Running the Faith Race
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Title- Running the Race by Faith
Title- Running the Race by Faith
We will be in Hebrews Ch 12 Verses 1-2
How many of you like to run ?
Is anyone in cross country?
does anyone enjoy running?
As I was preparing
I was wondering why would anyone run a marathon
they literally choose to run 26 miles
it sounds hard, and painful
it is mentally and physically exhausting...
and it simply seems impossible
but if you asked any one of the runners at the end if it was worth it
they would surely tell you yes....
the runner has a purpouse
He has a goal
and today we are going to take the imagery
of a runner running a race
and apply it to your walk with Jesus
This weekend we have been encouraged by the simplicity of
walking with Jesus
salvation is by grace through faith
and the invitation to walk with Him, is on the table
for everyone
For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
This life in Christ is followed by repentance
but this is not just changing your behavior
it is changing your mind first
The Holy spirit changes your heart and your mind about sin
As you continue to walk with Him
you will start to be sanctified
this means you will grow into loving what God loves
and hating what God hates
now dont be discouraged because this is a life long process…
STORY- I remember when I first got saved I was like …
this christian thing is really easy
and now that I have been walking with the Lord for many years
I have come to realize that it is not easy
the gospel is simple
Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin
He was raised from the grave 3 days later
If you repent from your sin and trust in Him
you will be saved....
that is as simple
as recieving a gift
the life we live as christians in this world
is not so simple
once we have made the decision to walk with Him
we have made a decision to start a relationship with Him
we have entered into a race
did you know that ...
if you have put your faith in Jesus
you have entered a race
this Race is called the Christian life
and the only way to successfully run it , is by Faith
turn your bibles to Hebrews Ch 12
this book was written to Jewish believers ,,
many people believe paul wrote this book but it is uncertain because his name is not written in it
this was written to the church around 35 years after Christ was risen
in the previous chapter the author
writes about many heroes of the faith
from the old testemant
CH 11 is the faith Chapter
and He makes the point to explain,
that every hero of the faith were heroes because of their faith in God
faith- trusting in God and relying on Him
if I have faith in God
I trust Him
just like you trust a parachute
if you go skydiving
you trust the parachute so you jump and then pull the chord
Q. Do you trust God?
do you trust that He knows you,
do you trust that He loves you,
do you trust that He has called you to something more important than yourself…
The heroes of our faith did
as it says
by faith Abel offered God an excellent sacrafice
by faith abraham obeyed God and went into a foreign land
by faith Sarah concieved Isaac
by faith Noah prepared the ark
by faith Moses led Israel out of Egypt
There is a list of 18 Examples
as God demonstrates that it was by trusting in Him
that His people were able to live a godly life
and please Him
for without faith it is impossible to please God
as He makes this point
He sets us up for these next verses
so lets read verses 1-2
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
in verse 1
the author uses the imagery of a cloud of witnesses
The cloud refers to a large number
for instance
we may be refered to as a cloud of calvary chapel saints…
in this passage the cloud is of witnesses are
the heroes of the faith…
the scripture is not saying that we are literally surrounded by the heroes of the faith
as they watch us live our lives from the arena of heaven
What He is saying is that
we are surrounded by men and women who have passed away
but their life has witnessed to us
How to run the race
We are to look to them
for encouragment and as an example of Godly living
We then get the encouragment to
lay aside every weight and sin that ensnares us
so that we can run the race that is set before us
Here is where we get our first point
if you want to run the race of faith well
you will need to
Put the weight of sin to the side
Put the weight of sin to the side
we see that there are two things mentioned here
heavy weights that hold you down
and sin that captures you
The hebrews struggled with the sin of legalism
trying to earn Gods love through adherence to the mosaic law
paul was urging them to leave legalism
but for you those weights and sins may be different
We want to identify what it is that is hindering you from running the race
1. Weights--- these things may not be sin
but they may be a hinderence to running the race well
imagine trying to run a race with a 50 lb weight vest
these are what those hinderences willd o to you
2. sin- disobedience to Gods commands
disobedience to God will trap you…
imagine running with your shoe laces tied together
you could do it but you would certainly struggle
many of you are struggling to run the race because sin is distracting you
or heavy burdens are holding you back.
Q. What do you need to lay to the side?
I know that I have a friend who was bad news for me.
I started following Jesus
and he was always wanting to get into trouble
and talk about evil things....
