March 6, 2016 The Passover

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The Son of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  44:38
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An illustrated sermon on the Passover and Communion

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Associate pastor at a church and his senior pastor and him were meeting. They were talking about things. They want to be careful with concerning what words they would use when they would preach on Sunday morning. He said the senior pastor said that we want to be careful because some people just don't understand Christian. He's so one of the things we don't want to be talking about anymore is the blood.

And I told him I said, well I said I struggle with that. because the blood has everything to do with

with everything that we believe in and it is Center to the gospel. No, I don't want to. Assumed that everyone of us in this room understands that. And I don't mean to sound in any way insulting. I don't mean that at all, but I think it's important for us to understand that when Adam and Eve sinned against God. God gave them a promise and God does not lie. He said if you send you will die.

And so Adam and Eve eventually died because they send. But God in his great love in his infinite Mercy. He had a plan. And that would be someone would die. in our place would take the death penalty of our son because the Bible says all have sinned and come short of God's glory for the wages of sin is death. Jesus would be that one because I see Jesus. Never send. the infinite God man would take our place. And rescue us. Finding us who were once lost and now we are found.

Those that were spiritually blind now can see because of Jesus Christ. And so that's why we we talk about the blood because he Jesus shed his blood for us not just covering our sins, but washing them away.

So that's why we're here today because he I want to talk to you about Jesus. it's why I I decided to even do something a little differently in and that is that you would not just hear somebody preach about Jesus, but somehow some way you would be able to see it. You would be able to use your senses to be able to grasp. the love of the Lord Jesus Christ

the sad thing is is not everybody. Not everybody believed and trusted that Jesus was the way. in fact, there were religious leaders that that were so frustrated. because see Jesus was turning everything they believed upside down or should I say upside rights? They were

they had their rules or regulations their interpretations of the law and And Jesus was was beginning to be a threat because people were starting to question their legitimacy and see they they craved the authority and the power but not only that they they worked hard to maintain this truce. Between Israel and Rome and they did not want anything to affect the peace.

And so they decided that Jesus Must Die.

Well, they were afraid of the people terrified of a riot if they would just you know, go out in an arrest Jesus themselves. They needed an angle they needed a way to discredit Jesus and that way. Would be through. friend of Jesus Judas Iscariot was his name.

And Judas walked with Jesus talk with Jesus for over 3 years. He saw Jesus in his miracles. They saw and he on Jesus through his teaching and preaching.

But see Judas and we got to be careful here because a lot of the other disciples were in the same boat. They saw Jesus as a revolutionary. In their way of thinking the Messiah was going to overthrow wrong. They did not think that the purpose of the Messiah was to overthrow sin. And Shoji Judas went to the Pharisees in the high priest secretly. And he made a deal with them. The 30 pieces of silver Judas would sell out Jesus.

30 pieces of silver Judas would find a way to betray his Lord.

Sometimes we can't even understand that sometimes we can't even really fully imagine why that would be

It's hard for us to fully comprehend. Why why someone so close to Jesus would turn turn his back on his Lord, but haven't we

haven't we sometimes turned our back on the large ship? and the authority of Christ haven't we allowed the flesh to take over our emotions to dictate decisions and attitudes and actions.

Haven't we sometimes where are we? Where we gave lip service to our relationship with Christ, but in many ways we acted as if he did not even exist. Haven't we done the same thing? You know, I want to be careful how much I put down Judas. Because in a way I'm putting myself down.

Because there been times in my life.

Where I did not line up with the calling of Christ.

You know.

In that final week things begin to happen so fast.

things began to turn quickly

and the Pinnacle of that time was Passover. it was where people of Jewish faith would come together and commemorates the the

time in which God delivered Israel from Egyptian slavery and what Passover over meant was that that if you could recall the story in Exodus God told Moses Moses instruct the people of Israel at Twilight. I want every family or every groups of family to to kill a lamb. In the blood of that lamb, you will take the blood and you will you will place the blood on the the doorpost in the lintel of the entrance of your house. And when when the plague of death come through Egypt death will see the blood and it will pass over you.

so Jesus

and his disciples

commemorated that day and so as they were working together to get that that Passover meal ready and prepared and and Jesus and his disciples. They they they they began to to to come and they they would they would they would participate in that meal together.

But it was something different that night all Day celebrated Passover before but there was something ominous even even the disciples could feel something's different about this. and very quickly on it would change dramatically this night is different than any other night for For Jesus would do something that only a servant a lowly servant of the house would do he picked up a towel? And he took the wash basin.

any stop Peter

And he began to wash Peter speed up. Peter was infuriated do this only a servant does this Jesus said wait a minute. If I don't do this to you, then you can't have any part of making Peter in His Infinite Wisdom. He's at 12. Just give me a bath now. FIFA says no. No you don't understand. he said I called you to be servants to one another. In fact, he told his disciples. He said I want you to wash each other's feet. What Jesus was saying in that in that moment is he was saying to his disciples? I want you to learn about being a servant.

