7/11/24 - Missions Meeting
Missions Committee • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Missions / Mission Agencies Updates
Missions / Mission Agencies Updates
Cooperative Missions - Southern Baptist Convention
Associational Missions - Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches
Local Missions
Matthew 25 House -
Safe Haven of Pender County -
Pender County Christian Services -
Pender Sports Ministry -
Tommy Lee - Southeastern NC FCA Director -
National Missions
Brain Palumbo - Romans Road for the Deaf
Rivenbark Family - Global Gates - Northern Virginia Pakistani Immigrants
Tierney family - How Shall They Hear
Smith Family - CTEN - Reach, Teach, Send Ministry , Missions Co-op
International Missions
Freeman family - Mission to Zambezi, Zambia - Overlook Ministries
Jack Campbell and family - Ivory Coast, West Africa - Wycliffe Translators -
Kovac Family - Cru - Hungary
Missions line item
Designated Line Items
Investment Fund Items
Admin just voted to use anything in excess of 1 million dollars from the investment for campus improvements and missions will receive 10% of that money
about $21,000
UUPG Update
UUPG Update
Upcoming Mission Events Reports
Upcoming Mission Events Reports
Serve NC -August 3
Serve NC -August 3
Appalachian Christmas Outreach - Month of October
Appalachian Christmas Outreach - Month of October
Global Impact Celebration - October 11-13
Global Impact Celebration - October 11-13
I will be meeting in two weeks with Dr. Cloer July 25th at 10AM
I will find out then who are missionary couple will be and the official schedule.
EMail from Dr. Cloer
Some missionaries coming to the Global Missions Celebration October 11-13, will come alone, others as couples, and a few as families. Some are driving nearly 613miles, some are coming from Raleigh, Wake Forest, and Richmond. There are a couple of single women missionaries coming alone.
As a participating church in the Global Missions Celebration, you agree to provide a host home where the missionary can stay, travel expenses, and meals that are not covered in our events. Your missionary will lead in the Saturday evening Underground Church (prayer meeting) and will speak at the Sunday morning worship.
I am praying that our Father will lead us to connect the right missionary with the right church and the right host home. I need your help to make sure Riley’s Creek Baptist Church has the missionary the Father wants them to have.
Medical Bus - November 2
Medical Bus - November 2
Angel Tree - November
Angel Tree - November
Contact the schools for names beginning of the school year (September)
Angel Tree should go up on October 27th
Collection will be on November 24
Angel Tree Wrapping will be on December 14th
New Business
New Business
NAMB Church Planters
NAMB Church Planters
6 levels of Mobilization pathway for churches
6 levels of Mobilization pathway for churches
#1 Cooperating Church
#1 Cooperating Church
basically a praying church that prays for NAMB and the planters they support
#2 Supporting Church
#2 Supporting Church
Participating Church
build a relationship with a church planter
get to know their family
pray for them
send a team to help
#3 Providing Church
#3 Providing Church
sending money and other resources to the specific planter
#4 Sending Church
#4 Sending Church
A Church that sends a church planter or starts a church plant
#5 Multiplying Church
#5 Multiplying Church
A church that is sending multiple church planters and starting multiple plants
#6 Movement Church
#6 Movement Church
A church that is promoting to other churches
as well as planting and sending church planters
Prayer Walks
Prayer Walks
We need to schedule times for prayer walks in the communities of Oak Ridge and Wanet Landing
Well Project
Well Project
Show video of John Macyntyre Well project
approximate cost of a well is $2500.