He was hindering me from walking with the Lord and I had to lay that relationship to the side ....
you may have some friends that need to go
you may have some habits that need to go
you may have some ideas that need to go
Identify what they are and put them to the side…
God tells we need to do this in order to run the race
and now He reminds us in the second half of verse 1
to run the race with endurance...
endurance means the ability to withstand hardship or adversity.
the race your in, is the Christian life
and the christian life must be run with endurance
because there will be hardship and adversity
it is not a sprint, it is not a short stroll in the park
it is a long and hard journey
filled with love joy and trials and pain
it is difficult yet rewarding
Jesus says this in
And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
If you are running the race you will face trials, temptations, and persecution
So someone may ask
why would you want to sign up for that?…
we will answer that shortly ..
Q. So How do we run with endurance
lets look at verse 2
as the apostle writes
looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
He is stating that Jesus is the one who is the author of your faith
and the one who sustains it.
He has the power in Himself
through His work on the cross
to empower you to run the race
so How is it that we run the race of Faith
it is our next point … We
Look to Jesus
Look to Jesus
How often do we look everywhere else for answers to our problems
If we have a problem we will probably look to ourselves first to figure it out
if we cant get it we will ask our friends and then our parents…
When we get those bad thoughts in our heads
or temptations to stop running the race
we will be tempted to try to reason in our own strength
or look for answers in all the wrong places
but what we need to do is look unto Jesus
Q. Is Jesus the steering wheel of your life
or is He your spare tire?
When it says look to Jesus
it means fixing your eyes upon Him
We fix our eyes on Him
because He is God Who took on human flesh
He is the author of our faith
and the author of life
in Him is salvation
“Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.
sometimes we need that reminder by looking to Jesus
that we are Loved by Him and seen by Him
In Him we also see mercy, forgiveness, Love, and truth
In Him we see our purpouse for living
closing the chapter
the apostle writes
The New King James Version Chapter 12
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
as we look to Jesus
we see the example of endurance
as He took on the shame of the cross...
WHy did He do this?
Why did He continue to run His race ?
Anticipate the Joy of Eternity
Anticipate the Joy of Eternity
He continued to run His race because
of the Joy set before Him
He didnt think of the agony and pain and trial that came with the race
He had is mind set on the victory
If you want to run this race
with any type of success
you need to get your mind off of this world and put it on eternity
if you dont you will have a very sleepy christian life.
one of the greatest tragedies is a man that comes to church on sunday morning and lives like the world monday through Saturday....
This type of person is not running the race
they are going through the motions...
Is that you?
Ask yourself…
Q. are you even running ?
or are you just going through the motions?
Jesus saw the reality of where He was going
He had His eyes on eternity
and thats where I want your eyes too.
even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
We are going to be seated with Jesus in the heavenly places
this is the destiny of all who have saving faith in Jesus
When you understand this your life changes
STORY - guy at shop asking if someone came in here and robbed and shot me
I told Him it would be the best day of my life…
my eyes were on eternity
There is Joy set before you
at the end of your race there is a prize
and that prize is Jesus Christ Himself
So run for as someone who is eager to win the prize
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
The prize is eternal life
and eternal life is a person
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
the only way you will be able to run this race is if you Love Jesus Christ
and anticipate eternal life with Him
This will increase your faith
and encourage your desire to serve Him
Anticipate means to look forward too
if I am looking forward to going to disney world
I am going to start packing early
I am going to be thinking of that mickey mouse ice cream
I am going to get my hotel ready and
map out my days at the park
and most of all I am going to be excited
If you are looking forward to eternity with Jesus
your life is going to reflect it
So when you Go home
I want you to get serious about your relationship with Jesus
I dont want you to just go through the motions,
but I want you to get in the race
When you are running the race of faith
it should encourage you to want to obey the great commission
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
part of running the race means that you are serving the Lord on mission
Q. What are we doing to serve the Lord
How are you going out and making disciples
for my older students,
how are you looking at the jr high kids
or are you looking at them as annoying
or are they kids that you should be influencing for the gospel
Are we getting into our communities and evangelising ?
Are we serving in our churches?
Lets start running the race with a little more enthusiasm
yet always remembering the race is a matter of faith
Christ already ran it for you perfectly
There is no condemnation if you are in Christ
for He is not waving His hand at you and demanding you run faster
He has His hand out to you
calling you to look up and run with Him
lets put everything to the side that is slowing us down
lets fix our eyes upon Jesus
and anticipate The joy of being with Him for eternity
Maybe you are sitting here and you have never entered into this race
today can be your day
lets pray