Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  27:53
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Fear God

Jesus is continuing to describe the unsaved from the saved
those who are believers and followers of Jesus.
and those who are just coming to see a show
Jesus is still giving warning to be saved
giving the dire consequences of refusing to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved
He has given warning of coming judgement
John the Baptist has been sent by the Father to give warning to repent
He was mocked, ridiculed, and
Jesus God the Son is now giving warning to repent and turn to God
Jesus is mocked, ridiculed, blasphemed, and murdered.
but Jesus warns the people of blaspheming the Holy Sprit
their last chance of being saved
Luke 11:15 LSB
But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.”
we saw a few weeks ago that Jesus spoke of this unpardonable sin when the Pharisees attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to satan
some scholars say that blaspheming the Holy Spirit was something that the ancient Israelites did and could not happen today
some say you can lose your salvation because you have blasphemed the Holy spirit
when you begin with bad theology and salvation is something that you do
and there is no change because you are trying to reform yourself to be what a follower of Jesus you think looks like
the preacher has to make sure that you conform because he does not want to lose you
he does not want you to loose your salvation
so he has to find warnings in the Bible to scare you into conformity
you need to be brain washed
you need to be scared straight
lets look at our scripture for this morning
read Luke 12 8-12.

Confess and Deny

V 8
Jesus is going to continue to give examples of saved and unsaved
to confess Jesus is to have a lifestyle of holiness
that shows love, joy, peace, patience,
someone who is a witness to the mighty work of Jesus on the cross
demonstrates the power of God in the life of the individual
demonstrates the change of disposition, the being made into a new creation
demonstrates the adoption of God into the family
this person Jesus will confess about in front of the angels in Heaven
but on the other hand
V 9
this verse goes along with the other quote of Jesus
Matthew 7:21–23 LSB
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, in Your name did we not prophesy, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’
we did wonderful things in your name
depart from me you who practice lawlessness
we cast out demons in your name
depart from me you who practice lawlessness
we healed people in your name
depart from me you who practice lawlessness
you have not done the will of my Father
you have not put your faith in me
you deny me when your faith is in yourself
you have

Blasphemed the Holy Spirit

V 10 people have spoken against God’s prophet John the Baptist
people have spoken against Jesus
Peter denied Jesus 3 times
but Peter under the conviction of the Holy Spirit repented
Judas betrayed the Lord and in his guilt hung himself unrepentant
there is a difference here both turned on Jesus
one repented under the conviction of the Holy Spirit
turn to Acts 7 starting in V 45
Stephen is reciting the history of the Jewish people
and culminates with V 51
resisting the Holy Spirit
I believe at this point these men could have gone in a different direction
they could have taken the narrow way and be saved
but they chose to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and kill the messenger
Saul we know Jesus met up with him again
the Holy Spirit is the last you can say no to
there is a time when when God says enough is enough
you have spoken in your heart against the Holy Spirit

Words Of Encouragement

V 11
the Holy Spirit to those who believe and are saved
to those who have repented
Has given a great encouragement in the life of persecution that all believers will face
when they bring you
not an if
when you are questioned about your faith
the Holy Spirit is in us to teach us what to say
the Holy spirit is our guide
our comfort
The Holy Spirit convicts the heart to salvation
if someone does not blaspheme and reject this conviction
or The Holy Spirit gives great comfort to those who belong to Jesus
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