I want you to love one. Another Jesus said I want you to Value one another highly not only did Jesus tell his disciples that he is telling us that in in in in the scripture written by the Apostle John one of the disciples that were in that room. He said he said Jesus said they will know that you're my disciples by your love for one another. See we live in a generation don't wave. That is so so focused on Me Myself and I We live in a generation where we are. So focused on what I can get out of it.

We are live in a generation where we want to win and everybody else loses.

I am telling you that is not the way God has called the follower of Jesus Christ to live we are to be servants to one another we are to do the lowly and we are to be the last and we are to be the least we are be the ones that we serve and we bow down and we not about us because see it is God who will exalt Us in due time. It is not for us to exalt ourselves.

So Jesus and his disciples got together and they were preparing to receive the Passover but something something was different.

One of the things that Jesus said at that Passover meal that not one of those disciples would ever forget. He said one of you will betray me.

How would you like to be at that meal sitting at that table? And the Lord of your life? The Messiah says one of you will betray me to the disciples again to look at one another.

Lord is it is it? Said I am I the one to betray.

finally finally Judas says it is a tie. I don't know why Jesus said you would said so.

and Judas Judas realized that it was done. Jesus knew he knew the high priest knew he would betray the Lord. You know, what was interesting though. Is this Jesus was so kind to Judas. Did you did you notice that in the gospels? So gentle with Judas? Not condemning. Not not not not.

Being vindictive not cursing him. He was gentle with Judas, but see he knew a heart that turns itself away from the Lord. Is a heart that's lost. But Jesus gave Judas every opportunity to repent. But Judas secluded himself from the Lord secluded himself from fellow followers of Christ. And now it was just Jesus and the 11.

Like I said, it was a very special meal. But it was far more special than they could ever imagine.

Because Jesus would use Simple.

elements to illustrate significant truth

he would use the opportunity of things that people could understand can grass because feed Jesus wanted his followers to know the truth.

Jesus wanted people including everyone of us in this room to understand. the weights and the volume

Of what he had to do to rescue us from our sins.

Someone could ask but why don't this. Just forgive us and be done with it? Because as I said at the beginning God is the god of promised. He's the god of his word what he says he will do and the only way through this. Was one to fulfill the sentence placed upon humankind for their sin. But secondly for the second person of the Trinity to come and pay that penalty for our stand in fact, it's this

It's this. The only thing we have to do. is belief that's it. We don't have to get on a cross and die. I know in the Philippines every year there are those that will actually be nailed to a cross. We don't have to do that friends. We don't have to to go through a class or earn a degree. All we have to do is believe And to trust him and to rely on him.

What Jesus was about to show his disciples? Was something very important that we are to put in the practice even to this very day. What Jesus was about the Institute? What's Holy Communion?

He would take the imagery of Passover where the death sentence placed upon Egypt where every house in Egypt from the house of pharaoh to the house of the lowliest slave would be affected by the death of their first born. But the only way of Escape was the blood being applied and the Death Angel passing over.

And Jesus said that's me. for my blood

of the Lamb who I am. Will be applied to your heart. And the sentence that was supposed to be on you would be passed over you. See why the blood is important?

This morning. We're going to protect of Holy Communion.

The Apostle Paul said the night that Jesus was betrayed which is the night of the Passover.

That night Jesus. Jesus as Paul was was was communicating this in 1st Corinthians 11.

He said on the night. He was betrayed Jesus Took bread. And later, he would take the cop in just a moment. I'm going to give you opportunity to partake of communion you do not have to.

Also this church believes in open communion. You do not need to be a member or even a regular tender of this church. All you need to do is be a follower of Jesus Christ. That's it the only prerequisite What I'm going to ask you to do is when you are served. The bread in the cop if you would hold onto it until all of them served and I will come up back up and we will partake of it together. All right. Let's prepare our heart to receive communion.

Is the body of Christ?

best shows to watch

Justice he died

Who is the bride?

What's his name?

Let's go to school.

Is the Buddy?

good news


Heather Wanger a little bit just so.


hey, Mike.

Jesus would love me.

Even though he knew everything about me.

on that special night

Scott Holy Night

He took the brat.

any broken

He began to give it to his disciples.

told just disciples. France the spread represents my body broken for you

with an hour's Jesus would be arrested.

They would slap them. They would push him.

They would yank his beard out. They would rip him to shreds with the whip.

Because see that's what sin does to us spiritually. And he was paying the price for our sin.

What amazes me about the story when I read it in the scriptures that says that he gave. Thanks.

knowing that he was facing the cross he gave things because he he saw in every one of his disciples.

Esau and all those who would believe he sees you today. He saw you. And he saw that you would receive the victory because of what he would do. CJ Banks

So we will give thanks Mark. I hold in my hand the bread. broken representing the broken body of Our Savior and Lord Jesus who gave his life for us.

was brutal humiliated

taking our place of punishment and Lord I give you.

