The Doctrine of the End Times: The Tribulation (Part 2) (2024)

Doctrine of the End Times (2024)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:03
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Turn to Revelation 6:9-11.
Next slide here: timeline of the Tribulation on earth
The purpose of the Tribulation:
The purpose of the Tribulation is to purge the world of evil and to prepare Israel for Christ to come and setup His Millennial kingdom on earth.
First seal (Revelation 6:1-2) White horse: the Antichrist
Second seal (Revelation 6:3-4) Red horse: war
Third seal (Revelation 6:5-6) Black horse: famine
Fourth seal (Revelation 6:7-8) Pale horse: death and hell
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Fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11) Martyrs in heaven
Read Revelation 6:9-11.
Here the scene [changes] from earth to heaven and John sees a vision of those who will be martyred for their faith in Christ. They are described as being under the altar…”
Now that is kind of strange to us. Why would they be described this way?
[One person suggests that this was because] the blood of the sacrifices of the Old Testament was poured out under the altar (Ex. 29:12; Lev. 4:7). John hears them crying with a loud voice asking why God has not judged their persecutors.
The introduction of these martyred dead in heaven at this point immediately after the fourth seal seems to imply that these martyrs have come from the tribulation scene on the earth. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 131
God’s judgment on behalf of these martyrs would continue to wait, but it was certain to come. God forgets neither the suffering of His children nor their work on His behalf.
Hebrews 6:10 KJV 1900
For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
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Sixth seal (Revelation 6:12-17) The wrath of the Lamb
Read Revelation 6:12-17.
The judgments of war, famine, and death, and the martyrdom of the saints have largely originated in human decision and evil. The judgment described here, however, originates in God as a divine punishment inflicted upon a blasphemous world. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 133
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Seventh seal (Revelation 8:1-2) The seven trumpets
Read Revelation 8:1-2.
When Christ breaks the final seal on the scroll, it will begin the second phase of judgment: the seven trumpet judgments.
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The saints of the Tribulation (Revelation 7):
The question has often been asked: “Will anyone be saved after the rapture?” The Scriptures clearly indicate that a great number [Revelation 7:9] of both Jews and Gentiles will trust in the Lord after the church is caught up to glory. Though the children of God living on earth will be translated when Christ comes for His church, immediately a testimony will be raised up to the name of Christ through new converts among Jews and Gentiles. Though these are never described by the term "church,” they are constantly called saints - those set apart as holy to God and saved through the sacrifice of Christ. God will never leave Himself without a witness as long as it is possible for people to be saved. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 137
Sometimes Christians have asked, “How can people be saved in the Tribulation if the Holy Spirit is taken out of the world?” (2 Thessalonians 2:7 indicates this.) The best explanation is that the Holy Spirit “is removed from the world in the same sense that He came on the day of Pentecost” in Acts 2. ibid.
God will select 144,000 Jews to be His missionaries on earth during the Tribulation. It seems that God will grant them a special protection so that they can fearlessly preach with boldness and not be martyred for it. Now the Old Testament indicates that God’s plan for Israel has always been that they would be His representatives on earth. These 144,000 will actually be obedient in fulfillment of God’s plan.
Many other Jews and Gentiles will be saved, but it seems that most of these will die a martyr’s death. Even during this tragic time on earth before Christ returns, “countless souls will find Christ as Savior and be saved by His grace.” John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 147
Application: we often hear it emphasized that our God is a God of love, and indeed He is. But this event emphasizes more than anything else the holiness and justice of our God. He is completely just in all that He does and He will execute judgement on all that have rejected Him. And He is perfectly just in doing that. May it stir our hearts for those that are lost and separated from Him by their sins.
The first phase of judgments upon the earth have been completed as Christ has broken the first six seals of the scroll. Now, the second phase of judgment begins in Revelation chapter eight.
Though simply introduced, the seventh seal is obviously the most important development up to this point. This is because... [everything that happens next] leading to the second coming of Christ, including the seven trumpets and the seven bowls, are contained in the seventh seal.
In recognition of the seventh seal's importance, John says its opening is followed by a half hour of silence in heaven. Though thirty minutes is not ordinarily considered a long time, in this case it indicates that something tremendous is about to take place. It may be compared to the silence before the foreman of a jury reports a verdict; for a moment there is perfect silence and everyone awaits that which will follow. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 149
Read Revelation 8:3-6.
In these verses, special attention is given to the prayers of the Tribulation saints as they are offered as incense upon the altar of heaven. God will hear these prayers and will judge the earth because He is moved by the prayers of His children.
When the moment of silence ends, seven angels stand before God and prepare to blow the trumpets that will commence the next series of judgment upon the earth.
The trumpet judgments of the Tribulation:
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First Trumpet (Rev. 8:7) Bloody Hail and Fire: one-third of vegetation destroyed
In response to the blowing of the trumpet held by the first angel, a scene of desolation is spread abroad upon the earth, directed at the earth's vegetation. Some expositors see this as a symbol of divine judgment rather than literal hail and fire.
This judgment has historical precedent, however, during the seventh plague upon Egypt, where there was literal hail and fire (Exodus 9:18-26). We can be confident that this will be a literal judgment also.
