Don't Worry, Have Faith

Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:11
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The Fool

God gave the rich farmer a bumper crop
the man was worried about what to do with the crop
he tore down his barns and built bigger ones
God ended his life the night he was all set for the rest of his life
V 20-21
Jesus spoke about being greedy
and our need of being rich toward God
this man had his retirement plan secured
he thought only of himself and nothing toward God
he was not thinking about his eternal retirement plan
like giving to the church or missions ect.
I know a couple who early on decided to put their retirement into missions. and trust in God in their retirement age years
investing in their heavenly account
on the heels of this teaching and warning from Jesus
He is telling us not to worry about the necessities of life
be rich toward God and allow God to take care of you
read V 22-34


V 22-23
"Stop being worried." Or "Don't begin to worry." Stop fretting, being weighed down with cares, being distracted and distressed, being troubled
this is a command by God
with every command there is the Holy Spirits help in this task
do you want to do the will of God?
stop worrying
our word worry comes from an Anglo Saxon word meaning to strangle
when you are worried about something you are being strangled by these thoughts
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Eleven: Believer, Beware! (Luke 12)

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow,” said Corrie Ten Boom; “it empties today of its strength

worry does not lengthen our lives , but it makes us sick and in the hospital
I could go on about the harmful effects of worry
let’s just leave it here and remember it is a command, the will of God for us not to worry.
My car I think God used this breakdown so I can have a good illustration about worry
between talking with my mechanic neighbor and the mechanic who fixed my car they have filled me with enough to worry me every time is start the car. bur I cant get rid of it. so I have decided I will drive it and not worry about it and leave it in His hands

Consider the Ravens

V 24 the raven in the levitical law the raven is considered a un- clean bird a dirty bird
So Jesus is is giving these people an example of something despised
not a preferred bird like the dove
Have you ever watched birds eat?
they are always working looking for seeds or insects
so Jesus is not saying stop working and sit back be lazy and let God feed you
in the case of the couple I mentioned before the husband has no plan of retiring.
and so called enjoying life. the American dream
the ravens go about looking for food
and there is plenty to be found
V 25-26
Remember the model prayer that Jesus gave to us
And give us today our daily bread
God knows our needs
sometimes we mix up our needs with wants
V 27-28
food clothing shelter medicines are all needful things
these are things people around the world works for
these are things that everybody needs
people spend their lives in acquiring
don’t worry about these things. God knows your need
Do you have enough to eat today?
let God worry about tomorrow
Psalm 23 LSB
A Psalm of David. Yahweh is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will pursue me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever.
Jesus the good shepherd takes care of His sheep
God knows who are His
He has given promises to take care of us
how much do we believe in these promises?
V 29-30
don’t be like the world in worrying about the future
you on the other hand

Seek God’s Kingdom

V 31
you let God give you the means of eating and clothing
and invest in God’s Kingdom
not this worldly kingdoms
allow God to prove Himself to you
trust in his daily provision
Give us this day our daily bread
V 32
don’t be like the foolish farmer
who only thought of the here and now
who had no thought of sharing his new found wealth
Look at the early church in Jerusalem selling their property to give to their brothers and sisters in the church
now Jesus is going to be really radical
V 33
take an inventory of what you have
is there something of these earthly possessions that you have that is more important than God to you
is there something you own that if Jesus asked you to sell and give away you would say no.
the things of this world are but a vapor here today gone tomorrow
the investment you make in the Kingdom of God is an everlasting treasure
also you enjoy the treasure of helping someone else
Jesus starts this discourse by telling us not to worry
don’t worry about the necessities of life
be generous to God be generous to others
God will take care of you
god wants you in eternity to have the best that He tells us to get rid of the possessions that hinder us from being generous to him
to the rich young ruler Jesus tells him sell all you have give to the poor
What is more important and few short years or eternity?
V 34
it is more important to God and you if your treasure is in Heaven
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