And I praise your name. What's 4 take of the bread together?

after the supper Jesus Took the cop

he held in his hands the cop that represented something you told his disciples.

This cop is the cup of the New Covenant. See under the old Covenant they would have to bring animals to the temple to be slaughtered. But it was only temporary. It was only a shadow. It was not a permanent fix. But what Jesus was going to do on the cross was the permanent fix. You said this represents my block?

given for you

the blood that will never lose its power.

The blood that will wash your sins away. The blood that will give you the victory.

and then

I thank you for the blood. That Jesus Christ said on the cross.

the blood That would Mark our heart. So that we can live an everlasting life.

The blood that would wash our sins away.

Turning a black heart heart hardened heart in chain, the heart enslaved now a free heart. because of your blond Lord I give you. Thanks. For the price was high. There's nothing cheap about your grace Lord. Nothing cheap at all. God I give you praise.

What's 4 take up the cup together?

Lord praise your name, I praise your name. Magnify you are you worthy to be praised?

You gave your life for us? Set us free.

Could you imagine being one of the disciples that night?

Still didn't know you still didn't fully comprehend. You still didn't fully grasp what was going to happen but something seem to be different.

for weeks now Jesus was telling his disciples that he would have to die in 3 days later. He would rise from the dead.

disciple soaked it in took it in but it wasn't going to be the final moment there were things yet to come.

but for you in this room today

Are you fully trusting in Jesus Christ?

Are you fully living a wife?

aligned with his presence in his power and his authority

You know some of the problems that we run into is we are so like the Pharisees more than we want to admit.

That if we somehow some way.

Can fulfill a certain set of rules then? Everything's going to be okay?

that if we that if we follow a certain level of guidelines than then we'll have the Victory and then we find out we don't and we get frustrated. We say God. I thought we were supposed to have the Victory and we don't but the problem is as we so often put our faith and our hope in the wrong thing.

Sometimes we do put it in rules. Don't weigh.

If I just follow the rules. But I want to tell you something that we Illustrated today there is nothing but the blood.

We might think.

that if I

That if I go to a Sunday school class.

And I read all the books I can.

about how I can live the Victorious Life.

And I go to all the conferences I can. that somehow I can experience victory in my life, but friends it's nothing but the blood.

We might think if I give in the offering.

bright end of church on Sunday morning

that will bring victory. in my life

and it will make me an overcomer. offend but it's nothing but the blood.

What cat Noir?

Me it is not.

Sauce, let stand together what show shut up.

Thanks, Bob.

I want invite our prayer teams Ford.

You know what Jesus did. Was not just salvation. Did you know that not just salvation? The shedding of his blood provided healing did you know that the Bible says in Isaiah 53 by the stripes laid Upon. Jesus is back we have healing

there is nothing too difficult for God. God in his great mercy and loving kindness wants to bring victory in your life. Maybe you're here this morning and your estranged from God. You've not trusted in him. You've not been walking with them. But the day you fill a tug in your heart. You know that tug. That's the Holy Spirit and a holy spirit is inviting you into right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. His son. Jesus said there is no other way. No other truth. No other life except through Jesus Christ. That's the only way we can go to God except through Jesus Christ.

But not only is that spiritual need important to God. But your sickness is important to God. Your discouragement is important to God. Your financial need is important to God. And we want to pray with you and for you and we have these prayer teams that have come up front. And they want to minister to you. And we want to give you that opportunity as I lead us in prayer. If you have a need in this place, I want you to feel very comfortable to come forward and pray with these that are up here and we want to pray with you that God will bring healing God will bring Deliverance. God will bring the answer that God will set free. God will give you strength. God will help you give you wisdom whenever the need is. Every need is important to god father. We thank you. The Lord God as we prepare our hearts. Lord to be minister to you. I pray that we would be open to what you are doing. Lord God we worship you and praise your name. I think you Lord God that we have opportunity Lord to to seek your face and and experience the victory. That only can come from you. And so Lord God as we pray for one another Lord. I pray that you will bring Victory as we call upon your name the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name Lord God by which we can be healed and set free and delivered and God I Pray by that name the name of Jesus. Lord that you would bring hope and healing and victory hallelujah hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, praise your Holy Name praise your Holy Name. We praise you we give you the victory. We give you the Glory Hallelujah as those of you that have needs are coming forward. I want to thank you so much for being here today. It's been a good day to be in God's house to be reminded of God's grace and his Mercy

I want to encourage you to be here next Sunday morning as we continue this theme of preaching the best message. You could possibly ever free and that is the preacher Bob price. And I want to encourage you to be a part of this those that of you that are praying. I want you and those that need prayer want you to continue coming forward and being minister to you. The rest of you. I want to give you the opportunity if you want to just pray and see God do so, but I want to the rest of you to feel it's it's okay to be dismiss. God bless you and have a wonderful day in the Lord.

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