A little boy walks into his neighbor’s apple farm then sits down at the base of a tree. The apples look beautifully delicious. The farmer sees him and says “What are you trying to do? Steal an apple?” The boy said “No sir, I’m trying not to.”
Temptation is a real problem for each of us, it was a real problem at Corinth, a Church whose saints had fallen pray to it. They were divided, living in immorality, and even suing each other.
In the verses preceeding our text Paul gives the Church examples of Israel falling pray to temptation, though they were saved by God (v.2) and sustained by the hand of God (v.3-4) they fell pray to temptation (v.6) and worshipped other gods. They tested the one true God (v.9), grumbled (v.10), and acted immorally (v.8, Num. 25). They were a prideful people who fell.... The saints at Corinth found themselves in the same situation, saved by the nail pierced hands of God yet living in sin.... Many of us today are saved and living in sin because we have succumbed to temptation.
CPS: I want to remind you today that while temptation comes to all of us we can overcome it through Jesus Christ our victor.
I. Temptation is Certain
A. Its Certainty
In this world you will be tempted to sin. If Jesus was tempted to sin… you will be tempted to sin. The Apostle tells us that Temptation is common to man, (Adj. Anthrōpinos) which means what is common to mankind.
B. Its Meaning
Temptation (Noun peirasmos) is a trial given for the purpose to make one stumble. Stumble into sin that it is.
C. Its Source
It comes from two main sources. Satan and ourselves.
1. Satan
Temptation never comes from God (James 1:13) God tests but Satan tempts. We have an a enemy who hates us and who hates God. His purpose is to keep us from God and he knows what separates us, sin. He is wise and conniving and tempts us with things that he knows is hard for us say no to!
ILL: Orel Hershiser (Dodgers) was an artist when it came to tempting batters. Most pitchers try to confuse batters by convincing them that a particular pitch is coming while throwing another. But Hershiser would throw a pitch that the batter expects but in a place where he can’t hit it.” A batter that likes high fastballs he would throw it a little higher where the batter could not layoff of it. Isn’t that the way the enemy works in our life? If it looks so good and feels so good just do it!
2. Self
Most of us are like the comedian Flip Wilson, whose famous line was “The Devil Made Me Do it.” But, there is another source of temptation our selves. Temptation is a part of the fallen human experience. We are plagued by flesh and its desire to do wrong. It is ingrained in our inherent sinful state. By nature we are sinners and temptation comes naturally!
ILL: Adrian Rogers tells a story about a little boy who called his little sister a bad name, hit her with a broomstick, and spit on her. The mother got on to the naughty child and said, “You should not have done that. The devil made you do that.” He said, “The devil made me call her a bad name and the devil made me hit her with the broomstick. But spitting on her was my idea.” Most often, it is our idea!
Temptation is certain because we have an enemy and a fallen nature.
II. Temptation is Serious
A. Flirting with Temptation
Temptation is serious, it is something we must not play around with, however we often find ourselves flirting with it. The Apostle writes “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.” Don’t fool yourself into believing that you are such a spiritual giant that you can stand in front of temptation and be unscathed! If you are on a diet would you go into milady bakery just to look at and smell all those delicious doughnuts and cinnamon rolls? You would not. Flirting with temptation is disastrous just ask King David (2 Sam. 12)!
It was the time when kings went to war but David stayed home, he was on his roof and saw a beautiful woman bathing across the street. Notice, when he should have walked away, he stayed. After staying he inquired, once he inquired he sent messengers, after he sent messengers he had an adulteress relationship with the granddaughter of one of his most trusted advisers and the wife of one of his most loyal soldiers. And that was the the tip of the iceberg, it escalated into murder and a cover up!
Though it seemed harmless, when he stayed home from war temptation sprouted its roots and when he saw the girl bathing he should have turned away, and that was when he fell in pray to temptation.
ILL: Don’t flirt with temptation it is making plans to fall pray to temptation. Its like the boy whose father told not to go swimming in the canal. He said “ok” but he came home carying a wet bathing suit that evening. “Where have you been?” demanded his dad. The boy said swimming in the canal.” His father growled, “didn't I tell you not to swim there?” “Yes sir” “Why did you?” the boy explained, “I had my bathing suit with me and I couldn't resist the temptation.” The father asked, “Why did you take your bathing suite with you?’ The boy answered, “So I’d be prepared to swim, in case I was tempted.”
B. Facing Temptations Consequences
Don’t you think that young boy faced some consequences? You bet ya!
Falling to temptation is sin and sin always its consequences even for the saved! Just ask David!
There is an old saying Sin will keep away for longer than you wanted to stay and will cost you more than you are willing to pay. After David fell pray to temptation the Prophet Nathan was sent by God to call David out, God said I gave you everything and I would gave you much more but you have despised the Word of the Lord by doing evil in His sight (2 Sam. 12:9) Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house (2 Sam. 12:10), I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your companion (2 Sam. 12:11), indeed what you did in secret I will do for all to see (2 Sam. 12:12). Then David repented and the Lord took away his sin, spared his life but did not spare the life of the baby he had conceived during that adulteress affair. From that point on David’s life played out just as God said. His son raped his daughter, another son killed his son, and his very own son tried to overthrow him and take over the kingdom.... (Read the rest of 2 Sam.)
Know the seriousness of temptation and don’t play with it. Its like playing with fire, you will get burned.
III. Temptation is Conquerable.
Temptation itself is not sin, but succumbing to it is and you will never be able to overcome it in your own power. However, our text says “No temptation has overcome you bust such is common to man (Your temptation is not more tempting than others and its not unique to you many have faced it) AND GOD IS FAITHFUL. (He is trust worthy so trust Him!), Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able (He will not allow temptation to come that can not be conquered!), but with temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. (Notice though there is a way of escape it is through endurance, bearing up and overcoming).
Now I want to give you 3 ways you can overcome temptation through the power of Christ (these came from Adrian Rogers)
A. Fight
There are times when temptation comes and you will have to fight it off.
The Word of God
While on earth God (Jesus) faced and overcame all temptation, by clinging to the Word of God. WIll face to face with devil himself, Jesus said it is written (Luke 4:4, Deut 8:3) (Luke 4:8, Deut. 6:13) (Luke 4:12, Deut. 6:16). Draw out your sword and put it to work (Another reason to memorize scripture)
2. Draw nigh to God (James 4:7)
3. Pray to God.
In the face of temptation:
a. Jesus taught us to pray (Matt. 6:13)
b. Jesus instructs us to pray (Luke 22:40, 46)
c. Jesus, himself prayed! (Luke 22:42)
B. Flight
While facing temptation to do worship another god we are told to FLEE! (1. Cor. 10:14) While facing immorality (Porn, Fornication, Adultery, Prostitution, Homosexuality) Flee! 1 Cor. 6:18)
ILL: On Hee Haw a patient came in to see Doc. Campbell. He said “Doc I broke my arm in two places.” The wise old doc replies “Well then stay out of them placess!
C. Faith
When tempted by the things of this world, Greed, honor, etc… We must hold tight to our faith. (1 John 5:4) Faith is what makes God a living reality to us. And our faith is in the faithful one! God is faithful! (1 Cor. 1:9, 10:13) Turn to Jesus!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim. in the light of His glory and grace.