How should we pray? — Part 2 || Matthew 6:9 || Jose Brevil
Porsche Tanya Bible with me to Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 as we continue our series of flu The Book of Matthew and continuing talking on the topic of freyr topic of prayer as we have already established the last week. I pray your is a very difficult trailer is a difficult thing that none of us fully comprehend and is room look at the Lord's Prayer your what you'd be really the disciples player just was Jesus told the disciples how to pray the old do we all struggle with prayer. It is very hard to fully understand how prayerworks we will continue today in our message from last week and just doing a part 2 How should we pray based on how the Lord Jesus has taught us to pray as difficult? We don't fully understand and I love the way that William Temple put said he says that when I pray coincidences happen when I don't they don't. And I love the way that Tim Keller protecting Kelly says in prayer. God will either give us what we ask or give us when we would have asked if we knew everything that he knew and he has been my observation when it comes to prayer. My observations player has been as bad as long as I'm walking in obedience with God if God answers favorably to my prayer. I know that's why it's best for me and even God does not answer favorably to my prayer. I still trust him and know also with that. That's why for me. That easy to say because sometimes when we playing for something we wanted to happen, right? All right. But what are you saying? Is this really what you said with me as long as them Walking with God and obedience if God answers favorably. I know that's what's best for me. And if God does not answer favorably to my prayer. I still trust him and know that was best for me should not be shaken when we praying. We don't see that the answer that we are praying for. Because if that's the case that we have made prayer about us, but as we have seen last week as we started studying we saw that it was our father. God does not only have one child you are not only child our father when we praying God is a communal God. It was not only for ourselves for our needs but also for other people's needs if you just play and it was just about yourself and you didn't pray for others. You didn't glorify God's name. You did not really pray. Too if you want to complete Prager, we want to keep all of God's children in mine. So let's get back to our passage from last week in Matthew chapter 6 starting in verse 5, but our Focus will be really and horses 9 to 15 more specific clean verse 12 to 15 since last week. We looked at 9 to 11 really 9 to 10:00. So let's read so we can get the full contacts in Jesus. Matthew 6 verse five it says and when you play you must not be like the Hypocrites so don't pray for sure. We don't be an actor Bill pretend to be more spiritual than you are a good player doesn't have to be that long but make it that long just cut to the chase talk to God God already knows for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues. Canada street corners that they may be seen by others truly I say to you they have received their reward, but when you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret and your father was season secret to build rewards use the really the Bible you don't try to be praying in public when you have not prayed privately first. Play baby goes back to the Hypocrites do the play actor God's is 8 / a privately first make sure you have a private play your life before now. You start having public playing Ministry. And when you pray do not keep up empty phrases as the Gentiles do there are some religions. They just repeat the same thing over and over over and over and over and over and over. It's kind of like a I'm going to make this God tired of me and when it's tired of me saying the same thing over and over and over and over. Maybe you will answer but God is saying no no, no. No when you pray do not Heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles got a signal just play with your mouth play with your heart. So what you saying made makes sense for they think that they will be heard for their many was God In the Flesh and he is saying that when they come to me, don't try to show up. It's not your many words that will make Garden answer. Your prayers is do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him if I have to pray and I think that's the thing that most people struggle with you already know. Why should I pray and that's why today we continued mostly have liked to use on player you are the Armenian views that God is not going to do anything unless somebody praise. Then you have the calvinistic view is that God is Sovereign God is going to do whatever he's going to do. What are you play on that?
