NBBC 2024 VBS: Truth Comes from God (4-5th), Night 1
Introduction: Friends, I’m so excited that you’re here with me at Orca Music. Each night we’re going to be learning something about our song that we can share with others. Plus, at the end of the week, we’re going to be sharing our song with our friends, family, and Church. Also, I’ll be asking questions each night to make sure that you were paying attention. If you answer my question correctly, you’ll get to pick something out of my prize bag.
In our song, there’s an event that is described that took place way back in the beginning.
You see, friends, the enemy, Satan/the devil, took the form of a snake and lied to Adam and Eve about God’s Word.
Friends, Satan still lies to us today!
John 8:44 “[The devil] was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
He lies to us trying to get us to think that it’s best to yell at our parents when we don’t get our way when God’s Word say we should honor our parents.
And, friends, Satan’s lies only end up hurting us and others - “He was a murderer from the beginning.”
Friends, just like Adam and Eve, we’re prone to believe the lies of the enemy because of our sinful hearts.
Conclusion: Friends, if we’re going to receive any help against Satan’s lies, we need to seek the right help. And we’re going to learn about where we can receive that help this week. But first, we need to start with God’s Word.