Not These Guys
Rejection of John & Jesus
Rejection of John & Jesus
By communicating the greatness of John as the forerunner of the Messiah, Jesus also communicates His holiness as that Messiah. Therefore, a proper indictment follows due to the rejection of John and of Jesus the Messiah.
What is this rejection like?
children playing in the market while parents shop
wedding and funeral - some children want to play funeral when a wedding game is afoot and then want to play wedding when a funeral game is offered. Never satisfied
they are disheartened by John’s asceticism (self-discipline, self denial), and falsely accuse and berate Jesus for indulgence. There can be no pleasing or meeting expectations
“The plain fact is that when people do not want to listen to the truth, they will easily enough find an excuse for not listening.” - Willam Barclay
In essence, the rejection of the people of what has been given to meet their deepest need and fulfill their greatest desires is communicated as they essentially say “You did not do what we wanted you to do.”
submission to the Lordship of Christ, which is submission to the Father, says “not my will but your will”
it humbly admits error and embraces truth
rejection of Christ is discontent with what He offers and with who He is
Enemies of Traditional Religion
Enemies of Traditional Religion
John MacArthur labels John and Jesus these enemies due to the fact that man often elevates human wisdom and disregards divine wisdom