July 14, 2024 - Genesis 20:1-18

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If you would turn with me in your Bibles to Genesis chapter 20.

This is twenty. I was kind of complaining.

To my wife and son Ethan that it seems I get all the really bad passages to preach and all the guests preachers get the good ones. It's like incest or marriage to your mother or your sister would just like my goodness Lord. I was meeting with David Duran. This week will be preaching next week. I'm excited to see him again. It's been a couple years since we've seen David, but if people know he's moving in next door as an interim place and we'll be planting King's Cross Church launching next April and so it really excited about that and are in a role in seeing that happen. But I told David the other day I said man, I'm setting you up for the birth of Isaac of all the things that we've been covering lately and then the great part comes and I decide to go on vacation. I have to do a better job at planning things out but I do get to come back when I get the sacrifice of Isaac. I guess that's the idea. I'm done with all the there are some other things to look at In this passage. I'm not I'm not done with it. But this is the second in a series of what he's what they call a Biblical Theologian Simon's Old and New Testament.

And so a series of three times and which Abraham deceives and then Isaac lies about their wives being their sisters remember back in chapter 12 seconds. I think sermon in the series on Abraham Abraham and so today will be told that maybe we'll get you next year. We're going to be ending with a life of Abraham and chapter 25. I believe it's the first Sunday of September or the last Sunday in August. I can't recall which it is, but it's coming up soon. I think Jim Hamilton calls them fibs because God never seems to hold Abraham accountable for what happens instead when kings take Abraham's wife or even Isaac's wife leaving their sisters. Not just not just out of And wanting that to be true, but because they were they were told that in the case of Abraham and Sarah Abraham and Sarah tell pharaoh. And this King in today's text that they are indeed brother and sister not husband and wife, but I might be like, alright. Well, what was it and if you can if you came to me, I need to talk to you because I'm a liar. I will come into my study. Let's close the door turn on the sound machine.

This lesser sense doesn't it? Someone is a fibber we don't really mind. It's it's I can see that again today. Let's look at Genesis 20:1 just follow along with me as I read. Is this from their Abraham journey toward the territory of the Negev and lived between Kadesh and swore and he's sojourned in guerard and Abraham set up Sarah his wife. She is my sister and abimelech or Abbey Malak king of guerard sent and took Sarah, but God came to him behold. You are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken for she is a man's wife. Now demilec had not approached her. So he said Lord. Will you kill an innocent people did he not say to me of my heart and the innocence of my hands I have done this and the Lord said to him in the dream. Yes. I know that you have done this in your interest in the Integrity of your heart and it was I who kept you from sinning against me there for I did not let you touch her now then return the man's wife for he is a prophet so that he will pray for you and you shall live but if you do not return her know that you will surely die you and all who are yours? So early in the morning, I called all his servants and told them all these things and Afraid. Then abimelech called Abraham and said to him what have you done to us? And how have I sinned against you that you were brought on me and my kingdom a great sin. You have done too many things that ought not to be done and I've been like said to Abraham. What did you see that you did this thing? Abraham said I did it because I thought there is no fear of God at all in this place and it will kill me because of my wife besides she is indeed my sister the daughter of my father though, not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife and when God calls me to wander from my father's house I said to her this is the kindness you must do me at every place to which we come save me. He is my brother. Then I've been Electric Sheep and oxen and male servants and female servants and gave them to Abraham and returned Sarah his wife to him and abimelech said behold. My land is before you dwell where it pleases you to Sarah. He said behold. I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. It is a sign of your innocence in the eyes of all who are with you and before everyone you are Vindicated and Abraham prayed to God and God healed of intellect and also heal his wife and female slaves so that they bore children for the Lord had closed all the wombs of the House of abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife. You can see why I'm looking forward to some pasta. Just coming up in the future as we consider this one. But let's ask the spirit of God to lead and guide us this morning.

Lord God we thank you for your word. All of your word is inspired. All of your word is useful in for instruction. Reproving us or correcting us.