You know, what we're looking for. Is that an Armenian for you or calvinist? If you would be looking at is more balanced view, we need a Biblical youth we see both in the Bible when she sometimes that I did that people play and it seems to show that God's heart has move like in the case of Jonah the people in Middle River Parade and repented all the destruction was coming but what happened
You do in our world. We will say that God changes hard. But how do we know that God did it already info that they that's exactly what's going to happen, but we don't see the picture. Isn't sometimes we'll see that when we pray with something happened and seems like God has changed his mind, but we know the Bible tells us that God changes now. That is the same yesterday today and forever. That's why we cannot put God in a box. We just got up for a garden spray play Darth Vader before you say what you going to say already know, but I still want you to play then what do we do we friends. We just be obedient to God's word. Jesus says Prairie like
Even if they pray this prayer, he said pray like this. There's nothing wrong with playing this sprayer. Berlin Derby just word on page has made you putting bones and flesh to it made mean something to you as you are saying it and it says Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come, your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil for if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses neither will your heavenly father forgive your trespasses father, but you helped us this morning to get a greater understanding of Prayer. And in more so than the greater understanding may we become greater prayer warriors? May we not the question that may we just pray because you say to pray in Jesus name we pray. Amen. He's a message in one sentence. Again Prager is most effective when we make God's interest our top priority as opposed to ours, but interestingly God has a way of meeting our needs better than we could ever imagine when we submit to his will in prayer circle quick recap on how we should pray. The first thing we saw last week is that we need to focus on God person and I have added this week. He was priority not only on God's person. But it also he's priority the first verse says pray like this than our Father in heaven. So we're focused on Person that's relationship. This is a father and son father and daughter relationship. And we see God's position. Your God is in heaven heaven rules Earth. So we are in good company if we pray to God the Father we know that he is able to answer and he will answer and as a father would love these children the father will do what is best for his kids. So we need to focus on God's person then second Hallowed be your name. That's the priority in frager. It's worshipped. Does Hallowed be your name. God is Holy. God is perfect and he'll receive Jesus say you start with our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name. So we coming to God's presence is to look his name highs to glorify him is to tell God how great he has been to us how great he is to us our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name to the priority when we come to play or is to lift God's name High. Does the Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from God during says that you can do nothing without me. Did you hear the verse says what can you do with our God? Nada, nothing. That's why I want me to come we come to look guys named High all our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name. No more selfish player James Ford 3000 you ask you to not to receive because you ask wrongly to spend it on your own passions and little churches you go today with the Prosperity Gospel. What is it? It's all about selfish is that you give so you can get your ass and God will give you because because you gave you know, it's a principle but that should never be your motivation to give your motivation is due again. Go back every good and perfect gift come from who God. So it was God in the first place. Create a lot of our prayers are just selfish players and selfish prayers. God cannot answer selfish prayers. I love some 138 books to it says for look at the last part it is for you have exalted Above All Things. Your name and your word that's why when you come to God our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name because God takes his name seriously and God takes his word seriously. So not only we need to focus on God's person and his priority but we also need to focus on God's program focus on God's program because it says your kingdom come if you go back to 4:17. It says Jesus went about and preaching the gospel and telling people the kingdom of God is at hand in chapter 3 John the Baptist did the same thing. It says repaired for the kingdom of God is at hand of God as a king. Brothers building God has a program and his program is the kingdom. That's what it says. We need to go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father Son and the Holy Spirit when we share the gospel with people we are advancing God's program. We are advancing his Kingdom Agenda and that's what God calls us to Matthew for 2414. Remember we saw last week this Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to our nation. Is there the end will come got her the program if we're not sharing the gospel by 10. Come back. This is this is how God has design in program. God want everybody to hear. Remember? We not on the only child guy cares about all his children. I do for some of us real people. They can go to that place. But that's not God's heart government care. No matter what state that person might be the meaning of reflecting His Image right now, but God knows that they are he has children and God wants to redeem them all and this will be your opportunity to Bear witness. God wants us to Bear witness and God wants us to advance his program. Another turtle thing. We saw was that we need to focus on God's plan and I've also added focus on God's plan and purpose focus on God's plan and purpose. You know that God's word. You never eat can exhausted all okay. You cannot get everything from it's still yeah last week schedule for the plan, but I got 30 more more things came out of the text. So it's God's plan and purpose because it says your kingdom, and then what does it say here? You will be the daughter of the people in the purpose for each of us and not only our individual plan. But remember the big picture God has a grand plan that God needs to accomplish here on Earth as guys accomplishing in heaven. It says your will be done. We would do greater for go to prayer just like Jesus dude when he says father nut and let not this cup pass from me, but not my will but let your will be done. Cast from me but not my will but yours be done. If it's one of us will think if we play like this it's the lack of faith, but Jesus prayed like this. When we faced difficult situation we can tell God. This is what I would like to see but not my will but yours be done. God has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives. So as we pray that only we focus on God the person with a focus on his program is Kingdom Agenda, but we also need to focus on his plan and his purpose in our life. It says your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven, you know in heaven people followed God Everything he wants his will be done on Earth as it is being done in heaven Matthew 6:33, but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything and do things will be added on to view some 37 verse for delight yourself in the Lord and He will do what give you the desires of your heart often. I would like of praeger's is a misunderstanding of God's word when we pray selfish Prager is a misunderstanding actually lack of faith. They would do not trust God to do what's best for us. And he regards as a unit like yourself me the menu walking with me. That's a dog will give you the desires of your heart because my desire will become your desires and your desires will become my desires be that perfect marriage that now we are on the same wavelength and then we started just seeing surface lie. Just the next Focus for us is not only God's person that program God's plan and purpose but all still on God's provision the first tree cheerful kisses on God's glory, but the next three focuses on our needs it is okay to ask God for what we need because Jesus says here in verse 11. Give us this day. Our Daily Bread
Don't go to spiritual.
