Try Again
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Stay standing and let’s read God’s Word together. I love to start off with looking at the Word because God always goes first. Everything that happens after that is just a response to what He did first. We love Him because He FIRST loved us. Open your Bibles to John chapter 21. We’re going to read verses 15-19.
And as we turn there, I just want to make sure you know that CAMP is almost over, but it’s not over yet. Turn to your neighbor and tell them, “it’s not over yet!”
It’s not over yet, I think God’s got one more thing for us here in John 21:15-19.
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”
I want to finish off CAMP 2024 with a message that I’m titling Try Again.
Before you sit down, turn to 3 people and tell them to try again!
Does anyone else's Instagram/YouTube algorithm have those "do you see it" videos?
Instagram and I got back together after a 2 year break, and so we're taking it slow and getting to know each other again. Which means, my algorithm is ALL OVER THE PLACE. And right now, it’s FULL of all these “do you see it” videos.
So a few weeks back, I was watching some Reels and I had this random video [Play Reel in the Background] pop up of some leaves. My first thought when I saw it was, “oh that’s nice, Instagram is giving me one of those ‘enjoy the zen, we’ll be right back’ commercials.”
But then I read the caption… [Show screenshot of the caption]
And once I did that I obviously I went back and watched it again.
And then again.
And then 4 more times. But then I FINALLY SAW IT! Do you see it? [Play Reel in the Background]
I didn’t see it at first, but there’s a snake hiding in the leaves right there!
The “do you see it” videos are fun because sometimes there’s more there than what we are seeing.
I don’t know why we don’t always see everything. Maybe it’s because we’re going too fast and don’t give ourselves a chance to see it. Maybe it’s because we get too familiar and we become blind to it. Or maybe it’s because we just genuinely don’t know what we’re looking for.
I don’t know why we don’t always see everything, but I do know that sometimes there’s more than than what we are seeing. I also know that not seeing everything that’s there can be costly. If you were walking through these leaves and you didn’t see the snake…
If you were driving 20 over and you didn’t see the police officer…
If you went to give her a kiss and you didn’t see that her dad was waiting for y’all on the front porch… 😉
Not seeing everything that’s there can be costly. And that’s why, to finish CAMP, I want to stop and look closely at our passage in John 21, because I believe there’s more there than we are seeing. And I believe that if we miss what is there, it’ll cost us.
So let’s get into the story. John 21 is about a conversation between Jesus and Simon, but their story really started back in Luke 5.
SIMON’S CALL. Simon was a fisherman. And one night he pulled an all-nighter trying to catch some fish and came up empty. So he pulled his boat back into the shore where he met Jesus and heard Him teach for the first time. After the teaching is done, Jesus told Simon to go out on the lake again (say again) and catch some fish. So Simon went out again (say again), and he caught a TON of fish! Simon was so blown away that when he comes back to shore and Jesus said, “Follow Me,” Simon left everything and followed Jesus.
By the way, that’s the exact same thing that some of you have done this week! Just like Simon, you had a moment where you decided to leave your old life behind and follow Jesus. In fact, if you did that this week, can you just wave at me? I love it! So you get this part of Simon’s story!
Simon had a moment where he left everything and followed Jesus.
That was 3 years ago for Simon. Since then, Simon had been following Jesus every day. There were all kinds of things that happened during that time, but one of the most notable happened in Matthew 16.
SIMON TO PETER. Simon had become so convinced that Jesus was the Son of God who had come to save His people that, in Matthew 16, he confessed it out loud in front of Jesus and the rest of the disciples. A lot of other people had been thinking it and wondering about it, but Simon had the courage to actually say it. And when he did, Jesus told Simon that that wasn’t something that Simon had learned on his own. God had revealed that to Simon. And right there, Jesus marks the moment by changing Simon’s name to Peter - which means “the rock.”
That moment was significant because, in that moment, Simon was changed by Jesus. He wasn’t the same old Simon the fisherman anymore. He was different. He became Peter.
Some of you had a moment like that this week too! I don’t know if God gave you a new name (although that would be AWESOME), but you’re going to leave tonight different than when you came on Day 1. Something has changed. You’ve had a breakthrough. God showed you something brand new. If God’s done something in your life this week, can you wave at me? I love it! You can definitely relate to this part of Simon’s story.
Simon had left everything and followed Jesus, and as he followed Jesus he had been changed by Jesus.
But what happens next is a part of Simon’s story that might be the most relatable.
PETER’S DENIAL. Because what happens next is Jesus was arrested, put on trial, and crucified on a cross. And as that happened, Simon got scared and did something that he swore to Jesus the night before that he would NEVER do…He disassociated himself from Jesus and denied even knowing Him - not once, not twice, but three times.