Lori pray this morning that you would also train us through your word. That we might people who hear it and do it. Out of love for you. And God we ask that you would send your spirit to lead the way basketball this in Jesus name. Amen. Speaking of Abraham and Isaac the psalmist in Psalm 105 verses 12 through 15 says this look what he says in verse 12 when they were few in number of little account and sojourners in it. Wandering from Nation to Nation from one Kingdom to another people. He Allowed no one to oppress them. He rebuked Kings on their account saying touch not my anointed ones do my prophets no harm. Today's passage is the only time in all of Genesis that the word Prophet or any derivative of that word is used. Step of a person especially but there's no I can't find a single place. I was surprised I did sometimes went well every time when you look at a text when you're going to preach it and there's a door key phrase you look to see if that appears in other ways because of things and now they're going to waste a size aren't there there is emphasis by repetition, but there's also that emphasis just buy a single statement in In this passage this morning. This term Prophet is is this term Prophet as using is the only place and all of Genesis. So it stands out as stands out as important. But here in Psalm 105 here and in Psalm 105, they make it clear that Abraham is the first of the Old Testament prophets.

So this morning I want to look at this passage in view of Abraham's office as profit and what that means for us is what it meant for abimelech as well. And this is a big idea that that I'm framing this text that this text brings to us this morning for our hearts to apply to our hearts by God's grace. He does not choose us because we are worthy but by The Sovereign will so that we might reveal the gospel to the world to see how this unfolds here in today's passage. The person look at is God's chosen Prophet vs128. I think I said 13 in your outline in your hand out. I do have I've no idea. I just must have transcribed it wrong, but it should be verses one through eight in the Bible. Let's begin that looking at God's chosen Prophet. First one that says from their Abraham journey toward the territory of the Negev and they live between and he's sojourned in garage. So I don't plan on staying there for a long time or just the season of Grey's and he's moving along and he is just living his life until he moves into the area of Garage bar and knowing there's a Abraham set of Sarah his wife. She is my sister the sister.

And a bill Malak, you know, if you want to know how to pronounce his name, it's obvious. Melek Avi melek. Some people call him up in like I'll be Malak Malak, whatever you want to call him. Just you know, don't call me late for dinner or whatever his name.

And he is the king of guerard and he sent and took Sarah and this is most likely not due to his Beauty. It's most likely that he is now seeking an alliance with Abraham who's becoming Great and Mighty in this region. He is keenly aware that Abraham is growing in power and influence and so he's doing this most likely not out of her beauty but to Ally himself with her brother so that they can be peace between them. But this is inverse 3, but God came to a Penelec in a Dream by Night inside him behold. You are a dead man because of the woman who has a man's wife. Now we've been like had not approached her. It doesn't seem that I've been like has even laid eyes upon her that had he says he told me that she was his sister and she told him she said that she was his she was his sister as well. And so it doesn't necessarily mean that they have even met has not he's not consummated. This marriage has not had any relations with her whatsoever. So he is able to say before the Lord. Will you kill an innocent people meeting Abraham not himself save me she is my sister and she is my brother.

You know, one of the things we can see in this interaction one of the one of the things I noticed right off and you probably do too is that this is not someone from the Pagan Nations around Abraham and his family and yet he is able to receive Revelation from God but praise God that that you've ever heard the phrase you've made your bed now lie in it, so people think all of you know, they messed up their lives less than just enjoy it. You know, I'm praise God that that's not found in the heart and mind of the Lord for the circumstances in which Sarah finds herself or partly her own doing but she will once again be delivered by the faithfulness of God and also for abimelech this just shows him that he is in the wrong and gives them the opportunity to repent. But instead God intervenes and it can fix us of sin. And so we should praise God brothers and sisters. We should give him great praise indeed. So even though if I'm like his act with Integrity he is not innocent and I think sometimes but it doesn't mean that we still be guilty of wrongdoing in God said, yes, I know that you have done this in the Integrity of your heart and it was I who kept you from sinning against me there for I did not let you touch her. So the Lord recognizes his integrity and his capacity for moral reflection and action and gives instructions about what what must be done in order to make things. Right and surprisingly abimelech is able to to respond to that and here he is able to hear the will of God and communicate the will of God for he is a prophet now a prophet is a person directed by the inspiration of God to Proclaim God's will For the people act is commanded to return Sarah to Abraham. Abraham will pray for him so that I've been like might live A God tells a bit more like, but if you do not return her know that you shall surely die you and all for yours. So abimelech must return Sarah and Abraham must pray for him so that he might live Apart from the intersection of God's Prophet. Abimelech is going to die.

