The Power That Is Ours

We Are the Church: Standing in Power and Purpose  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Acts 1:8 Ephesians 1:18-20
Acts 1:8 CEB
8 Rather, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Ephesians 1:18–20 CEB
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call, what is the richness of God’s glorious inheritance among believers, 19 and what is the overwhelming greatness of God’s power that is working among us believers. This power is conferred by the energy of God’s powerful strength. 20 God’s power was at work in Christ when God raised him from the dead and sat him at God’s right side in the heavens,

The Power That Is Ours

To illustrate the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, let's look into the remarkable story of the Welsh Revival, which began in 1904. This revival is often credited with changing the spiritual landscape of Wales and impacting the world, demonstrating the profound impact the Holy Spirit can have on individuals and entire communities.
The Welsh Revival began with a young preacher named Evan Roberts. Roberts fervently prayed for revival in Wales because the country needed spiritual renewal. His prayers and dedication to seeking God's presence ignited a spiritual awakening that spread like wildfire.
The revival began in a small church in Loughor, South Wales, where Roberts preached a simple message: the need for total surrender to God and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The response was immediate and powerful. People repented of their sins sought God's forgiveness and experienced the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. Services were filled with heartfelt worship, spontaneous prayer, and testimonies of lives transformed.
News of the revival spread quickly, drawing people from all over Wales and beyond. Churches overflowed with attendees seeking a touch from God. Meetings often lasted for hours, with no formal agenda—just a deep desire to experience God's presence. The Holy Spirit moved mightily, breaking down social barriers and uniting people from different backgrounds in worship and prayer.
The impact of the Welsh Revival was profound. Entire communities were transformed. Crime rates dropped, taverns closed, and people paid off their debts. There was a noticeable change in the moral fabric of society. The revival's influence extended beyond Wales, inspiring other revivals worldwide and contributing to the global Pentecostal movement.
One remarkable aspect of the Welsh Revival was emphasizing the Holy Spirit's power in everyday life. People were filled with the Spirit during church services and empowered to live out their faith in their daily interactions. This revival is a powerful testimony to what can happen when people fully embrace the power of the Holy Spirit.
Just as the believers in Wales experienced the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we, too, are invited to embrace this power in our lives. Today, we will look at this promise of power, how to live a life filled with God's Spirit, and doable ways to access and use this power daily.
Acts 1:8 CEB
8 Rather, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

The Promise of Power from the Holy Spirit

In this verse, Jesus makes a profound promise to His disciples: they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. This promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, as described in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit descended upon the believers gathered in the upper room. However, this promise extends beyond the early church to all believers throughout history and worldwide.
The significance of this promise cannot be overstated. Jesus did not merely suggest that the Holy Spirit would provide comfort or guidance; He assured them that they would receive power. This power is divine empowerment that enables believers to fulfill God's purposes, to witness boldly, and to live out their faith in a transformative way. It is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and now dwells within us, equipping us to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.
To understand the impact of this promise, let’s take a look at the example of the early disciples. Before the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the disciples were often fearful and uncertain. They struggled to grasp Jesus' teachings fully and frequently misunderstood His mission. Their fear was most evident after Jesus' crucifixion when they hid behind locked doors, afraid of the Jewish leaders.
However, everything changed on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 2, we read that as they were gathered together, a sound like a mighty rushing wind filled the house, and tongues of fire rested on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. This powerful encounter transformed the disciples from timid followers into bold witnesses.
The transformative power of the Holy Spirit is vividly demonstrated in the lives of Peter, James, and John after the day of Pentecost. Let's look at how these key disciples changed:
Peter: Before Pentecost, Peter was known for his impulsive nature and fearfulness. Despite his strong declarations of loyalty to Jesus, he famously denied Him three times out of fear for his own safety. Peter's fear and uncertainty were evident as he struggled to stand firm in his faith during challenging times.
However, Peter underwent a dramatic transformation after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he boldly stood up and preached to a large crowd in Jerusalem. Acts 2:14–41 records his powerful sermon, where he proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus Christ and called people to repentance. His words were so compelling that about three thousand people were baptized and added to the church that day.
Peter's newfound boldness and clarity in proclaiming the gospel marked a significant change from his previous fear and uncertainty. He continued to perform miracles, heal the sick, and boldly preach the gospel despite facing persecution and imprisonment. Peter's transformation illustrates the empowering effect of the Holy Spirit in turning fear into fearless witness.
James: James, John's brother, was part of Jesus' inner circle. Before Pentecost, he and his brother John exhibited moments of misunderstanding and ambition, as seen when they asked Jesus for seats of honor in His kingdom (Mark 10:35–37). This request showed their lack of comprehension of Jesus' mission and their desire for personal glory.
After Pentecost, James was filled with the Holy Spirit and became a powerful leader in the early church. His commitment to the gospel and his boldness in proclaiming the message of Christ were unwavering. James's transformation was so profound that he became the first of the apostles to be martyred for his faith. King Herod Agrippa I ordered his execution by the sword, as recorded in Acts 12:1-2. James's willingness to die for his faith is a testament to the courage and strength he received from the Holy Spirit.
John: John, the beloved disciple, also experienced a significant transformation after Pentecost. Before the Holy Spirit's coming, John, like his brother James, struggled with a desire for prominence and sometimes exhibited a lack of understanding of Jesus' teachings. For instance, he once suggested calling down fire from heaven to destroy a Samaritan village that rejected Jesus (Luke 9:54).
After Pentecost, John became known for his deep spiritual insight and profound love for the church. He played a crucial role in the early Christian community, providing pastoral care and theological teaching. John wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation, all reflecting his deep understanding of Christ's love and the gospel's truth. His writings emphasize love, unity, and the Holy Spirit's transformative power in a believer's life.
John's transformation from a zealous, sometimes misunderstanding disciple to a loving and insightful apostle highlights the Holy Spirit's work refining and deepening one's faith and understanding.
The transformation of Peter, James, and John after the day of Pentecost is a powerful illustration of the promise of power from the Holy Spirit. These disciples, once characterized by fear, misunderstanding, and ambition, became bold, wise, and sacrificial leaders in the early church. Their lives testify to the Holy Spirit's ability to empower believers to fulfill God's purposes with courage and clarity.
The promise of the Holy Spirit's power is not just a historical event; it is a present reality for us today. As believers, we have access to this same power. The Holy Spirit equips us to witness, to serve, and to live out our faith courageously. This divine empowerment is essential for fulfilling the Great Commission and advancing God's kingdom.
I want to challenge each of you to reflect deeply on your own lives.
Think about these questions:
What areas of your life are dominated by fear or uncertainty?
In what ways do you feel limited in your ability to serve God and others?
How often do you seek the Holy Spirit's filling and guidance in your daily life?
Remember, the same Holy Spirit who empowered the early disciples is ready and willing to empower you. Just as Peter, James, and John were transformed from fearful and uncertain followers into bold witnesses, you too can experience this divine empowerment.
Now, let's move to our second point: how to live a life empowered by God's Spirit. Understanding the promise is one thing, but living it out daily is another. How can we, in our everyday lives, embody this empowerment and let the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen us in all we do?
Ephesians 1:18–20 CEB
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call, what is the richness of God’s glorious inheritance among believers, 19 and what is the overwhelming greatness of God’s power that is working among us believers. This power is conferred by the energy of God’s powerful strength. 20 God’s power was at work in Christ when God raised him from the dead and sat him at God’s right side in the heavens,

