say Lord here. I am make me a blessing to someone today.

How will you be a blessing? I would encourage you to pray and ask the Lord to show you how you might be a blessing in other people's lives.

So let's get back to the story and see what happens. Next. We see Jesus instruction here in verse 14. He ordered him to tell no one Jesus instructs this man in silence. This is a little bit familiar. We saw this earlier with the demons who were crying out. You are the Christ the son of the Living God and Jesus told those demons to be silent because the the purity of the Gospel coming out of the filthy mouth of a demon would be a total Distortion that also it was not his method or his timing of communicating himself, but here is an interesting way Jesus commands this man to be silent. There's a higher purpose here though. This is not simply causing this man to be silent so that he can't rejoice in his healing the Declaration of cleanliness ceremonial cleanliness that Declaration was to come through the priest.

I certainly this man is going to be visibly healed. And of course he's going to want to explain to people that he's healed. But remember healing isn't the issue. It's clean this ceremonial clean this and Jesus commands this man to obey God and the Mosaic law the man should not declare himself clean, but rather he should go to the priest and be declared clean through the method that God has prescribed. Everyone would be able to see that this man is healed. But remember the request that he would be cleansed.

This man wants to return to community life. He wants to return to worship. He wants to return to full participation and gratitude in the Covenant. In the Covenant blessing of Yahweh. And so Jesus has this love for this man and the love for the man results and Jesus command in obedience to God obedience to the law. In Leviticus do our regulations and procedures not just for the man or person who has leprosy but then what to do afterwards and so the priests would verify the physical healing by an inspection of the skin or the sore and then there will be a time of isolation and then later there would be a time of pronouncing this person clean and this newly declared cleanse this person was to take sacrifices to the temple. Or to the Tabernacle and they were then brought back into full participation in the ceremony in the community in the religious worship of God with fellow believers.

So this physical healing is good and right and it's a miracle and Jesus in many ways is fulfilling what he prophesied earlier from, Isaiah 61. That the Messiah is going to bring healing and hope and release for the captives and proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. But there's so much more going on here than just the physical healing. Remember what Jesus said at his temptation man does not live by bread alone, but by Every word that comes out of the mouth of God. It isn't enough simply that this man is healed.

He must live by the word of God and in so doing he is then brought back into Covenant relationship. The beauty of this story is not simply that the man is healed but rather that he is cleansed. But he is brought back into community life and Community worship and he is now free to Avail all of the other facets of the law through faith and gratitude.

That's what I was thinking this through Jesus commands this man to obey God. It wasn't simply. The Jesus loves the law. It was the Jesus loved this man and Jesus love for this man draws him and compels. Jesus to say you need to come to the LA. You need to obey God. That's why I say I think through Kansas City today. I see a principal here where we also have an opportunity to encourage others to obey God. Look for ways that you can encourage others to obey God perhaps that is a love for the lost. I hope that you have a love for the Lost Jesus certainly loved the lost. That's why he came to seek and to save the lost. But for those who do not know God for those who are far in their sin and rebellion, and in their enemies status in their desperate decay of sin.

proclaim the gospel to them proclaim the gospel Share your personal testimony of how you came to obey the Lord and believe in him share what God has done in your own life and how you obeyed God by believing in the sacrifice for your sin. And in so doing you can give people an illustration of what it looks like to obey God for the leper. He was instructed to go back to the law of Moses. But for a lost person in your life, you might say to them. Let me show you let me tell you how I came to obey God.

It is fitting and right that we call Sinners to repent to turn from sin and to Christ.

But remember it isn't just simply turning from sin. Before you're able to come to Christ. No, that's a complete Distortion. We don't ask people to clean up their lives before coming to the Cross. They come to the Cross. They come to Jesus for cleansing. This this man the Lord Jesus is how people are made clean.

And so call people to repentance call people to obey to believe to believe in the Lord Jesus to turn from sand into Christ to come to Christ for cleansing. And then I certainly hope that you have a love for believers.

And certainly there's ample statements in the scripture of calling Believers to obedience.