Isn’t that ironic? He’s supposed to be “the rock,” but he caved under the pressure and failed Jesus. I wish it wasn’t true, but I sure can relate to failing Jesus and doing things I told Him I’d never do.
MY FAILURE. In fact, I did this 6 months ago.
My wife, Shelby, and I found out we were pregnant with our first baby, and I told God that I would never be a prayer-less dad. I promised Him that I would pray for my son by name every day for the rest of my life from that day forward. It wasn’t 2 days later that I got busy and forgot to pray for him. And it took me another couple of weeks to even realize that I’d stopped praying.
When it comes to doing what I told God I would never do, I am a repeat offender.
But maybe that’s why this story means so much to me - because Simon was a repeat offender too. And this story takes place right after his most notable one!
Jesus had risen from the dead and He found Simon back where they first met - fishing. And the same thing happens again - Simon was out all night and came up empty. From the shore, Jesus tells him to throw out his nets again (say again) on the other side of the boat - he does- and he catches a TON of fish! It’s a call back to the moment that Simon first followed Jesus. Simon recognized what was happening and he swam to shore where he sat down and had breakfast with the risen Jesus.
This is where the story picks up.
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”
HOW MANY MIRACLES? How many miracles did you see? I know this isn’t a typical miracle story, but how many miracles do you see?
My first answer was 3 - here’s why.
How many times did Simon deny Jesus?
And how many times here did Simon tell Jesus he loved Jesus?
So I said 3 miracles because Jesus miraculously forgave Simon for every one of his failures!
And that’ll preach because I can relate to Simon. I’ve followed Jesus, I’ve been changed by Jesus, and I have failed Jesus. So a story about Simon being forgiven for every one of his failures speaks to me because it gives me hope that if Jesus can forgive him, then He can forgive ME!
It’s a MIRACLE! I think it’s why people connect with this passage and why it gets preached a lot.
But I think there’s more there than what we are seeing…
For the longest time I was taught and I thought this was a 3-miracle story. But verses 18-19 have convinced me that there is a 4th miracle that I have missed.
Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”
Do you see it?
Yes, Simon is forgiven, but the conversation doesn’t stop there! Jesus didn’t just forgive him of his sin, what did He say to Simon at the end?
Follow Me.
Do you remember what Jesus said to Simon back on the beach when He first called him?
Follow Me.
Jesus called Simon the same way before and after his failure.
BOTTOM LINE. I think somebody in here needs to hear this before you go home: Jesus doesn't just forgive you of your sin, He calls you to try again!
This is good news because you and I have been given an opportunity to be forgiven of our sin because of Jesus. Thank you Jesus! But we are not just forgiven of our sin, we are forgiven of our sin AND we are called to try again!
SHRUNK, NOT SEPARATED. Romans 8:39 tells us that, if we have decided to follow Jesus, there is NOTHING that can separate us from the love of God!
Even when you fail, the enemy cannot separate you.
He can shrink you.
The enemy would love to take this beautiful story, given to you as a gift from the Holy Spirit and have you leave only seeing that you are forgiven and missing that you have been called to try again.
Some of you have made yourselves so small because you’ve believed the lie that the best Jesus can do for you is forgive you and sit you on the sidelines until heaven. If that’s you, please hear me when I say that you have been lied to!
Jesus Himself said that the truth will set us free. The truth of Simon’s story and the truth of YOUR story is that Jesus doesn't just forgive you of your sin, He calls you to try again!
Here’s what I mean when I say “try again.”
I grew up playing basketball [basketball picture slide]
I averaged 0.15 points per game in my varsity basketball career.
I didn’t score because I didn’t play. And the reason I didn’t play wasn’t because I wasn’t good, it was because I couldn’t try again.
Every time I would turn the ball over or miss a shot I thought the only way coach would believe I was sorry for my mess up is if he saw me beat myself up. So I’d turn it over and hang my head, jog back on defense, slap the floor angry, yell, whatever I needed to do to show him I was sorry for my mess up.
my turnovers weren’t going to get me kicked off the team, but my inability to try again after them shrunk my contribution to the team. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that my coach wasn’t looking at my last play, He was looking at my next play.
I had to be taken out of the game because I was so focused on the last play that I got wrong that I kept messing up the next play that I could’ve gotten right.
Sometimes I think we follow the Jesus the way I played basketball in high school. We sin, we mess up, we feel like we’ve failed Jesus, and so we spend the next 6 months beating ourselves up over a bad 5 minutes that happened 6 months ago because we think we need to show God how sorry we are.
What if God is less concerned than you are about what you messed up last time and is more concerned than you are about what you’ll do when you get the opportunity next time?
