The Word Evil
2evil noun
before 12th century
1 a: the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing
b: a cosmic evil force
2: something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity
In Genesis one and two we see our world as it was shaped by God. The final verdict was that it was “good” (1:31). In Genesis four through six we see our world as it was shaped by man. The final verdict on it was that it was bad, so bad in fact that God decided to destroy the human race and start over
1. Evil is seen Outwardly
A. In the Sons of God v. 1-2
When the world gets into the church the result is a dead church and a depraved world. When, through marriage, the world gets into the families of the people of God, there is little hope for the home, for the church or for the nation. The world will pull a home, a church and an individual down to its degraded level. There are few things in the Word of God that God pleads with us to avoid, more than union with unbelievers.
B. In the Daughters of Men and the Giants v. 2-4
For who can doubt that the whole of that which is called evil is nothing else than corruption? Different evils may, indeed, be called by different names; but that which is the evil of all things in which any evil is perceptible is corruption. So the corruption of an educated mind is ignorance; the corruption of a prudent mind is imprudence; the corruption of a just mind, injustice; the corruption of a brave mind, cowardice; the corruption of a calm, peaceful mind, cupidity, fear, sorrow, pride. Again, in a living body, the corruption of health is pain and disease; the corruption of strength is exhaustion; the corruption of rest is toil.
2. Evil is seen Inwardly
A. The State of Man’s Heart
There is hardly a stronger statement in the Bible about the sin of mankind.
B. The State of God’s Heart
Our God is incomparably affected by, even pained by, the sinner’s rebellion.