It's okay to ask God for what you need. God already knows it. Anyway, even if you do the same with words, you know your heart you want it. So what you want. Give us this day our daily bread to ask God because as a father a father loves to provide for his children of father would love to provide for his needs. I know some fathers don't really reflect God what fathers are supposed to do is to provide and it needs to be a father's joy to provide just like God as a father would want to provide for us. With joy to give us this day our daily bread made of yours. According to his riches in glory in Christ. Jesus. God does not like anything. But again. Remember it saying give us this day our daily bread, you know, a lot of people in the world they depend on good find their food on a daily basis. But we here. We stock up for weeks or months. And as a result, we don't really know many of us. Are you living in planting? Remember the Jewish people in the desert. Give them the Mana it was for daily. If anybody's throwing up more than the gray you got spoiled. A little bit. Sometimes we might be complaining that we don't have enough but it's really just a walk you we just don't realize how how much is a living in abundance.
Give us this day our daily bread. God will always provide for his children. It's summer. Psalm 34 the end of the song also talked about for the Lord God is a son and this one but but it's been in the song talks about a scene that I've never seen the righteous forsaken or seeing his children begging for bread since I'm 34 Verse like twenties and up God never the righteous his children never back from God will always provide for our needs and as we learned last week. God does not revolve Amy good thing from those would walk with him and Jim Elliot reminded us that God always gives his best to do is we'll leave the choice with him those who trust him if we trust God would give it to him. God will Always give us his best, but the problem often we think that we know why it's best we know better than God, but God if we trust him will walk with him. God will always give us his best. Are not only we need to focus on God's person God's Parson and priority got program God's plan and purpose God's provision in our prayer. The realtor need to focus on God's. Pardon. Do you know what all of this means forgiveness? Do you know that all of us we don't only need like our physical needs Med, but we also need our mental needs help. How many of you if you're not forgiven if you've done something wrong to somebody until they're forgiven you you are restless.
I just like when you mess up when you send you are restless and God wants to forgive us because it says God says you need to pray for forgiveness. It says and forgive us our death, but this is one that God gives us with a condition and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and we will see at the end in verse 14 and 15. He reiterated that in the tax. God wants us to not only pray for our knees whether physical or food of material but God also wants us to pray for forgiveness so that we can be mentally stable because if we're living in sin without forgiveness, we will be at peace and that's why we need to go to God and forgive and ask God for forgiveness and repent from RCN and walk with him and at the same thing also forgiving others and asking for forgiveness from others four people room. We have offended because whenever there is a problem with sin on forgiveness we are restless. We are restless and God is saying you come to me in prayer ask for forgiveness forgive us our debts and listened as we also have forgiven our debtors. So it's tied together as you asking God for forgiveness. You also need to be reeling to forgive others Romans. 6:23 says for the rages of sin is death. But the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ woman 323 tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All of us are in need of forgiveness Romans. 3:10 says None is raichu's no not one. You see we refuse to forgive we are withholding something that we will need later or mighty men need right here and then The God is saying 8 when you come to me in prayer and only you glorifying my name you asking for your knees, but also a big link that you have is one for forgiveness and the need for you to forgive others in the need for others to forgive you and doctors take that seriously, when you go to pray your number just in the Bible it says even if you were going to give a gift leave your gift at the altar be reconciled with your brother before you even give you gift serious God ticks relationship. If we do not have a right relationship with when the wind another we cannot claim to have a right relationship with God both the vertical and the horizontal relation one another and relationship with God. They both work together Nehemiah 917 says they refused to obey and we're not mindful of the Wonders that you pour from among them, but they stiffen their neck and a lot of people been appointed a leader to return to their slavery in Egypt. Even though God has freed us from sin. We always like to go back to the Mast and letting send Master us but you are a god ready to forgive. God is ready to forgive you. You send does not have to take hold of you like a master because Jesus is the master cuz that's like it says your kingdom come that means god is a king. He is able to forgive death and he's able to forgive sin gracious, but you are a god ready to forgive gracious and merciful slow to anger and abounding and steadfast love and did not forsake them.