What is amazing is that he feared God at least in some Manner and so did his people look what it says in verse 8, it says abimelech Rose early in the morning. I called all his servants and told them all these things and the men were very much afraid. So they here. Abimelech is able to hear the word of God from God. He understands that he desires to obey at he communicates the will of God to the people that are around him. They are also responding and fear, but what God is going to do. In the situation, I only does God say Abraham is a profit. We see that Abraham does what profits do they here? And they speak the words of God, but there's something else that they do with a 17 and 18. They heal prophets Shield. It doesn't Verse 18 and 17 pray to God and God healed abimelech and also heal his wife and female slaves so that they bore children for the Lord had closed all the wombs of the House of amalek because of Sarah Abraham's wife. And one scholar said that prophets heal and Priests diagnose when they look through the Old Testament, they see that the prophets reveal what is wrong and they also prescribed what must be done for things to be right that is declaring the will of God and the priests and in God's kingdom are looking out over the recording to God's word. This is what's wrong and this what must be done in order for you to be healed. The prophets prescribed the will of the Lord and what must be done to be healed and saved and priest guide people. According to God's revealed word Moses was a healing Prophet Elijah and Elijah and Isaiah.

In the way God is using Abraham here in Genesis. 20 is a preview of what the Son of God would be like when he came to Earth in human form. He would come as a prophet priest and King. You'll recall in Psalm 105 speaking of Abraham and Isaac. The psalmist says touch is actually this is David you find it in 1st chronicles 16 as well as at the song of Thanksgiving that David wrote. His touch not my anointed ones do my prophets no harm. Jim Hamilton States this he says priests were anointed kings were anointed and Elijah is told to anoint Elijah as a prophet calling Abraham and Isaac anointed ones identifies them with the later prophets priests and Kings of Israel. It is in this manner that Abraham previews Our Savior Jesus Christ, who is the prophet that Moses himself prophesied would commonly the elect of their bondage to sin. He is a great high priest according to the order of Melchizedek who sympathizes with our weaknesses yet was without sin and he is not just kidding. He is king of kings and Lord of lords. Is he profits to clear the truth the will of God and if you're seeking truth of the will of God today, look no further than the one to whom Abraham's life directs you to Jesus Christ himself come to him as I mentioned earlier in the day. He gave his sinless life on the cross bearing our sins deserve so that our sins might be exchanged for his righteousness and our place that we might live to the one who would come and just as a Boston ham for the Forgiveness of our sins so that we might be saved. Jesus was perfect in every way. Obviously Abraham. The sister favor is not perfect. He has a problem. That's the one problem probably among many but he was not chosen by God because he is perfect because he was worthy. He was God's Divine choice and it's the same for us because I got the grace. He does not choose us because we are worthy but by a sovereign will so we might reveal the gospel to the world. It's important that we understand that Abraham is imperfect. Are there any imperfect in the room this morning? I see I thought that's how many we have right including myself feeling myself. So he's in perfect, but chosen none the less and it's the same for us. Listen to verses 9 through 13 that called Abraham and said to him what have you done to us? And how have I sinned against you that you were brought on me and my kingdom a great sin. You have done to me things that ought not to be done as I've been like said to Abraham. What did you see that you did this thing indignant? He's he's not mistreated Abraham. And anyway, the Abraham and Sarah is it that I done to you that you would do this thing to me? Yo, some have argued that Abraham is not in the wrong. We need to see you sparrow and chapter 12 and up. Emma like here in chapter 20. I do not think that's the case then where I studied it out. I cannot come to that conclusion. Abraham is causing others to send against the created order established by the Creator God. Maybe he isn't exactly those around him it mean if you do things that cause people around you to Stumble Inn.

