The Man on the White Horse

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Faithful and True

To begin let us review. This is John’s vision. Seven letters, seven seals, and seven trumpets. Next we looked at the seven bowls or woes that were in the time of tribulation. If we accept the timing of the rapture as coming after the trumpets and before the woes we will know that the church has a;ready been removed from earth. As I have remarked each week as we studied the woes people had the opportunity to repent and be saved, but instead of repenting they were angry with God. Last week we saw Babylon the harlot who had lead people astray deserted by the ones she had enriched and destroyed.
Chapter nineteen 1-10 begins with John saying, “I heard” and then describing a sound like the roar of a great multitude shouting in heaven; “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory, honor ( NKJV includes honor) and power belong to our God. Four attributes of God that are exemplified in what has just taken place. His judgments are true and just. Remember these are the ones that asked , how long until judgment would come. God is faithful, he will accomplish his plan in his timing. There will be no argument about his judgement. Again they shouted Hallelujah! The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped God who was seated on the throne. God has executed his plan, he is able to sit while everything takes place. They shouted Amen, Hallelujah! A voice came from the throne saying Praise God all you his servants. All means everyone, there is no distinction between great or small.
John says the second “I heard.” Again it was the sound of a great multitude, like rushing waters and loud thunder. I thought about the sound of Niagara falls, many of us have been there and we all have heard loud thunder. Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Rejoice and be glad, and give him glory.
The wedding of the Lamb has come. We talked before about Israel being the bride of God and last week about Babylon being the harlot who enticed the people into adultery. This is the wedding of the Lamb. All who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, The church, Jew or Gentile will not matter anymore, it will be all who believe. They are the bride and are made ready, wearing fine linen. We know how weddings take place in our culture. In the Jewish culture there was a period of betrothal that was a legal contract to marry. the groom would go to his father’s home and prepare a home for his wife. He would then return and claim her as his bride, this would be followed by a feast lasting a week of more. The angel who is saying this to John says that all who are invited to the wedding supper are blessed. Once again we see a blessing pronounced in this book. John was going to bow down and worship the angel, but the angel told him not to do it because he was a fellow servant. Worship God and God only.
The second part of 19 changes from I heard, to I saw. John says “ I saw” heaven opened and before me was a white horse. This is not the same white horse and rider that we saw in chapter 6 at the opening of the first seal. the rider on this horse is called Faithful and True. He is coming forth to judge with justice and make war. His eyes are blazing like fire and he has many crowns on his head . Hebrews 12 .9 states that our God is an all consuming fire. The many crowns would speak to his kingship, authority, and his status. a name written on him that no one but he himself knows. We do see other names, first the Word of God. His robe is dipped in blood. Isa.61.1-6 This blood would represent the blood of Christ that was shed for redemption of believers. The armies of heaven follow him riding white horses and dressed in fine white linen. the army is made up of the angel host of heaven. We have seen before the description of warrior angels . Also the saints. Thousands upon thousands following the Lord. John says that out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. Chapter 16;6 tells us that the antichrist and the beast have called together all the kings for the battle of Armagedon . John is now witnessing this battle. The rider has a name on his robe and on his thigh: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. It would seem that Jesus is this warrior and that all are killed by the sword of his mouth. Notice that there is no mention of the angels or the saints being armed, only Jesus. There are several battles in the old testament where the enemy is routed by God without the people having to do anything. It seems that this is what is happening here. He will rule with an iron scepter. He is in complete control, none can stand against him. He treads the winepress of God’s fury. We read earlier of the battle with blood flowing as high as the horse’s bridles . The battle is completed.
The second “I Saw” is of an angel crying in a loud voice calling all the birds of the air to come eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, their horses and riders. We can refer to them as carrion birds, we see what we call turkey buzzards flying around here. It is amazing how they live on the flesh of dead animals. It is difficult to say, but they preform a much needed service, cleaning up after a battle. I read once that they live a long time, it was noted that some, who cleaned up after the Civil War are probably still alive today.
John’s third “I Saw” is of the beast and the false prophet gathered together with the kings of the armies on the earth to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. They are captured and thrown alive into the lake of burning sulfur all the rest were killed by the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider. The beast and the false prophet were allowed to rule for the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. they led many astray and killed the believers who refused the mark of the beast. Their destruction has now come.
Judgement is coming, we might say how long oh Lord? We might think that because it has been over 2000 years that it is not going to happen. Don’t be deceived, God is not mocked. He is alive and he will fulfill all promises in his timing. His judgement will be just it will not be contrived or bent to fit some human mold. Why is it taking so long? It might be so that everyone has the opportunity to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. As we have been working through Revelation we have seen time and again that people have had the opportunity to repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness. He gave his life to pay the price for our sin. Receive his grace and forgiveness while there is still a chance for repentance.
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