NBBC 2024 VBS: God’s Love (K5-1st), Night 4
2024 NBBC VBS Breaker Rock Beach • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Discussion Questions:
What does the word “rescue” mean? - to be saved from something
What did Jesus do to rescue or save us? - He died on the cross for our sins
What is it that Jesus died to rescue or save us from? - the punishment our sin deserves
Introduction: Friends, we’ve talked God’s love lasting forever that we should firmly believe in because Jesus died for our sins, having saved or rescued us from the punishment we deserve. Let’s consider another big word tonight.
What word comes next in this phrase? “Where we can find our … everyday.”
“Refuge,” correct!
A refuge is somewhere that you go for protection.
Ex. a shelter.
There’s the possibility of harm and you seek protection.
Our song reminds us that God’s everlasting love is somewhere that we can find protection.
1 Thessalonians 1:10 “… to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.”
Friends, Jesus is coming again to rule perfectly over all things, God’s Kingdom.
When He does, those who have not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior will be put away from His wonderful Kingdom in a place of suffering for sin the Lake of Fire, the “wrath to come”.
If Jesus is your Savior, one day, you will live with Him forever, saved from having to face the wrath to come in that awful place known as the Lake of Fire.
Friends, if you have yet to believe on Jesus as your Savior, Jesus is coming soon - talk with your leaders today about what this means.
Conclusion: Friends, we have one more night together - we’re going to consider tomorrow night how we show God’s love to others.