We can see Abraham spell you to work. It's his failure work its way through the generations of family because Abraham is not exactly lying about Sarah being his sister Abraham's son Isaac lies out right saying that his wife is a sister when she's not and then Isaac Sunday. Jacob is known by his very character qualities transforms him as an outright liar and deceiver. So Abraham's imperfection is seen and imperfection is seen in this justification of the deception. He says fear for his life rather than his complete trust in the Lord is the reason that he's that he's saying these things he said I did it because I thought there was no fear of God at all in this place and they will kill me because of my wife besides besides.

If I did this my marriage will be over and wise wouldn't you just find somewhere else to be if your husband is giving you off to more powerful man to keep his life safe and mean what it what if they decide she is indeed my sister daughter my father though, not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife the one God cause me to wander from my father's house. I said to her this is the kindest you must do me that every place to which we come save me. He is my brother. It's interesting. I mean, I see a little bit more there. This is the kindness you must do knee put your life and integrity at risk so that I get to live. I mean, I don't understand that it's something that we won't come to a conclusion of an awesome day around a wonderful feast and maybe ask him and inquire of some of these things leaving to go to Abraham itself himself.

Anyway one might hope that Abraham has learned by now, but it ought to be a great Assurance for us that he is in perfect. At least for those of us who aren't perfect. You see that God is Sovereign and his Sovereign choice is not based on our worthiness or H or our perfection.

Fred's ass full of colleague of mine. Great guy enjoy him a lot. He wrote that he said God chose and love according to his wise purpose and not because of Any considerations in the elect themselves election is according to Grace and its reasons are found in God alone.

So if election is found in Grace The Collection is by grace and his reasons are found in God alone than Abraham's the choosing of Abraham by the Lord is not something that we have to look and say well he's an imperfect choose him because there aren't any who are perfect except his own and they're all using perfect. People are pointing us to Christ. Even that doctrine of election, you might you might object to it. I was concerned that it might mean that God would turn people away that God doesn't choose. But the Bible says it's not true that some people who wanted to be saved or turned away instead everyone chose to turn away from God first. That's why God had to make the decision to save some If God hadn't made that choice, nobody would be saved the fact that God's sovereignty chose you to be saved. Even when you were dead in your trespasses and sins. That's what Sovereign Grace is all about. If you've been saved by grace, you cannot become unsafe you cannot Lose Yourself Asian because it is the gift of God for those who believe you are in perfect just like Abraham, he was chosen and so are you you are imperfect chosen by God and Christ and then the less once you are saved you are always saved your sins are forgiven past present and future. There's only one thing for you to do in response live your life for him and declare with every moment and every breath what was declared in Revelation 7 salvation belongs to God who sits on the throne and to the lamb Because it's by God's grace. He does not choose us because we're worthy because we're smart because we have it all together. But by a sovereign will so that we might reveal the gospel to the world. I was close by looking at verses 14 through 18. We are saved Abraham like a saved by God's chosen one. And so are we saved by God's chosen one Genesis 24 6:14 through 18 Electric Sheep and oxen and male servants and female servants and gave them to Abraham and return Sarah his wife to him and abimelech said behold. My land is before you dwell where it pleases you to Sarah. He said behold. I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. It is a sign of your innocence in the eyes of all who are with you before everyone.

