A Crisis of Crises - Part 3 • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 5 viewsIn this sermon, Evangelist McQueen seeks to point out the fact that there is and has long been an all-out assault upon biblical manhood. Furthermore, he demonstrates that the antidote to this otherwise terminal disease is none other than salvation through Jesus Christ who is the true representation of manhood.
If you are a man, today, I am talking to you. Women can, may and will benefit from this message as well, but this is primarily for men. Nonetheless, I encourage women to pay close attention to the message also, particularly if you have a son, nephew or other male relatives so that you may know what they are facing or will face during their development and see how you may be of greater support for the men in your lives.
“Men At Risk,” a book written by Errol Miller and first published in 1991 takes a critical look at the challenges facing men as it relates to gender roles. Miller points out that there are many and varied changes that challenge the traditional role of men. He points out that the changes that were taking place were not limited to the United States, the then Soviet Union (now primarily Russia), or the Caribbean where they began to take effect first.
It is not my intention to address Mr. Miller’s book except to say that he rightly pointed out that men are at risk. They were at risk before he wrote his book, after the publishing of his book, and men are still at risk even today. My aim today is to bring to your attention several ways in which men are at risk and to provide you with the solution.
Men At Risk Educationally and Economically
Men At Risk Educationally and Economically
Times have greatly changed since the time of creation when it was determined that it was a man’s role to provide for his family (Genesis 2:19). Those days continued for a long time even the apostle Paul echoed the call for men to provide for their families (1 Timothy 5:8).
In western societies such as the Canada, the United States, The Bahamas and the Caribbean, women have greatly outpaced men in education. That this is in fact true, one need only look at our educational system where the number of female educators far outway that of men. So, our children and in particular our male students are far more influenced by females than they are by males. This reality sees children addressing male teachers as Ms. simply out of share habit. The programmes developed are overtly female in their expressions even when designed to impact both sexes in an unbiased manner.
The classroom aside, women outpace our men in other fields of education as well. One need only casually look at how many female department head exist in government corporations to see that women have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps on the educational ladder to land the jobs that require higher academic qualifications and performances.
The educational divide between men and women affect both financially and changes the dynamics of relationship roles where once men were the main breadwinners. Men, it is imperative in an educationally competative world that you up your educational standing. Yes, there are different strands of education: technical where one learns practical skills and applied knowledge for specific careers, often in fields like engineering, technology, and healthcare. It is career-oriented and includes hands-on training and real-world applications. There is vocational where the emphasis is hands-on skills and training for specific trades or professions, such as carpentry, plumbing, or cosmetology. It is more practical and directly aligned with job-specific skills, often leading to certifications or diplomas rather than degrees. There is also academic which emphasizes theoretical knowledge and intellectual skills, covering a broader range of subjects in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. It is more abstract and less directly tied to specific job roles, often preparing students for further study or a variety of career paths.
Whatever path of education you choose, you must strive for mastery in it. Whether fair or not, that fact is that men are judged according to our ability to provide and not for how we feel! More and more women are growing in their educational and financial standing and do not need a man to provide for them. They have taken on the role of becoming their own providers and are now asking the question: “What do I need a man for?” Indeed, many have declared that they do not need a man because they can and do provided for themselves that which a man should ordinarily provide: food, clothes, shelter, protection and security.
Men At Risk Through Emasculation and Feminization
Men At Risk Through Emasculation and Feminization
Emasculate means the removal or loss of masculine identity, power, or qualities. It can occur physically, such as castration, or psychologically, through actions or circumstances that diminish a man's sense of masculinity or authority.
Emasculation may take place in a relationship or marriage where his partner or wife dominates decision-making, pays all of the bills and badmouths him as good for nothing because he may currently be unemployed. It can take place through news and social media where men are portrayed as incompetent, weak, or passive, or as toxic because they stand up for traditional roles where men are the leaders. Even government policies can lead to emasculation of men if those policies favour placing women in positions of authority over men even when there might be far more quaified men for the same position.
Feminization of men comes in various forms. It refers to the process by which an individual, typically a man, adopts traits, behaviors, or roles traditionally associated with femininity. This can be voluntary or involuntary and may involve changes in appearance, mannerisms, or societal roles. While emasculation is an attack by others on the masculinity of men, feminization is usually voluntary on the part of men. In other word, men generally choose to become feminine.
The fashion industry has seen a trend toward more androgynous styles, with men embracing fashion choices traditionally considered feminine, such as wearing pink, floral patterns, or skirts. Designers and fashion brands are increasingly offering clothing that defies traditional gender binaries.
Public figures like actors, musicians, and influencers have played a significant role in normalizing feminine aesthetics and behaviors in men. Celebrities such as Harry Styles have embraced androgynous fashion and hairstyles, challenging traditional gender norms.
There has been a rise in the number of stay-at-home fathers who take on primary caregiving roles traditionally associated with women. This shift reflects changing attitudes toward gender roles in parenting and challenges the traditional breadwinner model.
There is also the blatant promotion of the LGBTQI lifestyle as was seen at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France. They chose to desecrate God’s name by their vulgar display supposedly depicting the last suppper of Christ and his disciples. The word of God warns against gender role changes between men and women. (Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
Men At Risk Through Violent Crimes
Men At Risk Through Violent Crimes
Seemingly, every week we lose young men to murder. For some reason we don’t seem to understand that we are depriving our nation of future hope through these violent acts. Galatians 5:19-21 tells us that God detests the ungodly behaviour and lifestyle. There is and has long been an all-out assault against biblical manhood and against God himself. 2 Peter 2:1-22 warns of fate of the ungodly.
The solution to this crisis is for both men and women to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God in obedient faith and to follow his will for men and women. Men are at risk all across the world; we must awake from our slumber; awake to righteousness lest we become extinct!
You can change this outcome by believing that Jesus is the Son of God, repenting of your sins, confessing him as Lord, and being baptized in water for the forgiveness of sins through his blood.
You may contact me at 829-5005 for further discussion and to become a child of the living God.