You're no exception of Believers. Just as much as the unbelievers need the gospel preached to them. You're just as needy. Now. As you ever were you still need the gospel and perhaps now on this side of the Cross and on this side of a relationship with the Lord maybe you're even more acutely aware of how desperately sinful and broken. You are praise. God keep coming back to the Cross keep coming back. You need it just as much now as you ever did there is also for the believer a call to repent turn from sin and turn back to Christ come back to him don't continue on in this Wayward path don't continue on following the desires of The Flash those things that bring about death rather repent of that turn and come back to the foot of the cross.

It's also fitting that we would call Believers back to the word.

As I said, there's there are a number of commands in the scriptures of calling people back to obedience. I think of 2nd Timothy 3:16 and 17. All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training in righteousness. So that the man of God may be adequately equipped for every good work. That is a function of the scriptures in the life of a Believer to reprove correct to train and righteousness to bring someone back into obedience in following the Lord. Galatians 6:1 brother and even if anyone is caught in any trespass you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness each one look into yourself so that you two will not be tempted. There is something fitting and right for believers to call other believers back to obedience to the savior. And I'm sorry a little bit. I'm sorry, if those calls to obedience sting sometimes but proverb says Proverbs 27:6 that this faithful are the wounds of a friend but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.

What a wonderful and safe place in the house of God to receive correction from a brother or sister who loves you dearly and wants to see you walk in obedience to the Lord. And for someone to come to you armed graciously, but with scripture and the authority of God's word and say brother sister. Let me show you something. I need to call you back after this. Don't forget. Let me remind you come back. That's fitting. That's right.

We've looked at Jesus love for the leper. And Jesus love resulted in him reaching out to heal and to cleanse. We've looked at Jesus love for the healed man. He's no longer a leper. He's a healed man. And Jesus love is the basis for commanding obedience to God to go and seek out the priest for that which Moses commanded now, we want to look at the posture and the model that Jesus presents. So the story continues in verse 15 news about him was spreading even farther no wonder with all of the Miracles and teaching that he's been doing Mark record an interesting little tidbit here sidetracked for Mark Mark records that this man after having been healed and Jesus said tell no one go to the priest this man went and told everyone.

And I mean honestly wouldn't you? So have some compassion for the man, you know, it's easy here in Kansas City 21st century. It's easy to look at him and go out. Come on Jesus just told you how many times have you forgotten? The very thing that Jesus just told you in the word so give him a little bit of Grace but news about this is spreading through the healed man himself a large crowds were gathering to hear Jesus and to be healed of their sickness.

Worried about Jesus is spreading rapidly and broadly and many people are telling others about what Jesus had done for them. Whether it was Peter's mother-in-law or the crowd that watched the fish or the demon-possessed man in Nazareth or those others near Nazareth who came to Jesus for healing stories are being shared and lives are being changed. This is really in a lot of ways. This is just a function of personal testimony, which I think is fascinating. All of these people are telling their friends. They let me tell you what Jesus did for me. Hey, what if we did that same thing? Hey, let me tell you what Jesus did in my life. Let me tell you what Jesus did last week with the situation. Let me tell you how Jesus changed my marriage changed my life changed my future. What if we had that same kind of attitude little side note there? The response of the people in this crowd and in many others is they are coming to hear Jesus. He's been traveling through the region. He's been preaching he's been teaching and not as the scribes and Pharisees. He's teaching and preaching with authority will come back to that theme next week, but this is very unlike the scribes in the Pharisees. Jesus is preaching repentance. He's preaching entrance into the kingdom of God. He's also preaching about the eminent kingdom of God. It is coming. He's calling people to repent and to follow him. So they came to hear Jesus in one sense. Yes, but they also came to be healed by Jesus. They have heard of his authority over demons and diseases. And Friends through this man himself their hearing about Jesus power and his authority. and this new crowd also believed that Jesus could heal them to

if Jesus can heal that man who had leprosy.

And maybe Jesus can heal me. I'm going to go find out it's a handsome have some empathy for these folks. They're desperate and here's an answer finally in their sickness and in their pain There's Hope. By golly. Yeah, let's try it out. Wouldn't it? Wouldn't you try some new treatment? And then some option to relieve pain and wouldn't you go to Such Great Lengths to relieve the pain of your loved ones? And so you can understand a little bit of how these people may be thinking. There's this man Jesus and he's doing Miracles and he can heal people. Bring Mom. Bring our son. So the Crowds Are flocking to him.

