What's Love Got To Do With It?

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Cooking story without an ingredient or build a house with no nails

Eternal and Powerful

Got Questions? Bible Questions Answered What Does It Mean that Love Does Not Delight in Evil but Rejoices with the Truth (1 Corinthians 13:6)?

Corinth was an evil place with pervasive idol worship and rampant sexual immorality. The recently converted Christians in Corinth sometimes had a hard time shaking the old habits. One man involved in egregious immorality had been tolerated in the church (chapter 5), and the Lord’s Supper had been dishonored to the point of including gluttony and drunkenness (chapter 11). To combat these evils, Paul taught that love does not enjoy or “delight in” such actions; rather, true love finds joy in truth and righteousness.

what finds its way into our worship and surrender today is the fourfold “ALL THINGS” statements that Paul makes. It not only finds its way into our worship but calls us to as an act of worship surrender to God as this clearly must come from HIM. all things being presented through varying circumstances and people can only be accomplished as a gift through the love of Christ Jesus enabling us to bear all, believe all, hope all, and endure all because Love never ends-it is eternal as God Himself is
1 Peter 2:20 “For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if you endure when you do good and suffer for it, this finds favor with God.”
this love of God enables us to.....
like a roof covering a house to protect it from harmful elements
Love is far more discerning as 13:6 has already made clear: “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”
1 Corinthians (2) What Love Does and Does Not Do (13:4–7)

not to conceal or to hide something, but rather to endure all things for the cause of the Gospel, recalling 9:12.

it never proclaims the errors of good men. There are busybodies abroad who never spy out a fault in a brother but they must hurry off to their next neighbour with the savoury news, and then they run up and down the street as though they had been elected common criers. It is by no means honorable to men or women to set up to be common informers. Yet I know some who are not half so eager to publish the gospel as to publish slander. Love stands in the presence of a fault, with a finger on her lip.” (Spurgeon)
ex.pearl, extracts a substance out of its own life to cover the painful evil
believes the good in the person
many folks believe all the evil and negative things about people but will not believe the good that being in Christ now demands
try proclaiming what the person is in Jesus to someone instead of declaring their faults
confidence in the future-where is the person headed not where are they now. Hope in the FACT that God will finish what He started!!
ENDURES ALL THINGS (in the present)
1 Corinthians (2) What Love Does and Does Not Do (13:4–7)

endure all things in order not to give any offense to the gospel

Got Questions? Bible Questions Answered What Does It Mean that Love Always Perseveres (1 Corinthians 13:7)?

In the wedding vows, a husband and wife take each other “for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.” The basis of this pledge is the fact that love perseveres.

“frequently the Christian is asked by God to shoulder burdens (often burdens of others and on every occasion burdens which God Himself already bears), which wear us down and evoke the question: ‘Why, Lord?’
I’m here to tell you that the response of God is because love sacrifices the right to rebel against God, God is in control and not lost His way and will at some point demonstrate His victory…He has demonstrated this in the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus.
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