Church Leadership
1 Timothy (High School) • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Last week: We began to look at the order of the church that God has ordained
Tonight we will look at who is called to lead the church and what qualities they should exhibit in their life
Just like in the military or in a corporation, there is an established order that has been set for us to follow in the church
1. (V8-V12) Men are called to lead the church
1. (V8-V12) Men are called to lead the church
(V8) Paul says, the Men should be lifting holy hands everywhere
Men are called to lead corporate prayer
(V11) Let a woman learn with submissiveness
The word for submission here literally means, “To be under in rank.”
It has to do with respecting an acknowledged order of authority. It certainly does not mean that men are more spiritual than women or that women are inferior to men
(V12) A woman is not to teach or exercise authority over a man
1.1 Why? Paul explains using the OT scriptures (This is not Paul’s theology)
1.1 Why? Paul explains using the OT scriptures (This is not Paul’s theology)
(V13) Because Adam was formed first, then Eve
(V14) Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became the transgressor
Adam willfully sinned
Genesis 3:16 “To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.””
Because of sin, the woman has a desire to rule over her husband, but God set the order for the home and for the church
****The Church should NOT bend to the culture
2. (V1) Qualifications for overseers
2. (V1) Qualifications for overseers
a) The word (overseer)
NKJV uses the word bishop, which broken down in the Greek means overseer
New Testament Greek [episkopos] literally means “over” (epi) “watcher” (skopos) – an overseer.
Based on what bishop means, a bishop is someone with oversight in the church, a leader. Such a person may also sometimes be called an elder (presbuteros) or a pastor (poimen, which means “shepherd”), as in Acts 20:17 and 20:28.
b) The overseer is a calling
Many have come through seminary to walk away from the ministry
2.1 (V2) Above reproach
2.1 (V2) Above reproach
a) Character is very important for Christians and especially for a church leader
The dictionary defines reproach as, “shame or disgrace
The Bible speaks of being “above reproach” or “blameless” as one of the distinctive marks
Their work for the church, as well as their interactions with others, are to be of such moral quality that they do not bring shame or in any way disgrace the body of Christ or the name of Jesus. This holds true not only within the church but outside it as well.
Application: One of the ways I try to stay above reproach is I make an effort not to hug any females.
At the last Church I worked at, the senior pastor made a rule that the pastors were not allowed to ride in the car by themselves with woman other than your wife or your mom
b) Other qualifications
The husband of one wife
Sober minded, which means the ability to think clearly
Self controlled
Able to teach
3. (V8-13) Qualifications for Deacons
3. (V8-13) Qualifications for Deacons
a) What is a Deacon
“Deacons aid the unity of the church by attending to physical, administrative matters.
Example is in Acts 6, where a complaint arose because the widows were neglected because the Apostles were unable to meet the needs, so seven were chosen to serve to meet the needs
(The difference between Deacons and Elders) the elders are focused on oversight over the entire congregation through their work of teaching, praying, shepherding and leading.”