“This is the difference between the apostles and their successors: the former were sure and genuine scribes of the Holy Spirit, and their writings are therefore to be considered oracles of God; but the sole office of others is to teach what is provided and sealed in the Holy Scriptures. We therefore teach that faithful ministers are now not permitted to coin any new doctrine, but that they are simply to cleave to that doctrine to which God has subjected all men without exception.”
SOURCE: John Calvin, Institutes (Westminster John Knox, 1960), IV.viii.9.
The church has always recognized the unique authority of [the] apostles of Jesus. He chose, appointed, and authorized them to teach in his name.
• Ignatius (AD 110): “I do not issue you with commands like Peter and Paul. For I am not an apostle, but a condemned man.”
• Tertullian (third century): “It is forbidden for Christians to introduce anything on their own authority or to accept something which a person introduced by his own authority. The apostles of the Lord are our authority.”
• Martin Luther: “Jesus has submitted the whole world to the apostles, who are the only people who can enlighten it.… And the people of the world, kings, princes, lords, educated men, wise men, must sit down while the apostles stand up, listen while the apostles speak.”