Living a Life Empowered by God's Spirit

In this passage, Paul prays fervently for the believers in Ephesus. He prayed that their hearts would be enlightened to truly grasp the hope, riches, and power available to them. This isn't just any power; it's the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Think about that for a moment—the very strength that conquered death and brought Jesus back to life is available to us as believers. This incredible power is meant to transform every aspect of our lives, empowering us to live out God's purposes with boldness and effectiveness.
Paul's prayer emphasizes that understanding and experiencing this power requires a spiritual awakening. It's not just about intellectual knowledge but about having the eyes of our hearts opened. This enlightenment allows us to truly see and live in the reality of God's power working within us.
Understanding the power of the Holy Spirit transcends mere intellectual comprehension. It's not just about knowing about God's power in a theoretical sense; it's about experiencing it deeply and personally. Paul's prayer for the Ephesians is for the eyes of their hearts to be enlightened. This metaphorical expression speaks volumes about the depth of transformation God desires for each of us, individually.
In the biblical sense, the heart represents the core of our being—our emotions, will, and spiritual perception. When Paul speaks of our hearts' eyes, he asks for a supernatural awakening that transcends head knowledge. This kind of enlightenment is a profound, inner illumination that only the Holy Spirit can provide. It's like a veil is lifted, and we can finally see clearly, bringing hope and transformation to our lives.
With our hearts enlightened, we begin to truly see and live in the reality of God's power. This means:
We start to perceive the spiritual truths that govern our lives. These truths could be understanding the power of forgiveness, the importance of love, or the reality of spiritual warfare. We see God's hand in the details, His purposes in our challenges, and His presence in our daily walk.
This enlightenment brings an awareness of the same power that raised Jesus from the dead being active in us. It's a living, dynamic power that can transform our lives, break strongholds, heal wounds, and empower us to fulfill God's purposes. It's not just about seeing but about being empowered by this divine force.
When the eyes of our hearts are opened, we live with a profound sense of purpose. We are not swayed by circumstances because we see the bigger picture of God's plan. We live confidently, knowing that God's immeasurable power, which is beyond our comprehension and limitless in its scope, is at work within us.
Imagine a person who has lived in a dimly lit room all their life. They can navigate the room and know where things are, but their perception is limited. Now, imagine that one day, the curtains are pulled back, and sunlight floods the room. Suddenly, they see colors, details, and dimensions they never knew existed. Their whole understanding of the room changes. This is what it means to have the eyes of our hearts enlightened by the Holy Spirit. We move from a dim, limited perception of God's power to a full, vibrant experience of His dynamic presence in our lives.
Consider the story of Nicky Cruz, a notorious gang leader in New York City during the 1950s. He was filled with anger, violence, and hatred, leading one of the most feared gangs in the city. However, his life changed dramatically when he encountered David Wilkerson, a pastor who fearlessly preached the gospel to him. Despite initial resistance, Nicky eventually opened his heart to the message of Christ. The Holy Spirit worked powerfully in him, transforming his life completely.
Nicky Cruz left his life of crime and became a devoted follower of Jesus. He went on to become a renowned evangelist, sharing his testimony of transformation and the power of the Holy Spirit with millions around the world. His story shows how the Holy Spirit can change even the hardest of hearts, leading to a life of purpose, love, and profound impact.
We've explored how living a life empowered by God's Spirit involves a profound inner transformation that goes beyond intellectual knowledge to a heartfelt, experiential understanding of God's power. This enlightenment changes how we see and live in the world, allowing us to navigate life with divine purpose and strength. But understanding and experiencing this power is just the beginning. The next crucial step is actively accessing and demonstrating this power in our daily lives.

