New Type of Light, Same Job, New Model

Flip The Switch  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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We must recognize Jesus as their light and strive to reflect His light in our daily lives. Looking at Jesus as the light of salvation and our role in reflecting that light.


Foundational Elements

1. Sermon Title:
"New Type of Light, Same Job, New Model"
2. Text of Sermon:
Matthew 6:22, John 1:9, Luke 2:32
3. Subject:
Jesus as the Light of Salvation
4. Central Idea of the Text (CIT):
Jesus was revealed as the light that brings salvation to the world.
5. Proposition:
Jesus is the true light that brings salvation to all people.
6. Objective:
Congregants will recognize Jesus as their light and strive to reflect His light in their daily lives.
7. Main Point of the Sermon (MPS):
Understanding Jesus as the light of salvation and our role in reflecting that light.


Welcome to a Brand New Unused Sunday Morning! Today, we are diving into the fifth week of our series "Flip the Switch," where we have been exploring the profound theme of light in the Bible. Throughout this series, we have seen how God and Jesus are the light that brings us creation, guidance, and salvation. Each week, we have delved into different aspects of this divine light and its impact on our lives. Today, our focus is on the title "New Type of Light, Same Job, New Model." We will explore how Jesus embodies the light of salvation, bringing a new dimension to the same divine purpose of illuminating and redeeming the world.
As we embark on this exploration, let’s start by understanding how Jesus describes the importance of spiritual vision in Matthew 6:22.

The Eye as the Lamp of the Body (Matthew 6:22)

Matthew 6:22–23 ““The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if the light within you is darkness—how deep is that darkness!”


The Eye as a Lamp

Vision and Light: Just as a lamp illuminates a room, our eyes illuminate our lives by allowing us to see. In a spiritual sense, the "eye" represents our focus, perspective, and insight. A healthy eye, one that sees clearly, enables us to navigate life effectively.
Spiritual Insight: When Jesus speaks of a healthy eye, He implies spiritual clarity and purity. A healthy spiritual eye perceives God's truth and light, leading to a life filled with His presence and guidance.
Healthy Eyes and a Light-Filled Body
Clarity and Purity: A healthy eye is free from obstructions and sees clearly. Similarly, a spiritually healthy person sees life through the lens of God's truth, free from the distortions of sin and deception.
Whole Body Full of Light: If our eyes (or spiritual insight) are healthy, our entire being will be filled with light. This means living in the fullness of God's truth, experiencing His guidance, and reflecting His light in our actions and attitudes.
Unhealthy Eyes and Darkness
Distorted Vision: An unhealthy eye, one that is impaired or blind, cannot perceive light properly. Spiritually, this represents a heart clouded by sin, distractions, or false beliefs, leading to a life filled with darkness and confusion.
Consequences of Spiritual Blindness: When our spiritual vision is compromised, we lose our way. Without the light of God's truth, we stumble through life, unable to see or follow His path for us.
Application: Keeping Our Spiritual Eyes Healthy
Focus on Jesus: To maintain healthy spiritual vision, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the source of all light and truth. Regular prayer, Bible study, and worship help us stay aligned with His light.
Avoiding Distractions: We must be vigilant against anything that can cloud our vision – sin, negative influences, and distractions. By guarding our hearts and minds, we can ensure our spiritual eyes remain clear.
Reflecting God's Light: As we cultivate healthy spiritual vision, we become vessels of God's light, shining His truth and love in a world often shrouded in darkness.
By understanding and embracing the metaphor of the eye as the lamp of the body, we can strive to keep our spiritual vision healthy, ensuring that our entire being is filled with the light of Jesus.
Emphasizing the Importance of Having a Healthy Spiritual Vision
In Matthew 6:22, Jesus teaches us that "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light." This profound metaphor not only illustrates the importance of physical sight but, more importantly, underscores the crucial role of spiritual vision in our lives.
Clarity and Direction
Seeing Clearly: Just as physical vision allows us to navigate the world around us, spiritual vision enables us to understand and follow God's will. A healthy spiritual vision allows us to see life from God's perspective, discerning His truth and guidance clearly.
Purpose and Direction: When our spiritual vision is clear, we can see the path God has laid out for us. This clarity provides direction and purpose, helping us make decisions that align with His plans and avoid pitfalls that lead us astray.
Guarding Against Deception
Avoiding Spiritual Blindness: An unhealthy spiritual vision is like trying to walk in the dark; it's easy to stumble and fall. Without a clear understanding of God's truth, we become vulnerable to deception, sin, and confusion.
Discernment: Healthy spiritual vision equips us with the discernment needed to distinguish between truth and falsehood. In a world filled with conflicting messages and temptations, this discernment is vital to maintaining our faith and integrity.
Reflecting God’s Light
Being a Light to Others: Just as a lamp shines light into a room, a person with healthy spiritual vision reflects God's light to those around them. Our clear understanding of God's truth and love enables us to be effective witnesses, drawing others towards the light of Christ.
Living as Examples: When our lives are filled with God's light, we become living examples of His grace and truth. Our actions, attitudes, and decisions serve as a testimony to the transformative power of Jesus, inspiring others to seek Him.
Enhancing Spiritual Growth
Deepening Relationship with God: Healthy spiritual vision fosters a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. By seeing and understanding His presence in our lives, we grow in faith, trust, and love for Him.
Continual Transformation: As we maintain a clear spiritual vision, we are continually transformed by God's light. This ongoing transformation shapes us more into the likeness of Christ, enabling us to fulfill our divine purpose and calling.
Practical Steps to Maintain Healthy Spiritual Vision
Regular Prayer and Bible Study: Consistently engaging with God's Word and spending time in prayer helps keep our spiritual eyes focused on Him.
Community and Accountability: Being part of a faith community provides support and encouragement, helping us stay on track and grow together.
Guarding Our Hearts and Minds: We must be vigilant against anything that can cloud our spiritual vision, such as negative influences, sin, and distractions.