I love Jesus response here. This is so intriguing. Because the crowds were frequently coming out to see Jesus. There's kind of this pattern. We've seen it just in chapter 4 & 5 there's this pattern of people coming to Jesus and large crowds not small crowds large crowds of people and this continues to happen and because of that Jesus frequently withdraws in solitude for prayer and there's something so intriguing about this and it's this simple little principal Jesus love for the people result in him modeling dependence on God.

This is so intriguing that as people are frequently coming to him. He often would slip out into the wilderness.

He's modeling dependence on God and Jesus did all of his ministry in the power of the spirit. Jesus strength for service was not self-generated. He wasn't coming up with clever ways of doing this. He wasn't plotting out with a map where he would go Independence and on his knees and in prayer, he's seeking the Lord's will. He's asking if his father where he would go what he would say what he would do and he's often slipping out for prayer.

And he's doing this in order that his ministry would be directed by the father and accomplished in the power of the spirit. So that everyone who would follow after Jesus would follow this same model, but no one in Jesus present Ministry would ever be able to say oh Jesus is doing these things just on his own know he clearly Is out infrequent times of prayer depending upon the father. The verb forms here in in verse 15. I'm sorry for 16 these verb forms indicate that this was a continual repeated action. It was a regular pattern that he continually was going out in solitude for prayer. This was the regular pattern in the model that Jesus practiced and to find Solitude he would often go into the Wilderness or the deserted places some of your translations might say

Something really valuable about being outside. I don't know. If you've thought about this ever. I told this to the team's several years ago at a youth fall Retreat Only God Can Make outside.

Think about it like we're inside something and people built this and you're going to get in your car and people built that you're going to go into your house and people built that but only God can make outside.

And something really valuable about being out in God's creation seeing the things that he made watching the wind rustling through the trees watching an animal Scurry around. Or in Jesus case out in the wilderness in the desert with wind and rocks millions of rocks. And water and creatures and just the Solitude of being present with his father. So if you don't another aside if you don't go for walks outside or spend much time outside, I encourage you to everyone because God made it but also there's something really special about being outside cuz God and God is present everywhere, right? Until we're not we're not lost. I'm thinking that God isn't present inside and he's not more present outside. Okay, so delicious get that cleared up, but there is something really touching and really special about fellowshipping with God in his creation. So Jesus would often slip out into deserted places for Fellowship. Jesus maintain his relationship with a father through prayer. They had forever from eternity past enjoyed perfect Fellowship among the members of the Triune godhead from eternity past from absolute forever ago, perfect unity and perfect fellowship. And what does Jesus do in his Earthly Ministry, but he continues that Fellowship. He continues that through prayer and its regular time of being dependent upon the father.

For any people who were watching Jesus, they would have seen him making these frequent trips out and then back and they would have ever have said. Hey Jesus. Where were you at breakfast out in the wilderness. I mean you missed a really really good scrambled eggs, and I had some wonderful fellowship with my father. Prayer was a necessary part of Jesus service and love for others. until what we might understand and glean from this In following Jesus model of being dependent. Look for ways to depend on God. Some ways of dependent on got a really really easy to come by. It's really easy when you have a lot of pain or if you have some really painful difficult stressful situation. It's really easy to depend on God in those moments, right? Because at the end of your rope, what else do you do except God, please? I need your help that's easy to do. I mean it is it logically follows. I don't mean it's simple and easy and fun. But often with a significant need or big important decisions or something really really heavy. We kind of naturally gravitate towards depending on God and that's good and that's right sometimes trials and suffering that God brings in our life are for that purpose to wake us up and go I need to trust God in this. So thank God for the big things that he brings in your life. But some situations are a little more difficult to discern.

Are you depending on God in your time-management? Are you depending on the Lord for the words and the tone that you use in your family?

In your speech with others in the things that you observe in the things that you spend time with. Are you depending on the Lord for those?