Here's why this is such a big deal for me - think of how small Simon’s story would have been if he had stopped at being forgiven?
Do you realize that, arguably, his greatest kingdom contributions came AFTER he failed? His best plays came AFTER he turned it over! Let me read you his resumé from AFTER this moment:
He preached the sermon on Pentecost Sunday and 3,000 people believed and were baptized
He performed the first miracle AFTER Jesus had returned to heaven by healing a man who was born unable to walk
He'd performed so many miracles that people in the town started to bring the sick people believing that if just Peter’s shadow fell on them they would be healed.
He led the first Gentile person to become a follower of Jesus - opening the door for ANYONE, Jew or Gentile, to follow Jesus.
And maybe the most underrated part of his story is this: before Jesus’s resurrection, Simon was so scared of the cross that he denied knowing Jesus to protect himself. But he was so transformed by Jesus that at the end of his life, he willing died on a cross because he REFUSED to deny Jesus again.
Simon’s story would’ve been so small if he hadn’t tried again. When I was playing basketball, I was part of a TEAM! My inability to try again didn’t just hurt me, it hurt the people on my team. Believing in Jesus is a personal decision, but becoming like Jesus is a team sport! We do it together! I robbed my team of plays I could’ve made because I couldn’t try again.
I wonder if you’re robbing the body of Christ of the contributions you could make because you haven’t learned to try again?
But it’s hard to try again. In fact, sometimes it feels wrong to try again. It feels like we are downplaying our sin when we try again.
But look at what Proverbs 24:16 says,
The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.
But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.
Proverbs gives 0 indication that the godly don’t trip. Can I tell you something? Whatever has happened in your life this week, when you go home you will trip again at some point. The sin you told God you aren’t going to give into anymore this week, you will trip again. The thoughts you surrendered to God this week, you will think again. The temptation you faced before you came here you will face again.
Just because you will trip again doesn’t mean what happened this week wasn’t real. When you trip again it’s an invitation to try again. The measure of how sorry you are is not how long you beat yourself up. The measure of how sorry you are is how quickly you believe what God tells you over what the enemy tells you, receive the forgiveness of Jesus, and try again.
You may have tripped the previous 3 times you tried to get baptized, but GET UP AND TRY AGAIN!
You may have tripped contributing to your group and being vulnerable the previous 2 years, but GET UP AND TRY AGAIN!
You have have tripped in responding to that tug in your spirit the past two days to surrender your life and follow Jesus, that’s ok, GET UP AND TRY AGAIN!
Don’t shrink your story because you refuse to try again. We desperately need what God wants to do through you on the other side of trying again!
And so my question for you is: where do you need to try again?
Some of you are called to ministry and are robbing the world of a pastor who could help point them to the good news of Jesus because you messed up, feel like you’ve disqualified yourself, and don’t think you can try again. TRY AGAIN!
Some of you have been called to share your faith with your friend and are robbing them of the opportunity to know God because you got scared last time and haven’t tried again. TRY AGAIN!
Some of you have been saying you want to start reading your Bible for 3 years and it hasn’t happened. Grab your 21 day devotional after CAMP and TRY AGAIN!
Some of you have been called to break generational curses in your family. There is a sin struggle that was passed down to you that doesn’t have to get passed down through you. And you are robbing your family line of freedom because you’ve struggled with that yourself and you’ve allowed the enemy to shrink you because you’ve believed the lie that if you’re struggling with it now you’ll struggle with it forever. TRY AGAIN!
Though the righteous fall 7 times, they will get up AGAIN!
Here’s how you can choose to get up again right no - fill out a response card with where you need to try again
Give your card to your leader and ask them to hold you accountable to try again after you trip again.
Prayer against the enemy
So right now, if you are ready to fight back against the enemy, if you’ve tripped again but you’re ready to try again, if you want to leave CAMP and not be perfect, but be persistent in following Jesus, I want you to stand up right where you’re at. C’mon get up right now!
Stay standing.
Look at me, right now it is easy to get up and try again, it’s going to be a whole lot harder 3 months from now. And that’s why I want to take a moment and I want to help you 3 months from now after the CAMP high has worn off. If you’re serious about trying again - not being perfect - but being persistent in following Jesus, I want you to fill out a response card in your small group. Here’s why: we’re in this together. We’re on a team. That’s why we do groups all through the school year. We all need people around us to help us try again after we’ve tripped again. So in a moment, we’re going to huddle up in our groups right here in the room to do 1 thing: write down where we need to try again so that we can follow Jesus well together, not 2 days from now, but 3 months, a year, 10 years from now.
But before we do I want to take a moment and I want to pray against the enemy in each of your lives who wants to shrink you. Let’s pray.