Marks of an Effective Personal Ministry Part 1
Over the last 3 weeks we have been looking at the conversion experience of Saul.
He went from one of the most hated men in Christianity to one of the most powerful missionaries to ever live.
This transformation happen because of his surrender to the Holy Spirit and allowing the Spirit to guide his life.
This morning we are looking at 5 marks in our lives that should define it as being effective in our personal ministry.
Being Involved (vv 32-33)
Being Involved (vv 32-33)
The continued expansion of the church outside Jerusalem required movement on Peter’s part.
The statement it came about that as Peter was traveling shows the ceaseless itinerant character of Peter’s ministry at that time.
On one of his trips, he came down to visit the saints who lived at Lydda.
Peter was not set in some hierarchical office but was moving, which made it easy for God to direct him.
Those actively involved in ministry are usually the ones to whom God grants the most ministry opportunities.
God has always seemed to entrust His richest ministries to His busiest saints.
Just being wholeheartedly active in ministry places one in strategic opportunities.
Peter’s availability because he was involved gave him an open door for ministry.
The miracle, besides its obvious impact in the life of Aeneas, was to be used by God to bring large numbers of people in the surrounding region to faith in Jesus Christ.
Peter was were He could have the most impact.
A Life that Exalts Christ (vv 34-35)
A Life that Exalts Christ (vv 34-35)
Those who minister effectively for Jesus Christ must seek to exalt Him, not promote themselves.
Peter’s willingness to be involved with people and his desire to glorify his Lord made him a useful instrument by which the Lord could gather a rich harvest for His kingdom.
Here the verb “turn” is the the greek word “epistrepho” which describes salvation as more than a change of mind, it is a change of life direction.
Conversion is an about-face from one belief and behavior to a completely opposite commitment.
A Life that Exalts is Available (vv 36-39)
A Life that Exalts is Available (vv 36-39)
Peter being in Lydda which was near Joppa came right away when they came to him about Dorcas.
The custom was to prepare the body for burial and then to morn and have the service after that.
But here they prepared the body and then sent for Peter as the body laid in an upper room.
This was not the normal custom of the time.
For us to do the Ministry of the Holy Spirit we must be available.
This is not talking just about time.
It is also talking about being prepared and willing.
Too many times we are not prepared to minister because we have not prepared ourselves first.
If we are not ready then we cannot help others.