Damn, this is for the asking when 3 repairs and we ask God for forgiveness. God will forgive.
Look up Luke 17 verse 3 and 4 says pay attention to yourselves if your brother sins rebuke him and if he repents. Forgive him and if he seems against you seven times in the day and times to you seven times saying I repent.
Are you aware or you must forgive him?
Okay, let's go home.
Read the message. And I like today. That's one thing that is destroying so many people living in unforgiveness. You can never be happy.
Whether you are the offending party you refuse to forgive or somebody was revolting forgiveness from you.
It takes a mental toll on you. It is hard and that's why it's Christians you what we getting from the passage use that I'd be quick to forgive. And forgive over and over and over. I know some of your thinking yo don't want to be a doormat now. Jesus was a doormat.
I've nothing to let people take advantage of you. But God says to forgive you forgive. I know the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation, but I'm not even going to mention it because so many people are just using excuses.
Saying that or I forget but I don't reckon to overrule. I don't have to reconcile the Bible where you just talking about it and saying it we already see that you have not forgiven because you still bitter about it. Even talking about it already bring things. I'm not even going to talk about reconciliation. We're going to focus on forgiveness if you bitter about it, if you can talk about it if it makes you angry you talkin about guess what? You have not yet forgiven. We don't even have to talk about reconciliation because you have not even done before step of forgiving. If he turns to you seven times saying everything.
you May forgive it says You must forgive Matthew 18 21 22 then Peter came up and said to him that you love Peter Peter says all the things that are now in mind that we never speak out. Lord how often will my brother sin against me and I forgive him and many as many as seven times Peters trying to show how spiritual that he is I can forgive up to seven times. That's pretty good. Right Jesus. At least at the Jesus answer. Jesus said to him I do not say to you seven times, but
7 ft 7
Guerrilla Jesus is saying here is that you keep on forgiving and don't keep a record. I love the way that pasta thumb Holiday from Saddleback. Do we need to be careful? Because once we are bitter to would someone because they have been bitter to us. You ready sooner or later will become just like them. I've seen that movie too many times. When you keep rolling and then you building up that bitterness the same person you were complaining about you have become chess like them even put it this way. If we have a hard time forgiving or have unresolved bitterness. It is a sign that we are not right with God.
Oh Lord. May you help us to forgive and I'll actually would we see in our prayer is God's protection God's protection so that only refer focus on God's glory with his person is priority. His plan is purpose. But we also know he's program we focus on our and needs Provisions pardon forgiveness. Also, one of the big names that we have is a need for protection. The world is messed up protection from sidon protection from what's around us. And it says lead us not into temptation, but Deliver us from evil. Evil in the world. We need to Be watchful net only in the spiritual not to fall into temptation, but also Deliver Us from the evil not to be under the Yoke of the devil because it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and some people are just evil. How to destroy you ready? We need to pray for protection and Jesus said to pray for protection, so don't shy away from praying for God's covering over your life. I think it was Joe who always pray for God and your protection around the gym in Matthew 26 verse 41. It says watch and Pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. So we need God's covering over our lives 1st Corinthians. 10:12 to 13th is Dale. Anyone would fix that. He stands take heed lest. He fall place is no temptation in verse 13 has overtaken you that is not coming to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. But when the Temptation good with the Temptation, you will also provide the way of Escape that you may be able to and do it. So pray that God covers Us that God keeps us that God gives us the power to endure dope 1315 says though. He slay me I will help in here yet. I will Argue my ways to his face. Don't let go just stay in God's feet and pray to him in the job 23:10 says but he knows the way that I take when he has tried me I shall come out as go see perseverance in frager. Let's pray for God's protection. Even when the going gets tough. Let's pray that we keep on going and you see the connection Our Father in Heaven Denver's 12. Give us this day. Our daily bread. God is our father God's provides Your Kingdom Come God as a king. He forgives you can forgive death. She can forgive our sin. Then it says your will be done. God is our master god is Lord and as such can God protect us. Of course, God can protect us our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come, your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil focus on God's glory and okay to focus on your needs and there's an extra. This is not in all the tax in some biblical text. This right here is not in the Prager but some Bible translation at the West's for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Are men so that means we also think to focus on God's preeminence, which is really what we're doing in the first part, but was it when God's glory and hear that just going to like a good summary of The Psalm 104. Yours is the Kingdom. So it's kind of like they spend watching it here bringing it back to God you focus on God's glory focus on our needs and then we bring it back for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Amen as wonderful picture it he just never and would be a no, let's and is the Caribbean? Answered prayer is directly linked to forgiveness. Regardless of how we feel about forgiving others forgiveness is never optional. If you want your prayers to be answered start forgiving even people you. Will never see even people who have been dead long and gone that you just still have something in your heart for them. Just release it and just let it go because God cannot answer your prayer. If you have unforgiveness in your heart, that's how the passage ends that section about prayer in verse 14 and 15 of chapter 6 verses for if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you see the condition. