Untitled Sermon (4)
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It means to be a gospel man, to live the gospel. Preaching is important, but then so is living. Paul’s call was to a way of life as well as to a task of preaching.
Leon Lamb Morris
Teaching a Christian how he ought to live does not call so much for words as for daily example.
Basil of Caesarea
Faithfulness grows from an encouraging association with the community of faith.
George Guthrie
Jesus is not encouraging committed disciples, “Christians,” to press on along the narrow way and be rewarded in the end. He is rather commanding his disciples to enter the way marked by persecution and be rewarded in the end.
D. A. Carson
10 Encouragement is not a technique to be mastered; it is a sensitivity to people and a confidence in God that must be nourished and demonstrated.
Larry Crabb
Encouragement: The Key to Caring (1984)
Larry Crabb
Rejoicing is an activity we choose to do; it is not an emotion. If we choose to rejoice, it means we are choosing not to do something else.
The Bible has a great deal to say about suffering and most of it is encouraging.
A. W. Tozer
In the Body of Christ there are no insignificant congregations.26
A. W. Tozer
Is your salvation merely a matter of saying ‘I believe my sins are forgiven’, or are you rejoicing in it? Are you ‘receiving of His fullness’? Are you aware of His meeting your every need? Are you looking forward to the glory and rejoicing in anticipation of it?
Assurance, 238
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)
True self-examination should drive us to Christ; and there we see the finished work which God sent Him to do, and we end by rejoicing. If your self-examination does not end in rejoicing it is wrong.
Assurance, 166
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Welsh Preacher and Writer)