How Do We Keep Our Spiritual Eyes Healthy?
Keeping our spiritual eyes healthy is crucial for living a life that is full of God's light and truth. Here are some practical steps to maintain and enhance our spiritual vision:
1. Regular Prayer and Communion with God
Daily Prayer: Engage in daily conversations with God, seeking His guidance, wisdom, and strength. Prayer helps align our hearts and minds with His will.
Listening to God: Take time not just to speak but to listen to God’s voice. Be still and allow Him to speak into your life.
2. Consistent Bible Study
Reading Scripture: Regularly read and meditate on God’s Word. The Bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105), providing the spiritual insight we need.
Applying Scripture: Apply the teachings of the Bible to your daily life. Let God’s Word shape your actions, thoughts, and decisions.
3. Fellowship and Accountability
Join a Faith Community: Be actively involved in a church or small group where you can grow together with other believers. Fellowship strengthens and encourages our faith.
Accountability Partners: Have trusted friends or mentors who can hold you accountable, pray with you, and support you in your spiritual journey.
4. Guarding Against Negative Influences
Avoiding Sin and Temptation: Be vigilant against sin and temptation that can cloud your spiritual vision. Seek God’s help to resist and overcome.
Filtering Input: Be mindful of what you watch, read, and listen to. Choose media and activities that edify and align with God’s truth.
5. Reflecting on Your Spiritual Health
Self-Examination: Regularly examine your heart and mind. Confess and repent of any sins or distractions that may be hindering your spiritual vision.
Spiritual Disciplines: Practice spiritual disciplines like fasting, worship, and solitude to draw closer to God and renew your focus on Him.
Practical Steps to Focus on the Light of Jesus in Our Daily Lives
1. Start Your Day with Jesus
Morning Devotion: Begin each day with prayer and reading the Bible. Focus your heart and mind on Jesus before you face the challenges of the day.
Daily Affirmations: Remind yourself of God’s promises and His presence in your life.
2. Live Out Your Faith
Act with Integrity: Let your actions reflect your faith in Jesus. Be honest, compassionate, and loving in all you do.
Serve Others: Look for opportunities to serve and bless others. By serving, you reflect the light of Jesus to those around you.
3. Stay Connected with God Throughout the Day
Constant Prayer: Maintain a prayerful attitude throughout the day. Briefly pray in your heart as you go about your tasks.
Scripture Reminders: Use Bible verses as reminders. Place them in your home, car, or workspace to keep your focus on Jesus.
4. Share Your Faith
Testimony: Share your testimony of how Jesus has impacted your life with others. Your story can be a light to someone else.
Invite Others: Invite friends, family, or colleagues to church or a small group. Be a witness to the transformative power of Jesus.
5. End Your Day with Reflection
Evening Prayer: Reflect on your day and thank God for His guidance and blessings. Confess any sins and seek His forgiveness and strength for tomorrow.
Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal of things you are thankful for. Recognizing God’s work in your life helps you stay focused on His light.
By following these steps, we can keep our spiritual eyes healthy and consistently focus on the light of Jesus, allowing His presence to guide and transform our daily lives.
Having grasped the importance of healthy spiritual vision, let’s move on to the see how Jesus is portrayed as the true light coming into the world in John 1:9

