Introduction: Friends, last night we considered that we can always trust what God says in His Word, not matter what happens.
Friends, our song reminds us of how God gave His Word to us.
There was a man who knew Jesus that God used to write down important things about Jesus’ life!
His name was John!
He wrote a Gospel that has his name on it.
Not because it was about John but because he gave his account of Jesus’ life.
But, friends, John wrote these things not just to give us a story about Jesus.
He wrote these things down because the Holy Spirit was working in him.
John wrote these things because the Holy Spirit wanted us to learn some important things about Jesus.
2 Peter 1:21 “21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”
You see, friends, John was not the only one that the Holy Spirit used to give us God’s Word.
And, because what John and others wrote came from the Holy Spirit, God, we can firmly believe it’s true since God never lies and always keeps His promises.
Conclusion: Friends, firmly believe in God’s Word that He gave us through men.