Do you depend on the Lord for your decision-making and your planning? It's really easy with with a piece of paper or with Google Calendar. It's really easy just to organize your entire life and to put it all together and say here it is. I'm going to go in here and do this and such. I'll go do that over there. Yes, I'll be there for that appointment. It's really easy to schedule your life and plan stuff. But are you making those decisions in dependence upon the Lord?

James would give the instruction that we ought to make those plans but as the Lord Wills. If the Lord Wills we will go here and there and do this and that and engage in business. So look for ways that you can depend on God.

Helen S model dependence in the same way that Jesus model dependents for us. How are you modeling dependents for others? How are you showing others that you are dependent on God?

Do you speak often of how you are depending on God? Do you use the phrase Lord willing or I'm trusting God for do you use words like that? in your regular vocabulary

Do you tell stories and speak of how you were trusting God for something and then he provided an answered. Do you share those stories or do you share the fun things that you saw on the interwebs? I hope that you're sharing stories of the ways that you were trusting God and then he provided for you in the way that he took care of you. Let others see that you are a man or woman who seeks God and asks him for wisdom. It's really easy to go to the Internet. It's really easy to go to a friend or to read a book or to find your favorite author to find someone who's just you know, spewing out some little tiny tidbits of wisdom. But how often do we come back to the word? How often do we come back to God for wisdom?

And then finally, I would say the one of the best ways that we can model dependence upon the Lord is to pray continually. 1st Thessalonians 5 16 through 18 says Rejoice always pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

pray without ceasing that means you never hang up the phone on God. You never put the receiver down. You never hang up. It's just an open line and you're always ready to continue that prayer. You're always ready to say. Oh one more thing Lord. Thanks for reminding. Ohe'o I know you're still listening. But I just thought of something never end that posture in that attitude of prayer, but continually pray and while you are continually pray and rejoice in him and give thanks in all things. Whatever the Lord brings you to you give thanks to God because what he brings to your life has first pass through his hands. He has either allowed or brought things into your life that you might know him more to give thanks to God, even if it's hard.

Always be talkin To God In Prayer. He's not far. He's near God isn't forever far away in heaven that is with you. Emmanuel means god with us God is present everywhere.

Every time you face a trial or test ask God for wisdom when you don't know what to say ask God for wisdom when you celebrate something that's good and wonderful thank him and ask him for wisdom for how to proceed forward always be praying and asking the Lord.

Jesus shows us his tremendous love for others in this passage his love for the leper let him to reach out and touch the Untouchable to heal the outcast and to restore the lonely and Jesus cleanses the one who was formerly unclean Jesus shows his love for the same man by commanding him to obey God. Go and present yourself to the priest and make the sacrifice that Moses commanded and Jesus shows his love for the crowds by continually retreating that he might be restored in fellowship with the father and that his ministry might continue in the power of the spirit.

As we prepare to partake in the Lord's table together as the body of Christ. Remember that the single greatest act of love that has ever been shown is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the forgiveness of sin.

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 5:8 through 10 God demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us much more than having now been justified by his blood we shall be safe from the wrath of God through him for if while we were enemies. We were reconciled to God to the death of his son much more having been reconciled. We shall be saved by his life.

And then finally 2nd Corinthians 5:21. He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. My friends not only did Jesus reach out his hand to touch the leper and to cleanse him. Jesus reached out his hands on the cross to provide cleansing and salvation for all who would come to him by faith. That is who we celebrate. That is the love of God. Through Christ Jesus For All Mankind and we are entirely and continually dependent on him.

Father thank you for this passage. Thank you for the truths that are here. Thank you for this picture in this window into the life of our savior. We thank you for his vast and infinite and eternal love for these individuals, but also for us individuals. for me Lord, thank you. Thank you for providing the Savior and as we partake of these elements that you instituted and that you commanded. Or Jesus we do Proclaim your death until you come again. And we asked Lord that you would come quickly come quickly Lord Jesus that we might partake of this with you and we might Rule and reign with you. When you come in your kingdom. We long to see you face to face Lord in until then strengthen us for the days ahead strengthen us for this afternoon that we would not lose sight of these things We Trust You Lord and we love you in Jesus name. Amen.

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