The True Light (John 1:9)

John 1:9 “The true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.”


In John 1:9, we read, "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." This verse highlights the unique and unparalleled nature of Jesus as the true light. Let's explore how Jesus differs from other sources of light and the significance of His coming into the world.
Jesus as the True Light
Eternal and Divine Origin
1.Jesus as the Creator: Unlike other sources of light, such as the sun or artificial lights, Jesus is the light that existed from the beginning. John 1:1-5 states that He was with God in the beginning and that all things were made through Him. His light is eternal and divine, originating from God Himself.
2.Unchanging Nature: Jesus' light is constant and unchanging. While earthly sources of light can fade or be extinguished, Jesus remains the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Illuminates Truth and Dispel Darkness
A. Reveler of Truth: Jesus' light reveals the truth about God, ourselves, and the world around us. He exposes the lies and deceptions that cloud our understanding and shows us the way to live in alignment with God's will.
B. Dispeller of Darkness: Where Jesus' light shines, darkness cannot remain. He overcomes the spiritual darkness of sin, ignorance, and evil, bringing clarity, purity, and holiness into our lives.
Personal and Trans-formative
1.Personal Relationship: Unlike impersonal sources of light, Jesus invites us into a personal relationship with Him. His light not only illuminates our path but also transforms our hearts and minds, making us new creations in Him.
2.Life-Giving Power: Jesus' light gives life. Just as natural light is essential for physical life, His light is essential for spiritual life. He brings us from death to life, from despair to hope, and from bondage to freedom.

The Significance of Jesus Coming into the World to Bring Salvation

Fulfillment of Prophecies
A. Messianic Prophecies: Jesus' coming fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah, the one who would bring salvation to Israel and the nations. His arrival was the long-awaited dawn of salvation.
B. God's Promise: His coming signifies God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. It demonstrates God's unwavering commitment to redeem and restore His creation.
Light for All People
1. Universal Salvation: Jesus' light is not limited to a specific group or nation; it is for everyone. John 1:9 emphasizes that He gives light to all people, offering salvation to every person regardless of background or status.
2. Incivility: His light breaks down barriers and extends grace to all. As Luke 2:32 states, He is "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel." Jesus' coming opened the way for all humanity to receive God's salvation.
Victory Over Sin and Death
A. Conqueror of Darkness: Jesus' arrival marked the beginning of the end for the reign of sin and death. Through His life, death, and resurrection, He defeated the powers of darkness, bringing light and life to a fallen world.
B. Path to Eternal Life: By believing in Jesus, we receive the gift of eternal life. His light guides us not only in this life but also leads us to eternal fellowship with God.
Call to Reflect His Light
1. Mission for Believers: As recipients of Jesus' light, we are called to reflect His light to others. Matthew 5:14-16 calls us to be the light of the world, shining His love, truth, and grace in a world that desperately needs it.
2. Transformative Impact: By living in His light and sharing it with others, we participate in God's redemptive work, bringing hope and transformation to those around us.
In summary, Jesus as the true light stands distinct from all other sources of light due to His divine origin, unchanging nature, and life-giving power. His coming into the world to bring salvation is a profound event that fulfills God's promises, offers universal salvation, conquers sin and death, and calls us to be bearers of His light. Let us embrace His light and let it shine through us to illuminate the lives of others.


