Pastoral Leadership, Part 3

1 Timothy  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:17
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Who does overseer refer to?
Elder, shepherd, pastor, overseer
The number of pastors/elders
Though their isn’t a set number in scripture, whenever elders are mentioned, there are multiple.
What do the elders do?
They rule over the flock
Seeing to the affairs of the church and overseeing the activities within the church.
They lead the flock
The way that they live needs to be an example to the church.
They feed the flock
They are the ones in charge of teaching the church. Whether that’s preaching, bible studies or Sunday school. They are in charge of teaching correct doctrine in the church.
The protect the flock
People will rise up from within the church trying to destroy it.
The elders are the gatekeepers.
Care for the physical needs
Make sure the people are looked after.
Praying for people.

1 Timothy 3:1


Behind the ship, the sky was ablaze. Lit by the the flames of their homes going up in smoke. The people had been warned about their enemies closing in on their small island, coming to destroy them. The king himself had come from the mainland, to help evacuate the people, and was now accompanying the last ship leaving, sailing to the safety of the harbor that was 5 miles away. The king’s army was stationed in the harbor and if they could make it, they would find safety.
The problem was the night was still, no breeze at all, this makes for a beautiful night, but horrible sailing weather. The ships oars had been deployed so they could row the ship to safety. This ship’s oars were not being pulled by slaves, but free men. Free men who were now trying desperately to get to safety.
The King looking off the stern could see the enemy ship’s were in pursuit; and to the dismay of the captain, they were gaining. If the fleeing ship couldn’t go faster they would be withing range of the enemy guns soon.
The king removed his crown from his head. Laid aside his royal cloak, and climbed down the ladder into the belly of the ship.
His regal voice sounded through the ship. “Men our enemy seeks our death. They desire nothing more than to see our hull a flame and every one of us sent to the bottom of the sea. I know your all tired, evacuating the city was no small feat. But if we are to see the sun rise tomorrow, I must ask you to now to summon the last of your strength and row!
Row for your families!
Row for your country!
Row so we might not be overtaken by the forces of darkness, so that our country may continue to stand as a beacon of hope for those who seek after God!
I urge you, to give every ounce of strength you possess for those you love. For those whom God has placed your charge.
Then the king climbed onto the worn bench alongside his men. Laid his hands on the oar, and pulled with all his might.

Servant Leadership

God doesn’t want His people to be petty self-serving tyrants.
The mindset should never be, “what do I get out of the deal? How can I benefit?”
Those who enter church leadership need to understand that you aren’t there to get your way. You are there to do things God’s way, to lift up and strengthen the church.
A group of elders can become petty and self serving
We’ve heard horror stories about such churches. Those who’s entire mindset is, “what can I gain from the church” instead of “what can I do to strengthen the church?”
This is why God says they must be servants and examples to the flock.

Jesus’ leadership is different than the worlds

Luke 22:24-27
We serve a great God.
He saw us in our place of need, he could have maintained his glory and remained where he was at.
Just figured, they did it, now reap what you sow.
But God didn’t do that.
Knowing that we couldn’t get to heaven without Him, God came in the likeness of sinful man, and on the cross he paid the debt for those who would believe in Him.
That is being a servant.
To reduce himself to the state of his creation, then to give himself into the hands of His creation, so we could unjustly murder him.
Knowing that it was the only way.
Not only that, but when he was on earth, he served others.
Being the omniscient one, and knowing what was going to transpire.
Then he makes this statement, “I am among you as one who serves.”
This is what our Lord requires of those who would follow Him.
The leaders in the church MUST have this mindset.
They are ready to stack chairs, to mow the lawn, to help the widow around their house.
They must be the kind of people who are not self serving, but other serving.
The elders MUST have this mindset, because they are to be the mature believers.
But other Christians, should have this mindset.
As you are being transformed into the image of Christ, we should have the mindset of Christ. The mindset of humility and servanthood.
At potluck, do you jump in line first so you get the best stuff, or becasue your hungry?
Do you look around at people who might have a harder time standing on their feet, and need to sit down. Do you let them go first.
What about the mom who’s trying to dish up little kids. Do you offer to help dish up the kids?
Are you willing to sacrifice your time to come and help with a funeral?
If your neighbor has difficulties carrying in groceries, do you go and offer to help?
Do you know someone who wants to come to church, but can’t get out easily or doesn’t drive. Do you offer them a ride.
What about that same person needing to get groceries.
It’s the little acts of service that make all the difference in people’s lives.
These are things all believers should be doing, but the elders MUST have the mindset that they are here to fulfill this task.