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, he puts it in the positive then negative. Neither. Will your father forgive your trespasses? And I've met so many people today that I living in such bitterness about what money have done to them what their daddy had done to them, but their spouse had done to them what their children had done to them what their co-worker had done to them by their bus had done to them what their friend in the playground even the right now, they are 70 years old is still cannot forget what someone's would do to them when they used to play in the playground. holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness
God is telling us whatever it is. No matter how bad it is. We know that our world has a lot of abuse. terrible things the guy that has a I called you to forgiveness and remember the quote we read from Jim Elliot. God always gives his best for his children, you know, you life ended tragically where he went as a missionary in Ecuador, and he was killed by the natives there. But guess what? His son went right back there and serving and he's son and the tribal leaders, son who killed him. They ended up having a movie together. That's the Redemptive power of the Gospel. When we will forgive it will go a long way if we refuse to forgive. God says I cannot forgive you some 66 Verse 18 says if I had cherish and liquidity in my heart the Lord would not have
when we holding onto unforgiveness God does not answer our prayer in the book of 1st or 2nd Peter. It talks about a wife and a husband and if if the relationship is not right that's on forgiveness. Cuz I don't even listen to your prayer and David is telling us the same if I had cherished Bakery in my heart. The Lord would not have listened. So when we pray focus on God's glory, he's playing his program is pursuing his priority is purpose for our lives. Then we focus on our needs or provision. Our pardon the Forgiveness of our protection focus on of the needs that we have. Remember to bring all the glory to him always lifting his name. Hi and God is saying hey if you pray like this, you will be praying if actively If you keep the Lord's Prayer, you memorize it and keeping that template in your mind as you praying. Let's focus on God glory and I focus on my name that I live is named. Hi. Again. Says your prayers will be effective and you have learned it from the master Jesus himself. Who sings that nobody had pray as much as he did because his disciples asked him to teach us to pray while Jesus for from The Lord of Miracles raise people from the dead probably that's what I was at the Jesus. Show me how to raise people from the dead. So I can raise myself when I die to the selfishness. But God is calling us a prayer is important and obviously she's disciples realized the importance of prayer to the messaging and not show is simply this when we honor God would make his Kingdom Agenda or priority and submit to his will he will meet all our needs. Safe with me like you believe at the winter. We honor God make his Kingdom Agenda a priority and submit to his will he will meet all our needs our needs for provision for pardon for protection our physical need our mental need in our spiritual needs as you so mental forgiveness protection lead us not into temptation spiritual need God will meet our present needs his give us this day our daily bread. That's our present need our past forgive us our debts that's in our past and in the future to his lead us not into temptation. And God is the God will provide for a present for passing for our future. God will need all our needs. Crossword God Masters in doing that remember again the gist of it cuz that could chapter 5, but if I tell you unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the kingdom of God. So I were praying is not for sure like the scribes in Pharisees without a freighter is to be more like got the raise guys name high and when we pray for in these it shows our dependence on God, it shows our humility that we need God and we lift his name. Hi, I love put it this way when it comes to play and it's a final to keep it simple stupid sincere and stick with it. Since I could not find a next word for keep it going. So keep it simple to be sincere stick with it. Which means keep it going. Amen. Let's pray father. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for teaching us to pray and father help each one of us to pray more effectively today. And I pray father that you would use us on under the teaching of your word today that have learn how to pray better. That we would help others to pray better so that we would be more effective in our prayers for you. Make it clear. Prayer is important. Fraser is important. your disciples realize that and help us father realizes as well. And father we pray for our church, maybe understand the power of Prayer. May we all be praying fervently privately.
And may we all come together? And Freight publicly together whether it's on Sunday morning before service during service during our meetings throughout the week and conversations. May we be a Praying church for your say your house shall be called a House of Prayer?
House of Prayer so many times we focus on everything else. But prayer so father we repent today for our lack of prayer for our prayer list and help us today. to be focused on prayer and father help us help our prayers to be simple sincere and help us to be persistent and keep going in Jesus name. Amen.