Untitled Sermon (6)
“By lusts Paul, like Peter and James, understands, not the natural appetites of the body, but the sinful, godless inclinations (Rom. 1:24), whether these be of a sensuous or of a spiritual nature. He purposely quotes the Old Testament commandment against sinful lust (Ex. 20:17; Deut. 5:21) in such a manner that it is not any definite objects of lust, but the longing for them as such that he calls forbidden (Rom. 7:7, see margin). In his sense every lust is a product of sin (v. 8), which compels us to obey the lusts of the body (6:12); every natural appetite may be perverted by sin into lust (13:14)”
Though contemporary English uses “lust” only in a negative way, the word originally meant “craving, strong desire” and was morally neutral
Christians are able to resist lust through the power of the Holy Spirit. The flesh, with its passions and lusts, is to be crucified (Gal. 5:24; Titus 2:12).