Help with the yoke

Matthew 11:28-29
Jesus is gentle and humble
Church leaders, are to be gentle and humble as Jesus was.
To often, people in a leadership position can be controlling and proud which is the opposite of Jesus.
Explain the analogy of a yoke.
Jesus is not a harsh dictator placing all the burden on the worshipper and crushing them with regulations. Jesus comes along side and helps pull the weight, helps train.
Jesus took the yoke of the law, he lived a perfect righteous life so that he could give us his righteousness who believe in Him as Lord.
By doing this, he removed the heavy burden from us.
Jesus doesn’t say the law doesn’t matter though.
After removing the burden, he says, if you love Him, you’ll follow His commands. We will follow in his footsteps.
So now we aren’t taking the full weight of the yoke, having to live up to sinless expectations.
We follow without burden, loving God, and that love compels us to live in a way that brings Him glory.
Elders cannot remove sin, but they can lovingly disciple.
An elder can and should come alongside those hurting and struggling then disciple them so they know what’s right.
Then walk alongside them, helping them to do what’s right. (This is what biblical counseling does)
Elders must look for ways to train and to help people in the church grow.

Who’s the greatest?

Mark 9:30-35
Jesus is telling his disciples how he is about to give his life for the world…and they argue over who is the greatest.
The mindset of the disciples isn’t on what Jesus is telling them, but on fulfilling the agenda that they have established.
They desire to be great, they will bring the discussion back to that.
Those in church leadership cannot be more concerned about their power and prestige than they are about the condition of the people.
That is why Jesus calls His leaders, to servanthood.
Christianity is about caring for people, that must be the mindset of a Christian leader.


1 Timothy 1:12
What do we find out about how Paul came to be in leadership?
He was appointed.
Leaders in the church being appointed shouldn’t surprise us, since we ourselves as believers, follow God becasue He chose us and appointed us to follow after Him.
John 15:16
John 15:16 ESV
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

How are elders appointed?

Titus 1:5
Titus 1:5 ESV
This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you—
Titus had been appointed by Paul to go and make other Elders.
Find men who are qualified to lead, and appoint them to eldership.
Before they are appointed, what are they to do? Be qualified is the first part, but we are going to begin going over that next week.

Elders training elders

2 Timothy 2:2
Entrust to faithful men, who can teach others.
This means, the leadership must be involved in training the next group of leaders.
The great commission was given to go and make disciples.
Then those disciples go and make more disciples.
Out of those disciples, there should be some men who are fit for eldership, then are trained as such.
“Any calling which is incapable of reproducing itself is incompetent in that calling.” Doug Wilson
A church should be self generating leadership.
Our elders should be coming from our own ranks.
What’s another word for elder? Pastor.
We need to have men willing to lead for this to take place. Then the elders take candidates under their wings, and train them for the ministry.

Elders are to be examined

1 Timothy 3:10
This passage is speaking about deacons. But if it is true to deacons, wouldn’t we also assume it be true for those who ruling in the church?
They must prove themselves first.
Just because someone says, “I desire to lead,” doesn’t mean we let them lead.
There are many places within the church for people to serve, eldership isn’t one that is open to anyone.
1 Timothy 5:22
Laying on hands doesn’t mean to assault someone.
Paul is speaking about elders, and especially discipline of elders.
Because removal or discipline of church leadership is difficult on a church, Paul is saying it’s best to spend some time examining.
Don’t be hasty when ordaining someone to office of elder.
Laying on of hands symbolizes praying over them and establishing them in church leadership.
We should be slow in examining, and appointing elders so that the men we appoint are qualified.
We must examine elder candidates so we appoint one’s whom God would choose.
Someone who’s a church member and breathing doesn’t make them qualified to be in church leadership.
Us just nominating people willing to serve and voting them in, is a irresponsible and antithetical to how God says we are to run the church.


All of us should be seeking ways to serve within the church.
Men who have a heart for the people, and show it by serving the people are the kind we should be looking for to appoint as elders.
True biblical eldership is not a businesslike committee. It’s a biblically qualified council of men that jointly pastor the local church.
Let us seek to have the body of Christ operate God’s way.
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