The only problem that seems to remain is the meaning of the term "blood." Here we have another helpful suggestion from the plagues of Egypt. According to Exodus 9:19, 25, the hail destroyed not only vegetation but also people and animals who were caught in it. Thus the result of that hail was bloodshed, whether or not blood was actually included in the hail and fire thrown on the earth. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, pages 152-153
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Second Trumpet (Rev. 8:8-9) Fiery Mountain from Heaven: one-third of oceans polluted
There seems to be another parallel here to the plagues of Egypt. Just as the Nile River and all other bodies of water in Egypt were turned to blood when Aaron stretched out his rod over them, so this object apparently had a similar effect on the sea. The resulting judgment is devastating. The probability is that all life and all ships are destroyed in one portion of the earth, the area nearest to the impact of the burning mountain. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 153
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Third Trumpet (Rev. 8:10-11) Falling Star: one-third of fresh water polluted
When the third trumpet sounds, John witnesses a great star burning like a torch and falling upon rivers and springs of water. It is aptly named "Wormwood,” a bitter plant that grows in waste places and a symbol of calamity. It apparently causes the water to be bitter, resulting in the death of many. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 154
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Fourth Trumpet (Rev. 8:12) Darkness: one-third of sun, moon, and stars darkened
The blowing of this fourth trumpet results in one-third of the light of the heavenly bodies being darkened. Notice how much of what we take for granted today will be destroyed during the Tribulation: the trees, the grass, the ocean and fresh water, and the sun, moon, and stars will all be partly destroyed. These things are all essential to life and remind us of the glory of God, but during the Tribulation they will be judged because of thankless mankind. The blasphemers on earth will not be able to ignore the fact that God is judging them.
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Fifth Trumpet (Rev. 9:1-12) Demonic Invasion: torment
In Revelation 9, a creature is given power to open the bottomless pit, which is the abode of demons. The pit is opened and demonic beings like locusts are loosed upon the earth.
The locusts in Revelation 9 have the specific purpose of executing divine judgment. They do not eat vegetation, as ordinary locusts would do, and their stinging ability is certainly not characteristic of real locusts. They are able to torment people, and apparently the entire unbelieving human race is vulnerable to their attacks. We believe those who are sealed by God, including the 144,000 of Revelation 7, will be protected from this terrible judgment. It seems improbable that any true believer in that day would be subject to the torment of the locusts; the torment is rather a judgment upon those who have rejected Christ. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 159
Anyone stung by these creatures will suffer for five months (Revelation 9:5). Humans will seek death to escape this suffering, but somehow they will not be allowed to die (Revelation 9:6). This judgment will truly unmask the power, the evil, and the horror of Satan and his forces of darkness.
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Sixth Trumpet (Rev. 9:13-21) Army of 200 Million: one-third of mankind killed
...The four angels bound in the Euphrates are evil angels who are released in order to execute this judgment that takes the lives of multiplied millions of people. They are prepared for their hour of activity much as the great fish was prepared to swallow Jonah and effect divine discipline upon the prophet. We can see the all-powerful hand of God in both of these instances, for Jonah 1:17 says God "appointed" the fish to swallow Jonah, and here in Revelation 9 the evil angels of the sixth trumpet are not released until the moment chosen by God. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 163
These four angels will assemble an army from the east of 200 million people. This army will cause the death of one-third of mankind.
The judgment depicted here, the killing of one-third of the earth’s people, is one of the most devastating mentioned anywhere in Revelation prior to the second coming. Earlier in the fourth seal, a fourth of mankind is killed. These two judgments alone account for half of the world's population… John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 164
Even though so many humans will die, those that live will neither repent of their sin nor turn from their worship of Satan and his demons (Revelation 9:20-21). This will be the response of many throughout the Tribulation.
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Seventh Trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19) The Announcement of Christ’s Reign: the kingdom
When the seventh trumpet sounds, John hears great voices in heaven. In contrast to previous instances where a single voice makes the announcement, here there is a great symphony of voices chanting the triumph of Christ. The fact that earthly rule will pass into the hands of God is frequently mentioned in Old Testament prophecy (cf. Ezek. 21:26-27; Dan. 2:35, 44; 4:3; 6:26; 7:14, 26-27; Zech. 14:9). The question that remains, however, is how at this point the kingdom of the world can become the kingdom of Christ when the seven bowls of judgment are seemingly still to be poured out. The answer… seems to be that just as the seven trumpets are contained in the seventh seal, so the seven bowls are contained in the seventh trumpet. The process of destruction of earthly power is therefore already under way.
Christ is declared to reign "forever and ever." This is more than simply announcing His millennial reign on earth, which will extend for only one thousand years. In some sense, Christ's reign continues in the new heaven and the new earth. Never again will the earth be under the control of humans. John Walvoord, Commentary on Revelation, page 186
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The parenthetical chapters (Revelation 10-14):
Revelation chapters 10-14 hit “pause” on the chronological revealing of the Tribulation judgments. Instead, they focus on several circumstances, events, or topics to help us better understand the Tribulation time. These chapters of Revelation also unveil the changes that happen from the evil one world government of earth to the Millennial kingdom of Christ.
Daniel 7:13–14 KJV 1900
I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
Application: Don’t get overly shaken by the events going on in our world. Our God is sovereign and He will accomplish His will. Christ will one day sit upon the throne of David!
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