Practical Ways to Access and Demonstrate This Power

1. Prayer and Seeking God's Presence: Regular, intentional prayer is the cornerstone of accessing the Holy Spirit's power. In these moments of communion with God, we invite the Holy Spirit to fill, guide, and empower us.
Develop a daily habit of setting aside specific times for prayer. Start your day by asking the Holy Spirit to guide your actions and decisions. Throughout the day, maintain an attitude of prayer, continually seeking God's presence and guidance.
Consider Jesus's prayer life. Despite His busy ministry, He often withdrew to solitary places to pray. If Jesus, the Son of God, prioritized prayer, how much more should we?
2. Studying Scripture: The Word of God is a vital tool the Holy Spirit uses to transform our minds and hearts. Regular engagement with Scripture helps us understand God's will and aligns our lives with His purposes.
Make Bible reading and meditation a daily practice. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through the Scriptures, bringing conviction, comfort, and guidance.
The early church devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching (Acts 2:42). Their commitment to Scripture was foundational to their growth and effectiveness.
3. Obedience and Surrender: Living a Spirit-empowered life involves obeying God's commands and surrendering our own will to His.
Obedience to God's Word and His promptings is essential. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live righteously, but we must be willing to follow His leading, even when it's challenging or uncomfortable.
Consider the story of Ananias in Acts 9. Despite his fears, he obeyed God's command to go to Saul, which led to Saul's (Paul's) transformation and significant impact on the early church.
4. Community and Fellowship: Being part of a faith community is crucial for spiritual growth. In fellowship, believers can encourage, support, and pray for each other, fostering a collective experience of the Holy Spirit's power.
The early believers met together regularly, shared their lives, and supported one another (Acts 2:44-47). Their unity and mutual support were powerful testimonies to the world.
5. Acts of Service and Love: The Holy Spirit empowers us to serve others selflessly and demonstrate God's love in practical ways. Service is a tangible expression of our faith and the Spirit's work within us.
Look for opportunities to serve within your church and community. Whether through acts of kindness, volunteer work, or supporting those in need, let your actions reflect the love of Christ.
As I draw this message to a close, I want to reiterate the profound importance of embracing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We’ve explored how this power is not just a distant promise but a present reality, available to each one of us. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, that transformed the early disciples, and that ignited revivals throughout history is here for us today.
Imagine what your life could look like if you fully embraced this power. Picture your family, your community, and our world being transformed by the Holy Spirit working through you. The struggles you face, the fears that hold you back, and the uncertainties that cloud your vision can all be overcome by this divine empowerment.
But this transformation requires a willing heart—a heart ready to seek and surrender, a heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It’s not enough to understand this power intellectually; we must experience it deeply and live it out daily.

Call to Action: A Heartfelt Invitation

I invite you now to respond to this call. If you feel the stirring in your heart, if you sense the Holy Spirit inviting you to a deeper walk, don’t hesitate. This is your moment to step into the fullness of what God has for you.
If you need a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, come forward. I’m here to pray with you, to stand with you as you seek God’s empowerment. Let us lay hands on you and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you anew, to ignite a fire within you that cannot be quenched.
Let us embrace the power of the Holy Spirit together, allowing Him to work through us to make a difference in our families, our communities, and the world. Imagine the impact we can have if each one of us steps into the fullness of this divine empowerment. Let us rise in the power of the Holy Spirit and transform the world for God’s glory.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We thank You for the promise of power that is available to each one of us. Lord, open the eyes of our hearts, enlighten us to see and experience Your power in a profound way. As we seek You earnestly, fill us anew with Your Spirit. Empower us to live out our faith boldly, to serve others selflessly, and to shine Your light in a dark world. May Your Holy Spirit work through us to bring transformation, healing, and hope. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
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