Reflecting on How Jesus Being the True Light Impacts Our Understanding of Salvation
Understanding Jesus as the true light profoundly impacts our comprehension of salvation. Here are some key reflections on this concept:
Illuminating the Path to Salvation
A. Revealing God’s Nature: Jesus, as the true light, reveals the nature and character of God. Through Jesus, we see God's love, holiness, mercy, and justice. He shows us who God is and invites us into a relationship with Him.
B. Exposing Sin and Darkness: The light of Jesus exposes the reality of sin and our need for salvation. His light reveals the areas in our lives that are in darkness, helping us to see our need for repentance and redemption.
Offering Clarity and Direction
1. Guiding Us to Truth: Jesus’ light guides us to the truth about ourselves, God, and the path to salvation. He dispels the confusion and deception that often cloud our spiritual vision, leading us to a clear understanding of the gospel.
2. The Way to Eternal Life: Jesus proclaimed Himself as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). His light shows us the way to eternal life, making the path to salvation clear and accessible to all who believe in Him.
Transforming Our Lives
A. New Creation: When we accept Jesus as our light, we become new creations. His light transforms us from the inside out, renewing our hearts and minds, and enabling us to live in a way that reflects His love and holiness.
B. Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: The light of Jesus empowers us through the Holy Spirit. We are equipped to live victorious lives, overcoming sin and growing in our relationship with God.
Assurance of Salvation
1. Confidence in His Promises: Jesus being the true light assures us of the promises of salvation. We can have confidence that through Him, we are forgiven, redeemed, and granted eternal life.
2.Eternal Security: His light provides us with the assurance of eternal security. We are held in His light, safe from the darkness, and assured of our place in God's eternal kingdom.
Encouraging Personal Reflection on Times When Jesus Has Illuminated Our Path
As we reflect on Jesus as the true light, it is beneficial to consider personal experiences where His light has guided, comforted, and transformed us. Here are some prompts to encourage such reflection:
Reflect on Moments of Guidance
A. Decision Making: Think of a time when you faced a significant decision and felt uncertain. How did Jesus’ light provide clarity and direction?
B. Overcoming Challenges: Recall a period of difficulty or trial. How did Jesus illuminate the path to perseverance, hope, and victory?
Reflect on Moments of Revelation
1. Understanding Truth: Consider moments when you gained a deeper understanding of God’s truth. How did Jesus’ light reveal new insights about His love, grace, and salvation?
2. Conviction of Sin: Reflect on times when you felt convicted of sin. How did Jesus’ light expose the darkness in your life and lead you to repentance and transformation?
Reflect on Moments of Comfort and Assurance
A. In Times of Sorrow: Remember times of grief or sorrow. How did Jesus’ light bring comfort, peace, and the assurance of His presence?
B. Experiencing His Presence: Think of moments when you felt particularly close to God. How did Jesus’ light affirm His love for you and strengthen your faith?
Reflect on Moments of Transformation
1. Spiritual Growth: Consider your journey of spiritual growth. How has Jesus’ light transformed you and helped you grow in faith, love, and obedience?
2. Impact on Others: Reflect on times when your life, illuminated by Jesus, has impacted others. How has His light shining through you influenced and inspired those around you?
Encouraging these personal reflections helps us to see the tangible ways in which Jesus, as the true light, has been active in our lives. It reinforces our understanding of His role in our salvation and inspires us to continue walking in His light, sharing His love and truth with others.
Now that we’ve seen Jesus as the true light, let’s delve into Luke 2:32 to understand the inclusive nature of His light, bringing revelation and salvation to all.

A Light for Revelation to the Gentiles (Luke 2:31-32)

Luke 2:31–32 “You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples— a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to Your people Israel.”