And then we come to the versus we covered that first verses 17 and 18. But now let's consider them from a bundle X point of view. We looked at them from Abraham's point of view as a profit. But now we look at what it means for a good life. God has appealed to of a Malak that Abraham his prophet. The Abraham is his Prophet. Excuse me, and that in order to be saved Abraham must pray for him first 17 then to Abraham prayed to God and God healed abimelech and also healed his wife and female slaves that they were children for the Lord had closed all the rooms of the House of abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife. As a prophet as the prophet of God chosen by God, so he praised as a priest Abraham stand as a mediator between abimelech and the Creator God who revealed himself to have been like earlier in this chapter. And Abraham is the one God has chosen for this purpose only see as humility abimelech repents of his sin return Sarah and gives abundantly beyond that his heart seems sensitive to the Lord and he is healed. No healing can be a metaphor for salvation. In this case. It is both a metaphor for salvation. But also it is the healing of his family as well and healing can include the healing of the restoration of the heart mind or body even a circumstances and here in this circumstance that Ben likes life is saved. By God through the prayer of God's prophet Abraham. The recalls to mind James 5:16, the prayer of a righteous person has a great power as it is working and that's exactly what happens when Abraham price was in this way. The Abraham's actions for the biblical or another preview of Christ and his gospel Amir inkling of Jesus's actions toward us for the Forgiveness of our many sins. And so this preview that Abraham brings today and interactions with abimelech directs our gaze to the chosen one of God who hung up on the cross and your place in line. Aw. Tozer said Christ by his death on the cross made it possible for the center to exchange his sin for Christ's righteousness. Perfect timing. So if you didn't if you were late for church today, we've all been forewarned about all the noise going on downstairs. It's just the story of Gideon. So and so maybe I'll have you guys do that wake you up a little bit.

We read that again by aw Tozer Christ by his death on the cross made it possible for the center to exchange his sin for Christ's righteousness. I'm a sinner. Any other centers in the room? Those are some of you aren't centers. This is good. But I mean to be honest, I like this. right

He exchanged our sin for his righteousness. This is the gospel the good news that our sins past present and future are no longer counted against us on account of the righteousness of Christ in this truth of the Gospel is revealed to the World by in several ways. First of all by our very existence, The gospel even with Abraham is revealed by his existence the good news that I can be saved and healed from his sins and his wrongdoings against God and that his family could be restored. So is by Abraham's existence by his being present and doing what God has called them to do it in the world that have been like a saved and it's by our very existence also is a testimony of the gospel and how it is revealed in the world to its followers of Christ. We are the people of God where is royal priesthood interceding for people from their sins and to the world?

The truth of the Gospel is revealed to the world through the testimony of our lives our Transformers hearts and minds and our continual renewal and growth for maturity and Christ. I remember when I first became a Christian I pretty sure my dad told me he said what is wrong with you? Something is wrong with you. I've given my life to Christ. You're not normal. It is very worried silly down and talk to me over and over again because my life I've gone from the kid giving in the middle finger and using four letter words and regular discourse with my dad and telling him what he would do everyday at 2 and then I started ordering things like the Christian Science monitor cuz I thought I was a Christian music paper and they thought I was absolutely lost my mind, but the truth was that I had And I got in the mind of Christ by the power of the spirit. But we're transformed in the world sees that but the world also hears the words that we share telling others the good news that in Christ there soon as forgiving yesterday today and forever. You've heard that quote by step by Saint Francis of Assisi everywhere you go preach the gospel. If you must use words nobody ever actually ever said that it's just it's a fake quote by the way, there's never a time when the gospel isn't shared with words. God has given us his word his word contains the good news that good news is shared by words. It can be demonstrated in other ways. But it is it the gospel is shared by accounting for what Christ has done on our behalf. So we have the responsibility to share. Because by God's grace, he does not choose us because we're worthy but biased are when will so that we might reveal the gospel to the world. Let's pray. Lord God we thank you for your word this morning. But we thank you for Abraham the prophet in the ways that his life previews the Son of God who came to die in our place Lord this morning. We pray that those of us who were in Christ that you would urge Us in the power of your spirit to live lives of Greater devotion greater faithfulness. greater Effectiveness greater courage greater openness to change greater openness to sharing the gospel. And got this morning for anyone who's listening online who's watching later. Anyone in this room who does not know Christ Lord. I pray that you would. Work in their hearts and Minds this morning by the power of your spirit make yourself known to them. Pour out your grace and mercy on them that they might be saved. And more put people around them who can share the good news of all that Christ has done on their behalf that on the cross their sins past present and future are forgiven. And there's nothing that can happen that can take that away from them. NorCal we thank you for all these things be your word work deeply in our hearts today. We all did pray this in the name of Jesus and all God's people said amen.

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