Simeon's Prophecy about Jesus Being a Light for Revelation
In Luke 2:32, Simeon, a devout and righteous man, prophesies over the infant Jesus, proclaiming Him as "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel." This prophecy, given during Jesus' presentation at the temple, holds profound significance.
The Context of Simeon's Prophecy
1. Faithful Waiting: Simeon had been waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die before seeing the Lord’s Messiah (Luke 2:25-26).
2. Divine Encounter: Upon seeing Jesus, Simeon, moved by the Holy Spirit, takes the child in his arms and blesses God, recognizing the fulfillment of God's promise.
Jesus as a Light for Revelation
A. Revealing God's Salvation: Simeon's prophecy identifies Jesus as the one who will reveal God's salvation to the world. He is the light that uncovers and makes known God's plan of redemption.
B. Illuminating Truth: Jesus, as the light for revelation, illuminates the truth about God’s nature, His love, mercy, and justice. He brings clarity to God's promises and the path to salvation.
C.Spiritual Enlightenment: The light of Jesus brings spiritual enlightenment, dispelling the darkness of ignorance, sin, and falsehood. Through Him, people come to know and understand God's truth.
The Inclusive Nature of Jesus' Light, Bringing Salvation to Both Jews and Gentiles
A Light for Revelation to the Gentiles
1. Breaking Barriers: Simeon's prophecy highlights the inclusive nature of Jesus' mission. He is not only the glory of Israel but also a light for revelation to the Gentiles. This signifies the breaking of ethnic and cultural barriers, extending God's salvation to all humanity.
2. Universal Reach: Jesus’ light reaches beyond the Jewish people to encompass all nations. This universal reach underscores the comprehensive scope of God's salvation plan, making it available to everyone, regardless of their background.
The Glory of Your People Israel
A. Fulfillment of Promises: For Israel, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Messianic promises. He embodies the glory of God's chosen people, as He comes from the lineage of David and fulfills the prophecies concerning the Messiah.
B. Restoration and Hope: Jesus' arrival brings restoration and hope to Israel. His light signifies the fulfillment of God's covenant with His people, reaffirming His faithfulness and love.
The Significance of Inclusivity
1. God's Love for All: The inclusive nature of Jesus' light reflects God's boundless love for all humanity. It shows that His grace and mercy extend to every individual, inviting everyone into a relationship with Him.
2.Unity in Christ: Jesus' light unites both Jews and Gentiles in the body of Christ. Ephesians 2:14-18 speaks of Jesus breaking down the dividing wall of hostility, creating one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace and reconciling both groups to God.
3. Mission of the Church: The inclusivity of Jesus' light shapes the mission of the church. We are called to be witnesses to all nations, sharing the gospel and making disciples of all people, as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.
Simeon's prophecy profoundly reveals Jesus as the light for revelation, illuminating God's salvation plan and breaking down barriers to extend His grace to all. This inclusive nature of Jesus' light brings salvation to both Jews and Gentiles, uniting all people under His redemptive love and truth. As we reflect on these truths, let us embrace and share the light of Jesus, bringing His message of salvation to every corner of the world.


How Can We Be a Light to Those Around Us, Sharing the Message of Jesus' Salvation?
As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect His light and share the message of His salvation with those around us. Here are practical ways we can be a light to others:
1. Live a Christ-Centered Life
A. Demonstrate Love and Compassion: Show genuine love and compassion to others, just as Jesus did. Acts of kindness, empathy, and service reflect His light and open opportunities to share the gospel.
B. Exhibit Integrity and Honesty: Live with integrity and honesty in all areas of life. Your behavior can speak volumes about your faith and attract others to Jesus.
C. Maintain a Positive Attitude: Let the joy and peace of Christ shine through you. A positive attitude, especially in challenging times, can be a powerful testimony to others.
2. Share Your Testimony
a. Personal Story: Share your personal testimony of how Jesus has changed your life. Your story of transformation and hope can resonate with others and inspire them to seek Jesus.
b. God’s Work in Your Life: Talk about specific instances where you have experienced God’s guidance, provision, and blessings. These real-life examples can illustrate the power of Jesus' light.
3. Engage in Meaningful Conversations
A. Listen Actively: Show genuine interest in others by listening to their stories, struggles, and questions. This builds trust and opens doors for deeper conversations about faith.
B. Speak Boldly: Don’t be afraid to talk about your faith. Share the gospel message clearly and confidently, explaining who Jesus is and why His salvation is essential.
4. Serve Your Community
a. Acts of Service: Participate in acts of service within your community. Whether it's volunteering at a local shelter, helping a neighbor, or participating in community clean-ups, service demonstrates the love of Jesus.
b. Meet Practical Needs: Identify and meet the practical needs of those around you. Providing food, clothing, or support to those in need can be a tangible expression of God’s love.
Examples of Outreach and Evangelism That Embody Jesus' Light
1. Community Outreach Programs
A. Food Drives and Soup Kitchens: Organize or volunteer at food drives and soup kitchens. Providing meals for the hungry not only meets physical needs but also offers opportunities to share the love of Jesus.
B. Clothing and Supply Donations: Collect and distribute clothing, school supplies, and other essentials to those in need. Partnering with local organizations can extend your reach and impact.
2. Evangelistic Events and Activities
a. Outdoor Worship Services: Host outdoor worship services or concerts in public places. This creates a welcoming environment for those who may not feel comfortable attending a traditional church service.
b. Holiday Celebrations: Organize events around major holidays like Christmas and Easter. These celebrations can include special services, community meals, and outreach activities that share the gospel.
3. Small Groups and Bible Studies
A. Home Bible Studies: Invite neighbors and friends to small group Bible studies in your home. This intimate setting can foster deeper discussions and relationships.
B. Public Bible Studies: Conduct Bible studies in public places like parks, cafes, or community centers. This can attract those who are curious about faith and create opportunities for evangelism.
4. Personal Evangelism
a. Friendship Evangelism: Build genuine friendships with non-believers. Through these relationships, you can naturally share your faith and invite them to explore Christianity.
b. Workplace Witnessing: Be a light in your workplace by maintaining a strong work ethic, showing kindness, and being open about your faith. Look for opportunities to pray for and with colleagues, and share the gospel when appropriate.
5. Digital Evangelism
A. Social Media: Use social media platforms to share Bible verses, personal testimonies, and encouraging messages. Engage with others through comments and direct messages to discuss faith.
B. Blogs and Vlogs: Create a blog or vlog to share your faith journey, discuss biblical topics, and provide resources for spiritual growth. This can reach a broad audience and spark meaningful conversations.


Being a light to those around us involves living a Christ-centered life, sharing our testimony, engaging in meaningful conversations, and serving our community. Through various outreach and evangelism efforts, we can embody the light of Jesus and share the message of His salvation. By being intentional and compassionate, we can make a significant impact and guide others towards the hope and truth found in Christ.
In light of these powerful truths about Jesus as our light, let’s summarize what we have learned and consider how we can apply these insights to our lives.


In conclusion, we have journeyed through three key scriptures that illuminate Jesus as the light of salvation. Matthew 6:22 teaches us the importance of keeping our spiritual vision healthy. John 1:9 reveals Jesus as the true light entering the world to bring salvation. Luke 2:32 highlights the inclusive nature of Jesus’ light, extending salvation to all people. As we go forth this week, let us examine our spiritual vision, reflect Jesus' light in our daily lives, and share His light with others. Let's pray for the courage and opportunities to be true bearers of His light. Amen.


Heavenly Father,
We come before You with grateful hearts, thanking You for the light of Jesus, the true light that brings salvation to all. We thank You for the powerful truths revealed to us today and for the ways You have illuminated our understanding of Your love and grace.
Lord, help us to keep our spiritual eyes healthy and focused on You. Let Your light guide our paths, dispelling any darkness that seeks to cloud our vision. May we always seek Your truth and walk in Your ways, reflecting Your light in all that we do.
As we leave this place, empower us to be lights in our communities. Give us the courage to share the message of Jesus' salvation with those around us. Help us to live lives that shine with Your love, compassion, and integrity, drawing others to You.
Father, we pray for opportunities to serve and witness to those who need Your light the most. Open our eyes to see the needs around us and fill us with Your Spirit, so we may boldly proclaim the gospel and bring hope to the hopeless.
We ask for Your protection and guidance as we go forth, that we may continually grow in our relationship with You and be transformed by Your light. Let our lives be a testimony to Your goodness and faithfulness.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.
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